
4 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am not surprised that Yennefer selling out the Lodge got scrapped. That sounds like a plot thread that deserves way more room to breathe than being crammed into the ending sequence.

Interesting, I make sets of 10. When I see 7 and 6, half of the 6 moves over to make 10 + 3. I say "moves over" because it feels like dividing tokens into sets in my head.

Is all bad online behavior "trolling" now? Isn't "shill" a better word for someone who is paid to surreptitiously promote something?

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said he voted against the reauthorization "because it failed to include the most important requirement to protect Americans' civil rights: that law enforcement get a warrant before targeting a US citizen."

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point

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The $250/month plan supposedly includes unlimited traffic. If there's actually a limit where you're supposed to switch to a more expensive plan with no standardized price, maybe CF should say what the limit is?

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Coming fresh off BG3, the quality of the writing and the amount of character expression in dialog is like night and day. Honestly there was even one moment fairly early on when I said to myself "Fallout 4 would have let me extort this guy" and then I realized how egregious it was that I felt I had less agency in this quest than in FO4.

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YouTube eventually responded, intending to leave a message in two tweets. However, it only sent one tweet, and just... forgot to send the next part, I suppose.

"Upon careful review, we've confirmed that your channel was suspended for violating Google's Terms of Service," says YouTube support. "While it didn't violate any YouTube channel monetization policies, it's linked to a Google acct that has an issue."

Since we never got the second part of that message, we have no idea what caused the channel's ban, and why it kicked in shortly after Wiles shared a VOD of her Baldur's Gate 3 stream. In any case, her Twitch channel is still up, if you're hoping to tune in to her next Baldur's Gate session.

Absolutely bizarre. What kind of Google Account issue can get you banned from YouTube? They already killed all their other social platforms, so it can't be something she did on Groups or Chat. (Did these get merged into + and Hangouts before being killed off? They've had so many of these.) Maybe she did a chargeback on a Play Store purchase or something? I feel like that would be pretty obvious to her, though, and she seems as confused as everyone else.

That mothers shouldn't co-sleep with infants. Every other primate I know of co-sleeps with their offspring. Until very recently every human mother co-slept with her infants, and in like half of the globe people still do. Many mothers find it incredibly psychologically stressful to sleep without their infant because our ancestors co-slept every generation for hundreds of thousands of years.

I would bet money that forcing infants to sleep alone has negative developmental effects.

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"Captain America converts Thor to Christianity" could be very funny, actually.

I'm on board with this, but I may be biased because I also don't like using Discord for anything else. Every time someone sends me a Discord invite I feel a little defeated, because it is usually after I have agreed to participate in something.

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I have the opposite problem where Youtubers who I watch because I enjoy their unedited, off-the-cuff content keep deciding to put more effort into their channel and start producing videos that are scripted and edited well, which I find way less interesting and watchable than their stream-of-consciousness rambling was. WolfeyVGC is a big one. He theoretically has a second channel for low effort content but he rarely posts to it.

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From 1962, the GDR also introduced general compulsory military service for all men between the ages of 18 and 26 for a basic military service of 18 months. The only recognized reason for refusal was religious conviction.

So if you believed in a god who told you it was immoral to serve in the military you didn't have to, but if you believed it was immoral because you came to that conclusion by thinking critically about the arguments for and against military service, you were just fucked?

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Sesame Street isn't actually owned by PBS, it's a nonprofit called Sesame Workshop. And it was like 8 years ago that SW was running into funding trouble due to declining DVD sales, and ended up licensing the show to HBO so that they could continue producing episodes at the rate they wanted. PBS now gets episodes several months behind.

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What exactly are people upset about? Other discussions on this topic appear to mostly involve people who already know what's wrong. Something about new player experience and bots?

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What the hell is up with the board and notation? The board is off by 90 degrees, the bottom left square should be black (unless we're looking from the side, but the labels suggest we're not, because the letters are across the bottom like normal). And then if you actually look at the file and rank labels, they don't match across the board—the leftmost file is marked "a" on the bottom, but "h" on the top, and the ranks are the same way.

They specifically designed it to annoy chess players, LMAO.

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Edit: Sorry, meant to reply to the comment above you!

They're not really leases either. Leases last for a defined period of time, like "one year," or they renew at regular intervals, like "monthly." "Pay up front and we'll let you keep this license for either forever or until we decide to revoke it without notifying you" isn't the same thing.

