P03 Locke

@P03 Locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com
17 Post – 809 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Konami, as a video games company, died the day it fired Kojima.

I'm no Kojima fanboy, as the guy is all over the place on story and structure. But, Konami made that decision in favor of pachinko machines, so that choice gets to haunt them and disgrace them as a company for the rest of its life.

I love my network pork! Tastes like bacon!

A vast majority of the public didn't do this or know how to do this.

It failed because the PS2 was dominating at the time, and Sega didn't know how to launch a console, even if they had a gun pointed at their head.

There is so much wrong with just the title of this article:

  1. What marketplace? CivitAI is free. Unstable Diffusion Discord is free. Stable Diffusion is free. All of the models and LoRAs are free to download. The only cost is a video card (even a basic one) and some time to figure this shit out.
  2. "Everyone is for sale". No, that's current fucking situation, where human trafficking runs rampant throughout the sex and porn industry. AI porn is conflict-free. You don't need to force an underaged, kidnapped teenager to perform a sex act in front of a camera to create AI porn.
  3. "For Sale". Again, where's the sale? This shit is free.

A 404 Media investigation shows that recent developments

Get the fuck outta here! This two bit blog want to call itself "a 404 Media investigation"? Maybe don't tackle subjects you have no knowledge or expertise in.

The Product

Repeat: FOR FREE! No product!

In one user’s feed, I saw eight images of the cartoon character from the children's’ show Ben 10, Gwen Tennyson, in a revealing maid’s uniform. Then, nine images of her making the “ahegao” face in front of an erect penis. Then more than a dozen images of her in bed, in pajamas, with very large breasts. Earlier the same day, that user generated dozens of innocuous images of various female celebrities in the style of red carpet or fashion magazine photos. Scrolling down further, I can see the user fixate on specific celebrities and fictional characters, Disney princesses, anime characters, and actresses, each rotated through a series of images posing them in lingerie, schoolgirl uniforms, and hardcore pornography.

Have you seen Danbooru? Or F95 Zone? This shit is out there, everywhere. Rule 34 has existed for decades. So has the literal site called "Rule 34". You remember that whole Tifa porn video that showed up in an Italian court room? Somebody had to animate that. 3D porn artists takes its donations from Patreon. Are you going to go after Patreon, too?

These dumbasses are describing things like they've been living in a rock for the past 25 years, watching cable TV with no Internet access, just NOW discovered AI porn as their first vice, and decided to write an article about it to get rid of the undeserved guilt of what they found.

What a shitty, pathetic attempt at creating some sort of moral panic.

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  • 10 - Don't humiliate women in any way, shape, or form
  • 16 - I'm allowed to rape and violate you

Who the fuck is this toxic person?

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It's not tech. It's capitalism.

God damn, I feel like this is the same as that other shit article.

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Steve Jobs didn't innovate a thing in his life. Apple has always been stealing tech and pretending that they created it.

Now with this new version, they don't even have much anything to steal. At best, they pretended that the EU didn't force them to adopt USB 3 and boast how much faster it is than Lightning port.

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While I'm glad some good news came out of this, can we maybe focus on the 1,600 other people that are missing or died during the Hamas attack? News media has this obsession over reporting on young white females in peril.

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Former EA CEO will be replaced in interim by James Whitehurst from IBM/Red Hat.

Is that better or worse?

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I wished they mentioned Lemmy, but at least they are talking about Mastodon. I don't understand why more media outlets aren't switching away from Twitter, given how brazen Elon is with his enshittification.

EDIT: Away from Twitter, not to Twitter.

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When you get articles like this, the first thing you should ask is "Who the fuck is Firstpost?"

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Copyright should be set to its original 25 year limits. Then we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.

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No, that's not how open-source or open-source philosophies work. They share their work because they were able to download other people's work, and sometimes people improve upon their own work.

These aren't corporations. You don't need to immediately jump to capitalistic conclusions. Just jump on Unstable Diffusion Discord or CivitAI yourself. It's all free.

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That needed to be explained? We needed an entire article to talk about how right-wing bullshit is... actually bullshit?

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Exactly. This has nothing to do with AI and everything to do with UBI.

But, the rich and plebes alike will push AI as the Boogeyman as a distraction from the real enemy.

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I don't know why this is such a surprise. Republicans want to banish anybody who's different from them: blacks, gays, trans, liberals, strong and independent women, anybody with a shred of empathy.

Republicans saying the quiet part out loud doesn't really change anything.

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Privately-owned companies with no ties to venture capitalists are just plain better than corpos that worry too much about "line go up".


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Don't say "Congress". Say "Republicans".

The bipartisan bill is also supported by the right-wing Heritage Foundation

Vice, you keep saying "bipartisan", but then you don't prove your point with left-wing groups that are supporting it.

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Probably spent it all on cable TV ads, where their audience ain't at.

Or just blow and hookers.

