Music Theory is Witchcraft

P03 to – 20 points –
music theory is witchcraft

Yeah, I'm doing some composing as a hobby and I'm kind of in between wanting to dig deep into music theory, understand all the way from different waveforms to how all the intervals work, ...and also not doing that, because man, a lot of it seems extremely formulaic.

Like, I'm genuinely worried that if I learn all the techniques that everyone else learns, that I'll make the same music.
But it also just does not look terribly fun, neither learning the formulas nor applying them.

I guess, I might still dig into waveforms and such, to understand how it works at a fundamental level, while dodging all the "you should compose like this" advice...

Heres a fun YT channel for some music theory:

It's explanation is FLstudio centric but I'm sure it can be adapted to other mixers. Be sure to check the others out :)

Well, uh, I'm mostly doing sheet music. 😅

I know, most sheet music people don't care about waveforms, but I kinda do.

I love their music editing. So good. I'm going to watch more of their videos purely for that lol

up to a certain point it does give you cool tools to make pretty good sounding music.

improvisation also sounds cooler and more interesting.

Damn, that supportive sound and music editing is amazing