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Good, now North America needs to do the same. Sick of touchscreens. Also make it so it's harder to steal my car too thanks.

I'm an alcoholic, come from a family of alcoholics, grew up in an alcoholic home, have suffered consequences from living and being around alcohol addiction. I find this chuckle worthy. Not everything has to be serious and treated with kid gloves. I'm planning on sending this to my friend who is also struggling with alcohol addiction, and I know she'll find it funny.

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Ya but in this case he's not an actual earl, Earl is his first name.

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It might be impossible where you are from (because it's better implemented or controlled there, I don't know) but in Canada our health care has turned to shit (our healthcare system was struggling pre-pandemic and is now even worse). There were instances of First Nation mothers being forced or strongly encouraged immediately after giving birth (when they aren't of sound mind) to be sterilized. If something as horrendous as that can happen, it's not much of a stretch to believe that bad acting health care workers might try to force people who are vulnerable to agree to euthanasia.


Sushi doesn't last long after its made. But I don't like food waste so looked up ways to make it taste okay after it's gone stale or the avocado starts browning and getting mushy. Cut it up with scissors and pan fry it in some oil. It's not bad. Add veggies or whatever if you want.

I DON'T UNDERSTAND Someone help me

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Whatever you tell yourself to help cope with your own anxiety about drowning I guess.. I nearly drowned and I can tell you it was not euphoric breathing in water.

A wikipedia written by only verified trusted experts is called an encyclopedia, we have those online now. I think there was once a wikipedia-like online encyclopedia way back when in the late 90s or early 2000s that would only allow verified experts in whichever subject to participate to edit and create articles. I can't find what I'm talking about atm but it basically died from lack of participation and only had a hundred or so entries.

I would guess that the joke is when you are addicted to alcohol and are attempting to quit, it feels like temptations are shoved in your face from every direction and can feel inescapable. The dudes being chased by a beer he doesn't want like it's Freddy Kruger.

Apparently he used to own back in 1999 before it merged with PayPal (or something like that).

From Wikipedia: On July 5, 2017, Musk repurchased the domain name from PayPal. He explained later that he bought the website because "it has great sentimental value".

Probably bought twitter just to have an excuse to use the domain again for something. That guy has too much money.

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A saltine

You maybe should have tried harder to resist.

Yeah, plants aren't stationary. All plants move, just very, very slowly compared to animals. Looking at time lapse videos of vines growing, reaching out for something to grab on to and stuff is pretty neat. They kind of whip around in circles until they feel they've hit something worth grabbing onto.

This is what the internet used to be like. You'd have a very simple webpage/website set up dedicated to a hobby or something personal that might interest you and put it out there for people to come across and read. I really miss this era of the internet.

They are actually considering adding warning labels to booze in Canada like they have on cigarette packages. I'm unsure if they'll go full gory photos of damaged organs and dying people but they are thinking of putting a label of some sort on it.

They likely live in a different place than you do Sounds like you got it way better, congrats

Suicide is contagious. It's the reason why schools are recommended against having memorial pages in yearbooks and stuff for students who killed themselves. It encourages more suicides.

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How will we ever know for sure if plants have their own form of consciousness that doesn't follow a list of requirements that's based on animals, or can feel pain.

I haven't had a FB account in years, but a friend has been on it for nearly 2 decades. They said there's no longer any posts from people on their Friends lists, it's become nearly all ads/spam as they scroll.

Judging by what you've written in comments about your neighbours, don't talk to them. Call bylaw. It might take a couple times. If you approach them now and ask them to keep their dog leashed and they don't listen, and THEN call bylaw, they will know it was you and possibly start targeting you for harassment because they know it was you who "rattled" on them. I've seen this happen. It's not worth the drama and headache. This is sort of what bylaw is for. So neighbours aren't at each other's throats.


You're thinking of Staffordshire bull Terriers. American pit bulls can get to 70lbs. That's nothing to sneeze at. Pit bulls are strong, tough dogs. They can pull the bumpers off of cars like it's paper. It doesn't matter if they aren't the size of a Great Dane, one of even 45 lbs would have no issue getting through chicken wire and killing his birds. The fact his neighbours are letting the dog wander around unsupervised also likely means they aren't going to bother training the dog properly, which is dangerous with any breed but especially one as strong as the pit bull types. This is a recipe for someone getting their face chewed off.

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I somehow knew you'd pull the "you're a dog racist!" card. Hopefully your dogs never encounter a poorly controlled pittie. It's a really horrible sight to see what they're capable of.

I read it all. Why do the emojis offend you so much? They're just tiny pictures.

I am currently ttc and they made me get tested to see how my antibodies were for measles, mumps and rubella (and some other diseases we were vaccinated against in childhood). My rubella antibodies were pretty much non existent now. It can wear off over the decades. Was told I should get the MMR booster before becoming pregnant. So I guess maybe its not a bad idea for us adults to get our antibodies tested, or maybe go ahead and get the booster if its available in your country or area if you are in your thirties or older. Especially since a bunch of parents are no longer vaccinating their children, the herd immunity isn't protecting those who either were unable to get vaccinated or the antibodies from infection/vaccination have worn off. My stepfather completely lost his hearing in his right ear because he got measles as a boy (before the vaccine was created). So even ignoring the horrible painful rash you get, it can also make you deaf, blind, or kill you. A lot of us have forgotten how damaging these diseases can be, we've been spoiled by our vaccine protection. Even if you got your MMR shots as an infant it does wear off and you will no longer be protected by herd immunity.

edit: i wrote father in law instead of stepfather

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I liked that movie, although the couple from die Antwoord are terrible actors, I found it a bit distracting. I still recommend people watch it.

So now this guy has to spend his time and money training his neighbours dog? How is that a solution. It's not his dog. Also if the owners aren't training the dog, training by anyone else won't stick. It has to be consistent with everyone who is living with the dog.

You seem like one of those people who own pit bull types just to act self righteous about it. They are dangerous animals (and it's our fault as humans for breeding that into them), there is more to them than just being "bull headed".

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Thanks for taking the time to do that for us

Maybe tumbleweeds? I think..

I blame How I Met Your Mother

The Blob (80s version), The Thing, and House. The first two still hold up really well but the third one I rewatched as an adult and it was so stupid I was embarrassed I had been so terrified of it as a little kid.

It might be because you aren't a visible minority that you haven't witnessed it, you don't notice it happening because it's not on your radar that it could happen.

Yeah I was also really surprised by the contagiousness of suicide. When I first saw the article I linked I thought "how cruel they won't give a student a space in the yearbook, it would help the grieving family so much". Then I read it all and it made sense. I feel horrible for those families but at the same time they likely don't want to be responsible for other families suffering what they have gone through just to have a photo of their child in the yearbook.

Also won't snag your belt loops

You don't let it cool completely but for like 5 minutes. The cheese solidifies a bit more once it's not blistering hot so when you slice the pizza the toppings are less likely to slough off. It keeps the cheese on the slice instead of being dragged with the scissors or slicer. Same idea with lasagna or shepherd's pie, it holds it shape a bit better instead of spilling apart into a mess when you try to serve it.

Yeah, kind of overkill for someone to block you over that exchange.

Damn you! 😆

You really have no idea what life has been like for the people in Ukraine at the hands of Russia, or you wouldn't reduce this to a "childish stance". How can you lack such empathy for Ukrainians?