1 Post – 542 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh I see, have you tried file versioning?

It honestly sounds exactly like what you want, and the support is even built in to call an external command if you don't like their default options provided

Is the roundabout way file versioning? Cause its been pretty stable for me, just toss a device with lots of space on the cluster and crank up the versions to your hearts content

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To get a bit more technical, they build images in passes; each becoming more coherent than the last. This gives thsm a boost to understanding understand how 'things' relate to one another, knowing them by nothing but that relation. Light + light source being an example, and the angle of lighting being another deeper layer of that a - completed on a less noisy pass.

This is how its able to build images from its training parts, it sorta understands how each of them relate to some things, so its able to sorta organizes an image of random noise each pass, eventually creating a 'unique' image inspired by its training data.

It also gives it that perfect image you mention, cause its specifically trained to look like what looks good to us - its essentially a function optimised on nothing but.

I'm not 100% confident but I thought you could use portals to access individual files outside of the sandbox

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Don't have the funding to themselves, and probably worth it so new users don't get fucked

dude usb 3.0 is 15 years old by now, and they're a trillion dollar company. They'll manage, this is 100% by choice

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Usb 2.0 is 23 years old now.

There's a line between "enhancing the pro model by shitting on everyone else" but like this is just disrespectful.

But hey your money, spend that shit as stupidly as you want

(3.0 came out 15 years ago for reference, it'll be older than some kids getting the phone ffs)

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Love how everyone's argument for capitalism is just 'well communism sucks too'.

Good job regurgitating half a century's worth of propaganda, no one mentioned communism and there's more than just 2 ways to run q society

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The most virgin thing you could possibly say to seeing this

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Wonder how feasible it would be to add a sunshine/moonlight option in there.

Maybe a little overkill for a lot of users, but it'd do wonders in the gaming community

AMD's doing pretty well with their open source drivers, I suppose its up to nvidia if they want to offer a worse product simply so they can keep as much profits as possible.

But leveraging other peoples work via open source code, to improve their product - then still not donating nor contributing back to the source? Not only illegal but scummy as hell.

We may not be as offended as the kernel devs, but theyre the ones whos work is being stolen, so I wouldn't be so quick to tell them what to do

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BRIBES yes, but gifts cause he's a super special boy? Not at all.

But like really you can't fix busted to hell, the system is corrupt to the top and taking out one mouthpiece won't change that

Tbh cause its objectively not, backing up your point of rotation is the part that gets parked first. Gibes a lot more time to manuvure the front into place once the back is done

"There's also ongoing work within the GNOME camp around VRR, enabling HDR on the desktop, etc. "

Right there. Right in the article dog. You think desktops dont render or something? And even without that you think they could have absolutely no valuable input being there?

All I gotta say is I only see one moron in this comment section and it ain't the root comment

Of which the "class" of women after menopause would not be women then.

We haven't yet got a definition of a man though, so presumably most older 'women' are non-binary in their world

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I mean like the FBI buys all that data without a warrant anyways... So st least we pretend its not happening but like were practically looking in a mirror

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There's no way musk doesnt get nearly a billion death threats per day, but when your job is to be known by as many people as possible, it scales up the good and the bad.

But if either of them are having a bad day I'm sure they can dry their tears with a couple hundred dollar bills and sue some more poor people into dust (completely legally!) to make themselves feel better

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I'm begging everyone to try a healthy alternative to brain eating like vaping - you still get a the same effects (maybe even stronger!) with much less prion disease!

(In theory please no one take this as actual medical advice I'm just a wee little stoner)

Healthier on the enamel, tho I don't do it (and most of the reason you brush is to get off the built up stuff from overnight, not clean off breakfast)

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Via breaking the law. Which in a reasonable system would push people away from participating

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alright where's that XCKD, imma make another package distribution method to 'unify all the methods'

I got nothing to hide in my asshole either, doesn't mean I want you rifling around through there. Its creepy

Oh no you know what it feels like yo be a woman for 5 minutes, the horror

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Gonna comment the same thing here I did there, OK so eating acid denatures the hormones - what about smoking/vaping/nebulizing??

Little brain aromatherapy in the office

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Did you read the article? The protests are in favour of affordable public transit, instead of using 'surveillance pods' as a way to build even MORE roads. The accidents are probably the least of their concerns, although still on the list

Yeah no shit I'm surprised even 8% of boomers are online, they're using the only perfect antivirus - abstinence

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Thank god, I miss my wife rn

I've read a lot of youre comments trying to understand youre meaning here, but are you trying to say you want to represent all 16 million colors of a 24 bit color?

And also somehow in a way that not extremely subjective to the user?

Ngl I'd love to see this as a product, and definitely keep me updated if this software ever has a usable demo

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Anything google does is an ad for grapheme and lineage tbh

Invasive anticheat aka rootkit

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Would smoking raw human brains make you high?

Wait no thermal degredation

Would nebulizing raw human brains make you high? Especially of I got a little brain-diffuser in the corner that just filled the room with the aroma

Really feeling like this is Reddit with how everyone didnt read the article in this chain:

"To create the chatbot, the developer says they used an older, but open-source large language model called GPT-J from 2021"

So no expensive gpu usage but not none either, they added some training about specifically malware in there

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Cause even in tor it eventually leaves the network.

This data could only be known that it came from your direction, but also known it wasn't you transmitting it. Anything beyond that is just a sea - it'd be like arresting a truck driver for unknowingly moving drugs buried in stuffed animals.

They'd essentially have to by hand arrest every single node that participated to the source - assuming that chain was never broken along the way - to get anything reasonable out of an arrest.

Most importantly this is all public knowledge, so after a couple essentially useless arrests attempts for unknowingly hosting encrypted data, I believe they'd have to back off

Not sure you understand mutilating too well huh

2 things about this; the planet don't care about per capita numbers - 52.2 is gonna drop that population real quick. I doubt that would even slow their ruling class down

Second fuck is America a bad comparision. Those 2 will race to a scorched earth quicker than a nuclear war ever could

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Tho godot is majourly funded through grants right now (so they have some full time devs), shows how its even more important to donate!

The best part of interpretation is how objective it is eh?


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Unfortunately at worst the machine will only improve to the point where it is unnoticable.

Its a program designed exactly to be bullied into place by humans, were just only halfway through the bullying and still coorp's are pushing it like its done.

Eventually it'll have to be accepted as just another tool by artists.

That being said I support copyright less than I do "AI rights" so I'd say this is an overall win

Dude you can't get paid below minimum, like all fucking stores do. This ain't hurting anyone except those who are lucky enough to have something to lose

Tbh Id say its cause his hands arent even that abnormal - but he's insanely emotionally immature, so people try and exploit that via making fun of him to highlight to the population how unfit he is to run a country. And obviously it works cause he isnt used to anything but a team of ass kissers following his wallet