14 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hate Tesla and especially the Cybertruck as much as the next guy, but this was a highway test and that sounds like a completely normal result.

I own a Bolt EV which is rated for 259 miles of range. On the highway, that's more like ~220. That sounds bad, but the other side of it is that I get ~300 miles of range during my normal work commutes through the city. This is just how EVs are, the estimated range is based on a mixed test. EVs are backwards compared to ICE, you'll get ~20% less range than the EPA estimate driving highway speeds and ~20% more doing purely city driving.

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I know they’re probably joking, but the Steam forums are so generally unhinged that I wouldn’t be surprised if this person is serious.

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Watching live service games crash and burn is just so cathartic.

When I was a kid, for some reason I really wanted coal for Christmas and I was diappointed that only the bad kids got it. My parents decided to mess with me one year by hiding all my actual presents and only putting a piece of coal in my stocking. I was thrilled and thought it was so cool. I have no idea why I thought it was cool, I was a weird kid. My parents gave up on the joke before I even realized that none of the presents under the tree had my name on them. I was entirely happy with the piece of coal.

Ironically, it's become one of my favorite Christmas memories and it's one of few presents I still have as an adult.


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I'm surprised that the fediverse is as popular as it is, I would've guessed <500k. That's awesome. I'm also shocked that Threads is apparently that popular, I completely forgot it existed immediately after it launched. I also didn't know that Snapchat still existed, so maybe I'm just out of touch on social media stuff.

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“Child” -> “Small hamas fighter”

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Just tried it, and yep, that solved that problem.

I daily drive Fedora, but I’ve used Arch, OpenSUSE, Debian, and more. Once you get used to how Linux works, distro doesn’t really matter that much aside from edge case distros that operate totally differently like Nix. I chose Fedora because I like the dnf package manager.

The only distro I don’t like is Ubuntu. I had to setup a Linux VM at work so I figured Ubuntu would be a good choice for that. Firefox is painfully slow to open because of Snap, so I uninstall it and run “apt install firefox” which Ubuntu overrides and installs the Snap again.

Fuck. That. Deleted the VM and installed Debian instead.

This is a topic people get really defensive about and I've never understood why. If you look at a discussion thread about the oil industry, everyone is in agreement that the world needs to reduce its dependency on oil and people seem open to changing their own habits to help with that (to an extent and where possible). Same with energy generation, most people are happy that solar and wind power generation is becoming more widely used, and even opinions on nuclear energy plants seem to be shifting to a more positive light.

And then there's the meat industry, awful from a moral standpoint and detrimental from an environmental sustainability standpoint, and this is the topic where people are suddenly "wElL tOO bAd I'M sTiLL EaTiNg sTEak EveRY dAY."

I do not get it. Like I'm not vegan, but I've still cut out almost all meat from my diet and will happily try out or switch to totally vegan options when possible. Vegans are right about this, even if some of them are assholes about it. I'm not going to defend my non-vegan choices in my diet, sometimes I'm just lazy, but I still try to be better because it's the right thing to do.

Genuinely curious why this topic riles people up so much if anyone has an answer.

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Well now I want a story about an ace cowboy woman

I want to give ogre a hug

I had no idea it wasn't counted towards the refund period previously.

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Users will have the option to disable data upload before any data is sent for the first time. Our service will be operated by Fedora on Fedora infrastructure, and will not depend on Google Analytics or any other controversial third-party services. And in contrast to proprietary software operating systems, you can redirect the data collection to your own private metrics server instead of Fedora's to see precisely what data is being collected from you, because the server components are open source too.

To be fair, if they want to collect telemetry data, this is probably the best way to do it.

Traveling at high speeds just takes a lot of power regardless of fuel, but ICE cars are so inefficient in city driving it makes highways look good in comparison. 25-50mph might be more efficient, but every time you brake that kinetic energy is turned into waste heat, totally negating the benefit of driving slower.

EVs on the other hand have regenerative braking systems. Rather than using friction to slow the car down, they just use the motors by applying resistance to the wheels. The kinetic energy is used to charge the battery while slowing the car down. You get the benefit of slower speeds without much braking loss, so this is where EVs shine.

My first job was in a grocery store deli, and let me tell you that is the worst job to have if your mental health sucks. My last few months there were spent hoping to get hit by a bus so I didn't have to go to work. My last two weeks were the worst two weeks of my life. The customers I dealt with were some of the meanest people I've ever interacted with, all over a $7 bag of gross fried chicken and pasta salad.

This was a several years ago, I have since gotten a job in IT that doesn't make me want to die, but this reminded me of one of few funny stories from my time in the deli:

Remember that They are incapable of reading signs in human languages.

We had a Lemon Capellini salad available. Capellini. Big sign in front of it, can't miss it. Pronounced exactly how it looks. Capellini.

More than half of the people who ordered it could not say that word. A lot of people would stumble through the first two syllables and give up. Some people would throw in some extra letters and create a new word on the spot. Most people avoided saying the word entirely ("lemon salad"). At least one person asked for "lemon speghetti," and I think I had two or three people ask me how it's pronounced.


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AM4 has been around for so long and is owned by so many people, there's still a big market for those who want to upgrade without replacing their motherboard and RAM at the same time.

