The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. to – 2001 points –

Vulnerabilities in Sogou Keyboard encryption expose keypresses to network eavesdropping.


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I mean like the FBI buys all that data without a warrant anyways... So st least we pretend its not happening but like were practically looking in a mirror

I think China's worse. In many cases much worse, in some cases only a bit worse. But I do not excuse America.

Look at Xinjang. The Uyghurs are facing cultural eradication. Look at African Americans. Their situation is still bad and not ok! But it is the lesser evil when you compare what the US does to their minorities compared to what China does to theirs

Realistically its hard to say, america had the benefit of worldwide influence so doesn't even need to do their dirty work on their land. They've also been at war for quite a lot longer than China, solely for personal gain.

Realistically they're both shit, let's just scrap the whole thing and start again