I get really bad embarrassment squick (watching other people in uncomfortable situations makes me very uncomfortable) and this show is 100% unwatchable, which means it is definitely hilarious for anyone who isn't afflicted by a similar condition.

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I think it's way more likely that he gets sentenced to house arrest, which he could serve at Mar a Lago. The other option is to have Secret Service agents following him around inside a prison trying to protect him from the other inmates (and possibly the guards), and I don't think either the prisons or the Secret Service want to deal with that.

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If I weren't lazy I'd make a "I'm literally the guy in the photo" meme about this.

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It's not a generative model running on your graphics card coming up with novel speech to match the gamestate; it would never be fast enough (and you're also using that card to, you know, run the graphics). They're using machine learning to generate speech for their pre-written lines so that they can avoid hiring voice actors. I guess they didn't want to try the old way of having whoever isn't too busy in your office record the lines.

We have only recently (in terms of the length of history) entered an era where we can produce weapons capable of eliminating our own entire species. Wouldn't it be weird if we weren't thinking about that?

[Adams] “And so if you want to play the word police, you could do so. I’m going to play the New York City Police.”

I'm trying to figure out if this is a threat or just an attempt to create a sound bite that didn't really work.

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Oof. Wasn't this the one that was going to have in-depth object customization? I was looking forward to it from a dollhouse-building perspective. Even if it wasn't great, having some competition might convince EA to allocate more dev resources to the Sims, which has ruthlessly embraced the "minimum viable product" philosophy for a long time.

Well I suspect he thought that France might waive the ban because the Senate had invited him specifically. I imagine the police will be getting an angry phone call from a senator.

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Jesus Christ, they're like the villains from Captain Planet.

Why does this keep happening? As pointed out in the article, every time Snake shows up in a crossover his ass gets flatter. If they had caked him up, fans would be rejoicing, and instead everyone is posting old the Smash Bros. Brawl vs. Ultimate comparison pic.

So, uh, are we doing World War 3 now? Just asking because I need to know if I should be canceling my summer plans and investing in canned food.

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Was going to say, the only mode I have is "do nothing for 3 hours, tell myself I'll do it tomorrow, and then do nothing for 3 hours again the next day."

The summary is misleading. We have two ways of calculating expansion that, according to our current understanding, should arrive at the same answer, but they're off by about 10%. It's more a question of how we look than where.

Edit: corrected "title" to "summary"

I mean that's the problem, isn't it? What is it about these assholes like Tate that appeals to young men?

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Whenever a news site says "firebrand" I hear "public figure with anger issues."

Fired several workers and made the rest of us do their jobs, too.

Also, the owner coming in every day to argue with our head baker about how to run a bakery. The owner had no previous bakery experience; the entire company was a pet project and her main business was in finance.

Right? There's like one point of interest in this story, and instead of showing it they're estimating how much it costs to fill 2 screw holes (for which the claimed €100 seems like a gross overestimation unless they pay their maintenance staff way more than I expect).

The more people you have voting, the less likely it is for the difference to be exactly 1. In an election with 3 voters winning by 1 isn't notable; in an election with tens of thousands of votes, it's pretty unusual.

Why would I have my watch history turned off? I assumed that Google knows what I watched whether or not I tell them to keep that info available for me.

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The red balls are lit Bob-ombs. While lit, they can be carried, thrown, bounced on (with spin jumps), and kicked (when touched any other way), and obviously after a short time they explode. Thrown, dropped, kicked, or bounced Bob-ombs kill enemies and collect coins.

Yes, in Super Mario World the spin jump allowed you to bounce on dangerous enemies including Piranha Plants, and actually the Super Mario Maker version is nerfed in some ways: in the oringal SMW you could also spin jump on certain things like fireballs and saws that you can't in SMM.

How do you even keep returning players? I used to enjoy checking out League every once in a while, but it seemed like it wasn't possible to keep up with all the changes that way. Every time I went back to it, I felt like I was learning how champions and items worked from scratch, because they kept changing. Eventually after every champ I liked to play had been reworked (some of them more than once) I just gave up.

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Yes, please. Subject politicians to the same indignities as the rest of us.

He is also in the article, yes.

I would think this was cute. It's low-stakes, playful boundary pushing that indicates flirtatious interest.