Skill Up - I absolutely do not recommend: Suicide Squad - Kill the Justice League (Review)

P03 to – 62 points –
I absolutely do not recommend: Suicide Squad - Kill the Justice League (Review)

A well-balanced look at what they did right (graphics and acting), and the dumb decisions that got them at this point.


A video I’ll have to check out later. It has however, been a game absolutely getting “Astro turfed” into social media in my experience though (as in, I get a ton of tiktoks of people saying “wow this scene was so sick!!” But it’s the same 2 scenes every time and neither of them are cool in any way) - and that’s normally a pretty bad sign.

The game is to me like every mortal combat game. You go on YouTube and wnantch the finishers abd the easter eggs, but don't olay that janky game.

Skill up is such a solid content creator, highly recommend across the board!

They filled the "Totalbiscuit reads the weekly gaming news" niche and for that, they have my continued support and attention.

I still miss TB. Would’ve loved to have seen him tear into the modern gaming world of terrible ports and live service hellscapes. Can’t believe it’s been 6 years already…

Overall I recommend Skill up, but I would add that anything Destiny (and probably by extension Bungie) related should be taken with a huge grain of salt. He's a huge destiny fan and as such his reviews of Destiny tend to be pretty biased.

Tbf, he does bash them quite harshly and make fun of them a lot.

I think if he had been as harsh with Lightfall as he is with some other games he wouldn't have painted it an overall positive expansion and given it a recommendation.

I can always just skip those bits.

But it is annoying that they will talk Destiny updates for several minutes, but won't mention other games in passing. Like, I don't actually care about competitive Pokemon, but they just removed the Sleep Clause, which is like, the one and only thing people actually know about competitive Pokemon. You'd think they'd at least make a small comment on it, specially with all the attention Palworld got, but nah. For a multiplayer game to get a mention it seems to need to be owned by Blizzard or Epic.

Do they usually comment on fan news? Pokémon Showdown (which just removed Sleep Clause from their formats, and instead banned most of the moves that cause sleep) is a fan site; the official format is VGC which has never had Sleep Clause.

There will always be a certain demographic of people who will buy the trash no matter what. Games have devolved into appeasing clueless mass consumers so they can make a quick buck and bounce out and on to the next "current thing" for people to latch onto and mindlessly consume.

I really like the Suicide Squad conceptually, but their tie-in media is just not cutting it, eh? I had a bad feeling about this one as soon as they announced it would be a live-service game.

Maybe it's time to check out the comics, even though I'm not much of a comic reader usually. If there are good Suicide Squad stories, they must be hiding in the original media! (I did like the 2016 movie, but I got the impression that was not the most popular opinion.)

Check out the Justice League Unlimited episode "Task Force X." Imo it's one of the better Suicide Squad renditions.