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Joined 1 years ago

You only dislike it because whatever bad app you're using to share them on doesn't support them.

Stop being the gullible fool and start hating the apps not the file format.

Edit: I also spot your .gif favouritism in there. .gif is an archaic and wasteful format, and asking for it is the same as looking at your car and whining that the fuel has no lead.

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I feel like I should recommend Dwarf Fortress but I also feel like I should NOT recommend Dwarf Fortress.

Look, I'll just leave Dwarf Fortress here in the corner, peering into the room and the rest of us can try to ignore it. But it's there.

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I read that this was stated entirely as a joke, and I read that 2 months ago in the middle of people looking for pathetic excuses to not stop using reddit.

I thought Lemmy would have stopped propagating it without a source.

That's the neat part: We're all browsing the same content.

People who call this whole thing complicated are just, I dunno, incapable of understanding the concept of logging in? It doesn't matter what door you go in, it's all (mostly) the same room.

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And if people DO start being problematic, reddit mods will just start erasing things by hand. They were spotted doing it last year.

Honestly, the correct way to protest would be to just spam KBIN and Lemmy everywhere in /r/place.

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Yeah, I read an article from someone explaining the actual user experience in Threads and it's abysmal. You try to curate your feed and instead of getting what you expect, you get content from the likes of people your followers followed followed and are left wondering who the hell everyone is. It's far from the type of setup you get on Instagram.

With that said, Threads had lost half its users ages ago. This headline is sensational, and the platform could easily recover. I don't want to give it much weight.

Oh, you're young

"Hide all American news" would basically fix 50% of the issues.

It's a bad idea to assume everyone in the field is of a similar mindset and philosophy. There are a LOT of people who genuinely want to make the world worse and see things like adblocking as piracy.

In fact, I've met people who hate the concept of Open Source and want things to be closer to creative fields. They're shortsighted of course, greedy. But the basis doesn't change the outcome. Yes, it's blatantly their desires to "own" a piece of code the same way musicians often own a movie's score and get licensing fees on them that led that path. But they still walked it and they still exist and they're still out there, hoping for the day they get to go against you.

I mean, what makes something official in your opinion? I could just open one now and it'd be as <fictional institution> approved as any other.

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Only 47%? Really?

Politics aren't genetic.

But they ARE communal. Where you grow decides 90% of what you believe in.

It's actually why I disagree with the top comment chain that smarter means more left leaning. I think it's more that left leaning communities have better education standards and lead to smarter generations. Cause and effect reversed.

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Both assholes. Their "are you sure OwO???" tactics is just typical assholery that I'd have straight up made illegal were I the FTC, but you did go in specifically intending to abuse them, so I would urge you to take the loss as some sort of "lesson learned tax".

Well, the loss of the first month, don't have them be entitled to more. Those three other months are assholery that should never be rewarded.

Edit: I also don't think this belongs in /c/Technology. There's asklemmy for this stuff.

I'm okay with Alemmynum, I'm pretty low cost.

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I mean, recently? "Just use the official app, it's the same thing", lmao.

But overall, the worst of all time was someone telling me how to cope with a lack of friends by suggesting some stupid, isolating hobbies.

Seriously, 10 years ago, the best way to find any info on a video game was to go on gamefaqs, ign guides, the steam community or a dedicated wiki.

Nowadays, it objectively still is the exact same, but google will give results for NONE OF THEM unless if you specify. There's a truckload of those SEO garbage.

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I could actually find my subscriptions feed on Lemmy


Well, I actually got an invite. Which is a gigantic barrier of entry, and is enough of an answer. But more to the point: It was boring as hell inside.

That is it?

Oh, no, not even close. There were more places I made an account for just as a placeholder thing. Some of them were actually nasty (one called communities straight up had transphobic memes on the frontpage) Lemmy is actually the best on offer. Period.

At this point, they'll just say "yeah, but these people did a crime. I don't do crimes so I have nothing to worry about". The problem with that mentality, I would hope, doesn't need to be stated.

I stopped trying to change the world.

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Like, they're giving users monopoly money, and try to pass it off as control. Like, the fuck are they gonna do with the monopoly money?

