13 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Judges don’t tell a team their facts are wrong, the other team does. Judges decide which of the teams had better argumentation.

I find the judge symbolism interesting and compelling, but moderators are not judges. They're not making a judgement in place of the citizens by the end.

Rather than only letting two people debate, they could ask for clarifications. If you see them as press, and as representing the citizens, you may even think they have to to fulfill the press code and their responsibility.

I think it's a question of how you see the debate. What it is, or should be. Is it between the two candidates, and moderators merely give it structure? Or is it a debate with an expectation of truth and trustworthiness, fulfilling the press code, where the moderators would have to at least point out lies or ask for clarifications?

A debate between two candidates has its value, but we can't deny it strengthens Trumps position as an apparently to many people charismatic liar. Between only two people it's about who is more charismatic and convincing, not about truthfulness, verifiability. All of those only go as far as the other candidate can establish them.

If many citizens watch only the debate, is that enough to inform them / base their voting [or omission thereof] on?

In the end, it may be understandable to wish for moderators to point out lies. It can be irritating and frustrating to see lies on a podium finding success, without successful, conclusive rebuttal. But that's not the moderators' place in the show format as it is.

Disclaimer: I haven't watched it.

“Temu is designed to make this expansive access undetected, even by sophisticated users,” Griffin’s complaint said. “Once installed, Temu can recompile itself and change properties, including overriding the data privacy settings users believe they have in place.”

So just like the majority USAian app out there?

Which apps do that? Because I am certain it's NOT the majority, and very skeptical about any other apps doing that.

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Did they denounce target children before?

Over the last eight months, Israel has killed at least 37,765 people and injured another 86,429, according to the ministry’s latest figures. These numbers are likely an undercount due to the decimated medical infrastructure, killed medical workers, and thousands feared trapped under the rubble in Gaza.

Was there a debate in Congress? Did they reason their vote?

The closing paragraphs in the article paint a bleak light. None of reason or arguments. Only denial and dismissal of opposition/different views without any reasoning.

I think we're off a lot better. We have a lot more choice, and much less bad choices.

So to me, saying “we don’t know if it was sexting,

They may have not known the source and tweet wording. I certainly didn't.

/edit: I see it's in the article as well.

  • I did in the past: Replace .bik intro video file with an "empty" one to skip intros
  • I know of, haven't used: Change game window to be borderless with Borderless Gaming
  • IIRC I've used Cheat Engine, before it was littered with shit, to speed up an awfully slow singleplayer game
  • In Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (W:ET) I had a whole setup of config scripts for key bindings
  • For W:ET server hosting I put configuration into a deliberate, structured set of files (it's not necessarily obvious between splitting base game and alternateable mod configuration)

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Donald Trump isn’t a narcissist, because we shouldn’t be calling anyone a “narcissist”. It’s an ableist slur.

Whether or not you are supposed to call him a narcissist doesn't change whether he is a narcissist.

Not calling him a narcissist doesn't make him not a narcissist.

Adding to

The value of Bitcoin has only increased over time


And not only a bit. A fall from 67 to 16.

Firefox plans to support Manifest V3 because Chrome is the world's most popular browser, and it wants extensions to be cross-browser compatible, but it has no plans to turn off support for Manifest V2.

If Google decided to break V2 compatibility with V3, Mozilla should announce V4 (or V3 extended), which is V3 but with the missing stuff readded.

That'd be a good practical and great product/tech marketing move. Just like most people won't see how V3 is worse than V2, V4 will indicate it's the evolved and improved V3.

It would also simplify supporting V3 and V4 at the same time for extension authors. A great practical gain for extension authors, not having to read and understand two manifest schemes and APIs.

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From the article-linked ruling press release - what it means in practice, what this was about:

In order to protect works covered by copyright or related rights against offences committed on the internet, a French decree introduced two personal data processing operations. The first operation consists of the collection, by rightholder organisations, of IP addresses which appear to have been used on peer-to-peer websites to commit such offences and the referral of those IP addresses to the Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet (High Authority for the dissemination of works and the protection of rights on the Internet) (Hadopi) 1. The second operation, carried out by the internet access providers at Hadopi’s request, consists, inter alia, of matching the IP address with the civil identity data of its holder. Those data processing operations enable Hadopi to initiate a procedure against the persons identified, combining educational and punitive measures, which may lead to a referral to the public prosecution service in the most serious cases.

I find the ruling press release is much more understandable (and much more informative) than the OP-linked article.

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It's just insane how it's never enough even for huge countries. It's an entirely cultural thing.

In Europe, you have many small countries in cooperation, and none of them think to deny other countries. Russia and China are huge, and have so much. But it's systematically and culturally different, with a specific type of people and apparatus in control.

You look from a small country to these behemoths, and it's just insane that they would even feel a want or need to expand like that, at the cost of so much.

Great extensive write-up.

Stefan Hector, a representative of the Swedish Police Authority, said that “a society cannot accept that criminals today have a space to communicate safely in order to commit serious crimes.” A week later, it was revealed that the Swedish police had been infiltrated and were leaking information to criminals.


Some would switch, some would install another ad blocker extension, and some wouldn't know any better and do nothing.

Unfortunately, most people don't care all that much.

54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.

My impression was/is that over the last years/decade Wikipedia made efforts to/switch to not linking directly but extending direct links with (dated) Web Archive links or using Web Archive links directly (dated as "sourced from this in this state; which protects against upstream edits too).

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I only purchased this toothbrush from Amazon because that was the only way to get the water-resistant Alexa speaker that I wanted for the bathroom.

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So it was falling for three years

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I mean, there's emojis like bee snuggle fox available bee snuggle fox emoji

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I also hate when people in YT videos are begging

Install the web-browser extension SponsorBlock

Crowd-sourced auto-skip

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ensures we can continue to do shows like the one we just did.