Blaming the public over corporations is the #1 reason why we are in this mess in the first place. For decades, the narrative has been "it's your fault and you need to change your habits". It is a pointless and useless narrative because nobody is going to actively change anything like that until they are forced to. Even when we make moderate, easy efforts to do stuff like recycling, the recycling companies bitch and moan about how they can't ship this shit off to China to let them do the work, and then throw away most of it, anyway. We PAY recycling companies to recycle this shit and they can't be bothered to figure out how to recycle it. We PAY THEM to take away materials to use in new products, not the other way around.

In every aspect of people's lives, you will find that corporations use up 90% of the resources that the general public use because corporations deal in economies-of-scale far bigger than anything a person or even a country can do. Corporations have been pushing the "blame the public" narrative to shift focus away from the decades of abuse they will continue to inflict on the planet. Corporation shit all over everything, and they will continue to do so in the name of profit. That is exactly what they are designed to do.

It takes governmental effort and regulations against the corporations to stop this sort of thing. They do it for clean water, and CFCs, and automotive design, and architecture, and many many other things. Why? Because a minority group of people who are struggling to make a living is never going to have enough power and clout as a large corporation or a government.

Ads can either be identified and blocked, or they are so hidden that the FTC gets involved.

This is a no-win situation for Twitter.

Yeah, the format is that she repeats the second panel on the fourth panel, with more question marks and concern. This version is almost like explaining the joke here.

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  1. Argue that it's not hot outside
  2. Go outside in 120F weather
  3. Die
  4. Darwinism
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No company "only realizes" anything when it comes to their financials. They had forecasts for the entire year, and accountants keeping track of that shit on daily basis. Every CEO gets together with their CFO on the regular. They know exactly where the company is headed financially, and they prepare what they are going to say to their shareholders quarterly.

Layoffs like this are always planned. The fact that they aren't capitalizing on the Unity fuck-up to make up the difference shows their ineptitude.

Is this a screenshot from a porn video?

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I show up to my work chatrooms and video calls 5 times a day. My bosses treat me like a professional adult. I get my shit done, fight fires, and communicate to my team and co-workers just fine. My morning routine involves not driving to work, because it's a goddamn waste of my time.

If you can't handle remote work, your employees will find places that can. Adapt or die!

AI isn't writing the books. Humans are directing AI to write the books to scam people.

This is no different from a person who has no fucking clue about foraging writing their own foraging book. Amazon has had a scam writing problem with their book catalogue for years now. AI is just making that process easier.

(Look, I know the video is long, but it's really good content.)

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Anybody who has played the game will know how much of a dumbass take this is. It's no more a "slot machine simulator" than Doom is a "military training simulator".

Even investors pay attention to the news, and this single picture speaks louder than words.

Let's be real. HBO wanted to hold on to their cash cow for as long as possible, but D&D just shat all over the last season to get that sweet Star Wars cash.

Nobody was on-board with anything in that last season except D&D, who just wanted to finish it off as fast as possible. Not even the actors.

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Used to be Reddit Gold, but it's funny how losing a bunch of goodwill impacts a source of income based on social popularity.

We already knew that. This is just upholding an obvious decision that was really already established long before AI was on the scene. If a human didn't create it, it can't be copyrightable.

The problem that the courts haven't really answered yet is: How much human input is needed to copyright something? 5%? 20%? 50%? 80%? If some AI wrote most of a script and a human writer cleaned it up, is that enough? There is a line, but the courts haven't drawn that yet.

Also, fuck copyrights. They only benefit the rich, anyway.

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I didn't like the false equivalency that was oozing from this episode.

“It actually makes him more subject to scrutiny,” Stewart said.

This is why liberals lose. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. Democrats take a tiny issue and use it as an excuse to not vote. Republicans vote to a fault.

Come Election Day, Stewart said, “If your guy loses, bad things might happen, but the country is not over. And if your guy wins, the country is in no way saved.”

When a fuckhead who tried to incite an insurrection, fan the flames to murder the VP, steal boxes and boxes of classified documents, leak classified information that got CIA agents killed, along with the 150 other high crimes, is still trying to run for president, it isn't a matter of whether "your guy" loses.

This is a question of whether democracy dies in America.

If Jon has lost sight of that, he doesn't deserve an audience.

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Speak for yourself. GIMP rules, and DaVinci Resolve (not OSS, but still free) does just fine.

Fuck Adobe.

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They expect you to spend $60 on a game plus microtransactions?

I put away 50 to 100+ hours into games that cost me $15. Why doesn't everybody else do this? Does high-end 3D graphics actually matter that much to people?

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As it turns out, fundamentalists are actually terrorists.

Don't resist. Leave. Tell employers that are hostile to remote workers that you can find work elsewhere.

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No one ever had doubts how type B or mini B or micro B go in.

I agree with most of your post, but micro B is a step too far. That fucking plug was always inserted with the following procedure:

  1. Try to plug it in.
  2. Flip the side and try to plug it in again.
  3. Flip it again because you had the right damn side the first time.

Always, always, always.

Recent history? I've never even heard of anything like this in all of human history.

Assassin kills a prominent leader. Public opinion for leader falls and people tend to side with the assassin. Government makes reforms to achieve assassin's goals. Name one other case like that.

Maybe the French Revolution, but that was a large group of people, not one assassin completely changing public opinion for an entire movement.