Plus imagine if users actually believe the monopoly money is important. We're back on the days of BB Forums where you can make a factual point but oops, you're level 2 and the forum regular (4506 posts) just called you a cocksucker.

Edit: Oh god, the moderator wallet thing. They're letting moderators moderate themselves. This is going to set off a massive amount of infighting as some admins will take the whole wallet and the other moderators will call them out and the seriousness of the whole thing (moderation teams not getting along) will get drowned out with all the people shitposting about fighting for monopoly money.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read.

Follow-up Shower thought: Sentient Robots will not require rest or sleep, and thus, will automatically suffer through this.

12 more...

He deserves Musk.

Earlier on Lemmy's life, there was someone here telling people of how many fake reddit stories they had written to places like Am I The Asshole using numerous alts.

And how they were convinced of doing it because they were an editor, and they were used to seeing so much badly written anecdotes with no respect for narrative or proper focus on details of importance... Until Reddit hapenned and flipped that. It was a source of far too many interesting and well edited stories and something was off. They were certain that the average person with a story to tell was far less educated in English, far less capable of shorthanding detail, than what Reddit had to offer on average, and the answer was that people were just using it as a creative writing exercise platform. So, they used it that way too, since they wanted to bea fiction writer.

That's partially to blame for all 196 communities having this weird "if you know you know" approach to writing their mission statement and rules. I've seen numerous people ask wth is 196 because of how vague the communities they saw were.

But, particularly about the social politics, here's also the thing I think. Trans rights are human rights. Communities fall under two categories: Welcoming to trans people, versus inherently evil. So I don't think that a community is pro-trans should ever have to be stated. It should be assume, and whoever has a problem with it should go fuck off from society, Satan has a place for them.

I didn't really think much of it myself, but when I joined, for like two weeks, joining instances was a bit harder due to some being closed and others having sporadic downtime. So one very common joke was people saying "Lemmy In! LEMMY IN!"

I mean, good advice if it's for someone who's prone to build codependent relationships. Which still, no one but a professional therapist should be diagnosing.

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They did and it was visible, since the admin account name would be on those pixels.

We'll figure out something original. For now, I'd first like the have basic quality of life features, things like polls and stuff like that.

I'll be willing to talk to you eye to eye when no one in the world has a personal networth above 275 million dollars.

No one going to point out users self-host their servers?

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It's updates for the cybersecurity that exists strictly only because it is connected to the internet which in turn is something that exists strictly only because there's software updates.

Megaman Battle Network was prophetic. Terrorist will flood your house using a phone.

Brb, taping some PS3's together.

Whenever you try to get an answer to something like "What movie was the Be Like Water line from" and you can NOT find anything other than a bunch of articles with tons of paragraphs wasting your time - that's the SEO spam tactics. Those articles chose words that made themselves easier to be indexed by Google, but don't actually want to answer that question.

And yes. I literally looked this up this week.

I still don't fucking know if it came from Enter the Dragon or some other short series. I just gave up. Google has enshitified news articles on the internet and has to seriously consider retraining their algorithm to negatively impact shit like that.

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You made me think of the comic with a guy at the computer reminiscing about some time in the past where he was at the computer.

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I really dislike the foldables that open to tablet mode. And I love foldables that become a square because they have none of the drawbacks while looking cool as shit when un/pocketing.

despite them completely hiding it in the trailers and promotional material


Oh, I'm on mobile. Let me do that dragging on the keyboard thing.


Oh shit!

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The "official app" experience is not everyone's experience tho. Of course several people say theirs didn't change, but they were accepting shit anyways.

Should have left a link to a community on lemmy or kbin or discord or steam or clubpenguin forum or a listing for a pink toy car on amazon and also quiet quit.

People within the community would slowly realize the mods were gone and its most active users would realize it had a new home. The inactive, uncaring or inattentive ones, well, they didn't pass the test.

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When I see someone parked awfully, I do give them the benefit of the doubt that they might have parked where there was room, and someone else before them parked even more absurdly bad.

But I wouldn't if they show up making that kind of a scene.

We could even... Charge twice!

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