Doing shows, not creating games /s(?)

access to FireChat was completely cut off without explanation.

After establishing that FireChat establishes its own, independent mesh network, I would have at least expected more details on how it was cut off? Did it simply became unavailable on the publishers distribution? The followup text seems to indicate otherwise. Did Google and Apple as app publishers actively revoke access to already installed apps? Did the Open Garden publisher have a disabling functionality in place? Did they publish an update to disable it?

Without any information, it's hard to say why FireChat disappeared. […]

FireChat is gone because FireChat was a threat to the systems it circumvented.

"Nobody knows anything, but let me claim this anyway."

ESA - European Speedrunner Assembly

/me gets confused by comments and content.

Electronic Software Association


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I think it's not closed off enough, given that I regularly see accounts from other instances post comments that go against the goals and spirit set by Beehaw.

At the same time, I think we don't have enough of a new content stream. I don't think opening up is a good solution though. That would mean losing what sets Beehaw apart.

Between confirmation bias, human pattern recognition even where there are none, under/in-development brains, higher fantasy and creativity in children, less separation and knowledge about inner and outer experience, and dreaming/dream-like hallucinations, I'm skeptical any of it to be true.

Every discovery and connection they make read like possible fallacies, misattributions, confirmation-bias.

The sheer mass of humans means random hallucinations will match adult knowledge and sometimes deceased people. 2.2k across the world, and a third of them without a deceased match doesn't seem implausible to that.

a mechanism that might explain how a person could recall living a past life

For centuries Europe knew and experienced witchcraft and other demons. The U.S. experienced aliens and abductions - but only after they became popular in the media. The human race is great at hallucinating, even on a broad societal level and with confidence.

We can explain many misattributed traditions, hysteria, and other behaviors and hallucinations. We hallucinate more of what we heard of than if we hadn't. I don't see why we would find a past-life remembering more likely than faulty human nature. Which I guess requires some knowledge and awareness about human history and perception.

There have also been numerous cases of people lying for the hell of it or publicity. I'm certain some people make use of this theory / legend too.

I'm reminded of AI hallucinating facts, which seems like an interesting analogy. :P (In a more narrow and artificial, trained system. If it can happen there, why would it not in more complex systems/the human brain.)

The article was too long for me. I only read through the first two sections.

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Zero downtme

If the paper falls down it's literal downtime though!

That's not what this is about.

the $80 billion start-up

lol, can you still call that start-up?

Concerning (De)Federation:

I initially had a Lemmy account, and used it for everything. But when my home feed got really slow, I started to split up. Now I am using separate accounts for scoped themes - beehaw,,, and - the last still for "the rest"/general and German content.

I feel like the distinct goals of beehaw may make it more sensible to not federate as usual. Beehaw puts a guard on registrations, and defines specific guidelines and behavior and communication goals. If all the other platforms that do not have these safeguards in place participate, how well does this work?

So my current feeling is that I'm not opposed to defederation. Although of course federation can still be a promotional tool and an entry-point for additional people. And others may use other instances accounts to regularly participate, in a good way - like I did before splitting up/scoping my accounts too.

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What comes closest to your opinion on discussions?

  • I prefer lengthier and/or more thought out responses
  • I prefer shorter and/or more casual responses

is missing an option for short but well-thought-out responses. :)

More thought and care may lead to longer responses, but making it concise and to the point has great value too. And I prefer that over long responses.

Between thought out and casual, I guess I like both styles of discussion though, depending on context.

Their description reads

I made a moving digital card of Blue Archive Mika using two flexible OLED displays.

As a bonus, I made it possible to switch between the ones I made in the past. Prototype

One commenter says you can buy these kinds of displays on Amazon. Another responds AliExpress. Another reply says

650 USD for just one display. Did I read that right?

So they're not exactly inexpensive. Which is, of course, not unexpected, given it's a new kind of product, relatively recent tech.

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“It’s difficult to describe the mental and emotional toll it took to crunch when you know you’ve already been laid off.”


Only a cubic millimetre of it

Are they gonna pay them out? /s

Every employee could create their own companies and products. Opportunities and diversification!

Alternatively, each and every one of them can make 101 millionaires and still be a millionaire themselves!

How do you think the US tried to make China invade?

I think it's a bafflingly absurd claim. And I'm surprised some people wouldn't doubt it.

How does this fit into China invading and harassing other ships in international waters near Taiwan? Or China punishing Taiwans independent election results by doing military maneuvers around Taiwan, clearly showing force and threatening. And the constant reiterations of considering Taiwan as part of China. Integration of Taiwan is a clear and repeatedly voiced goal. Their willingness to use force was shown repeatedly; in Tibet, Hong Kong, and against minorities in their own established lands.

I don't see how with such a discrepancy believing the Chinese claims makes any sense. It's smoke and trying to influence and irritate the western nations and their alliances. Similar playbook to Russia.

Why would they abbreviate cubic meter as cm - conflicting with centimeter - instead of m³?

I assume it's historically common in the field?

As part of a campaign calling on the government to reduce red tape, Alsleben has opened what he calls "the most German of German museums," the Bureaucracy Museum.

Genius move. I think it's a worth move either way. Bureaucracy and the shape and history of it is worth preserving [information on].

Among the objects on display is a 10-foot stack of files representing the paperwork needed to install one wind turbine. Another is a photograph of a mailbox with the label: "Please deposit online forms here."

Looks like it's a 3 month limited activity, unfortunately.

Here's a video tour/intro of the Bureaucracy Museum.

Insights from Dior, a prominent figure in the Counter-Strike community, reveal that Gabe Newell owns less than 25% of Valve.

Huh, I didn't know that. (emphasis mine)

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