Inside the AI Porn Marketplace Where Everything and Everyone Is for Sale to – 336 points –
Inside the AI Porn Marketplace Where Everything and Everyone Is for Sale

Each of these reads like an extremely horny and angry man yelling their basest desires at Pornhub’s search function.


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No, that's not how open-source or open-source philosophies work. They share their work because they were able to download other people's work, and sometimes people improve upon their own work.

These aren't corporations. You don't need to immediately jump to capitalistic conclusions. Just jump on Unstable Diffusion Discord or CivitAI yourself. It's all free.

Maybe there's commissions for specific people/poses, cause I certainly couldn't keep a hard on long enough to generate a spakin worth image

These aren’t corporations.

I know, I know: "but the website is free" (for now). However, Civit AI, Inc. is not a loose community. There must be something that pays their bills. I wonder what it is.

They’re probably losing money now and just trying to build a user base as a first-mover. They accept donations and subscriptions with fairly minor benefits, but I imagine hosting and serving sizable AI models is not cheap.

They’ll probably have to transition to paid access at some point, but I don’t see it as particularly unethical as they have bills to pay and do attempt to moderate content on the site.

I tend to agree generating adult content of real people is unethical, but probably less so than how a lot of real porn is made. I don’t think there should be open avenues for sharing that kind of stuff online, and their rules should be better enforced.

I tend to agree generating adult content of real people is unethical, but probably less so than how a lot of real porn is made.

Well, even if that were the case, the "real porn" is still required to train the model in the first place.

So, it's unethical shit on top of what you think was even more unethical.

Sure, and “impossible” meat wouldn’t have existed if people weren’t already eating actual meat. But it’s a better alternative. Porn is not going anywhere. If generative AI means less real people get exploited that’s a win in my book.

Sure, and “impossible” meat wouldn’t have existed if people weren’t already eating actual meat

This comparison only holds water if impossible meat were composed of bits of rearranged animal meat... Which it isn't.

If generative AI means less real people get exploited that’s a win in my book.

That's not necessarily a win for everyone. Some people actually like working in the porn industry. Besides that, their likenesses are being stolen and used to produce reproductions and derivative works without consent or compensation.

Also, I think you and your buddies here are missing the plot. Generated porn and generated porn of real people are related but different things. I think that's pretty commonly understood which is why these sites have policies in the first place.