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Yeah, I was on that slide for a bit, probably around that age as well. Luckily I was too socially awkward to ever bother anyone with it, just kept to myself and watched that garbage.

Wanna know the slightly embarrassing thing that made me reevaluate? One of the channels I watched, which up to this point had almost exclusively made anti-feminist videos, suddenly made a video bashing furries in the same way. I wasn’t a furry, but I had friends who were and it’s usually a very friendly space for a harmless hobby. So I thought, “this is stupid, why would he make a video bashing these people who aren’t harming anyone?” and then it clicked. Took a break from that space and never went back.

So, thanks furries

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Also probably password hashes.

The company did not make it clear from this statement if hashed passwords were accessed by the attacker.

I don't expect good news if they chose not to share that detail.

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I was just pointing out the state of things on an up-to-date distro like Fedora as many times a newer kernel fixes stuff like this and no one bothers to update old reviews. I was already aware of the link you provided (it's literally pinned to the top of the blog post I linked in my main post), but it's irrelevant when I'm talking about the out-of-the-box experience. I only tried the input-remapper fix because someone pointed it out and I wanted to confirm that worked for me.

I didn't make this post to complain about issues or ask for solutions, I'm here looking for interesting ideas and questions about this super cool hardware. This thing's fucking awesome and I wanted to share.

So far I’ve switched 4 people to Linux (with approval and interest obviously, plus unlimited tech support lol). 3 are happier with it than Windows and the other liked Linux but had to switch back to Windows due to some audio production software they needed.

It’s also secretly been an experiment to see what distro is the most user friendly. I have one on Linux Mint, one on Debian, and the other on Fedora Silverblue. All three have been great, but I think the winner is Silverblue so far. I don’t love how quick Silverblue versions become EoL, but it’s also the distro with the easiest updater. It’s an Apple level of simplicity; click update, restart at some point, done. No scary package lists or changelogs, just a nice blue button to press.

Also Flatpak + Flathub continues to be a huge contributor in making Linux friendly to normal people, in my opinion.

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I jumped ship to another carrier right after they were bought out by T-Mobile and I've dodged price hikes and now data breaches. T-Mobile just ruins everything they touch.

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You must be new to Linux as a whole.

lmao i am not

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This is correct, Torx is easily the best standard. Robertson is an acceptable second.

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CDs are still being produced despite most retailers dropping them or massively reducing stock. I’m hoping the same applies for blu-ray.

I want to own the media I pay for. If physical discs go away and there isn’t a DRM-free way to purchase it digitally (not a chance in hell of that happening), I will just pirate what I want to watch.

I buy music because DRM-free digital downloads are the norm.

I buy games because Steam is actually good and DRM-free options are available from Itch and GOG for those with no tolerance for DRM.

The TV and movie industry on the other hand feels like it’s actively trying to get rid of the only remaining way to own the media.

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Nope, I'll even specifically avoid companies that I see or hear excessive ads for. When I needed to change car insurance a while back and had a list of options going, I immediately removed all the ones I could remember seeing advertising for.

Two reasons:

  1. I have an unhealthy hatred of advertising.

  2. They're spending an absurd amount of money on digital spam as opposed to making their product/service better or cheaper. Some percentage of what you pay for in the product is to cover their advertising campaigns, and I prefer that percentage be as small as possible.

In video, common frame rates are 30, 29.97, 24, and 23.976. (Almost) anything else will be a multiple of those. Your monitor might not actually run at 30hz * 4, it runs at 29.97hz * 4 which is why you see an option like 119.88. Sometimes that’s displayed as 120 to the user for simplicity, but in this case they’re showing the actual value (or it might support both).

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I will use your imagination instead, give it to me

Google has trained me to think “I wonder if that still exists” every time I remember one of their products.

The Google graveyard is vast.

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VRR development has actually sped up massively with that huge tech fund investment in Gnome a couple months ago, but it just missed the window to be merged in Gnome 46. It will be in 47 instead.

This is just blank writable discs, movies and TV shows on bluray will continue to be produced... for now.

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It probably doesn’t need that much power, but speed is fun and the extra torque can be useful.

The new Rimac Nevera (an EV hypercar) has over 1800 HP.

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One of the replies in that thread:

I’m know I’m a weirdo but I actually kinda like the corrosion and hopefully the associated patina that will come with it.


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Someone can correct me if I’m mistaken, but as far as I can tell VM gaming has become pointless in recent years.

Proton/Wine will let you run almost everything on Linux with the exception of some games with rootkit anti cheats, and you’re likely to be banned if you run the latter in a VM anyway.

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Fallout New Vegas is one of those games that I wish I liked but just don't. It's hard to get invested in the story or world with weapons and movement that lifeless (maybe the wrong word, can't think of a better description. Robotic? Stiff? Like you and your guns are made out of cardboard? You get the idea).

Are there any must-have mods that improve the gameplay that I'm just totally out of the loop on?

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Nio has seemingly been successful with battery swap stations in their cars, so luckily the concept hasn't been completely abandoned.

Tom Scott trying it out:

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For every major Fedora update I'll try to perform the upgrade from the Gnome Software app just to see if it works, and every time it breaks and I fall back to good ol' dnf system-upgrade. This is the first time upgrading from Software worked for me, and it was fast too. Nice to see all the Software improvements finally paying off.