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Joined 1 years ago

I want to believe.... but the morph has always been exactly.

"nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table."

But I want to believe...

Edit: looking back at previous shittymorph posts. Grammar, punctuation and delivery is at much higher standard... I'm sad 😢. I'm hoping that I'm way way wrong. Can anyone reach out to shittymorph on reddit to confirm?

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I mean they want to pirate people and expect everyone else to be okay with it.

😢 I don't know what to feel anymore.

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I mostly will miss being able to google something and adding "reddit" to my search to search for public opinion on day to day issues and problems.

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Confirmed imposter. Sorry everyone. 😢

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This seems like it's a ploy just to get attention and traffic. Seems that it's working as I'm seeing it in all the news sites.

Yeah... Per reps children don't have any rights after exiting the womb. Sooo this is not surprising.

Definitely sounds like Cigna. Several doctor practices have told me that Cigna rejects alot of insurance claims when other agencies don't give them as many difficulties.

Hey, girl I've got somethin' real important to give you

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Unsure if anyone can clarify. But my understanding that simply downloading a watching isn't an issue.

Selling illegally copied content is what can cause real legal issues.

I'm uncertain of any cases of anyone getting in trouble for simply watching copied content.

Example... 1st user pirates movies or videos and uploads them to YouTube or any streaming company.

2nd User then streams or downloads them to watch them offline. I've yet to see the 2nd user in this scenario face legal consequences.


2nd User then streams or downloads content and makes money off it. Here I see the 2nd user have legal issues.

Again I'm just a regular guy going based on regular guy logic.

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Careful what you wish for. 2024 EA announces remaster of Zen Pinball.

I work with a lot of retirees. Many daycare centers require full access and history to their retirees to know how much their making. Wether they gave 3k or 7k or monthly income they want it all.

No difference in what service is provided regardless of the pay to the institution either.

Unsure if regulation would help or hurt this industry but it may be necessary.

That's just Sikh...