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Joined 12 months ago

frog floating in boiling water

So many people get longer sentences for smaller crimes. :(

I still haven't consented to the 2.99 price hike to no have commercials. I will wait until the lawsuit runs its course because fuck em.

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Id like to imagine that the coder did this on person as a fuck u.

I bet after they offered him a juicey severance package he was like... well ok.

I'm ready for companies to do their ad campaigns about how they are saving the earth with their new policies and products.

Fuck it, please just profit from saving the earth. I dont care if its just doing what we've been asking them to do for the past 30yrs.

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So sad

Are you still getting paid but aren't working? I'm just wanting to make sure I understand your situation. There are no more morals and ethics in company policies it seems like.

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And an injustice to all the loyal federal servants that vigilantly keep classified documents safe and make sacrifices to do so every day.

They probably treated him as he treats others.

Moving closer to family has been really nice

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LOTR marathon drinking game

Can u explain why would a rail strike be so damaging? I feel like it's so so needed.

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Do it.

Try to go on walks in nature, maybe get out of the city sometimes. You don't want to go with anyone but maybe have some music to listen to. Hugs and good luck, you're doing your best.

Administration and office management but studied Ecology of course in college... it's like studying history in regards to getting a well paying job.

Why did I start reading that whole expo, it's just painful to learn how terrible this person is. RIH Mitch (Rot in Hell)

Google says the twins plus one other 1 yr younger child child were edited embryos using crispr to prevent them from getting HIV from their father(s). Which was and is unethical. They are supposedly doing fine.

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Teva sandels

What if Elon and Zack are in this together and Zack promised Elon a chunk of the shares for making threads successful by destroying the competition of Twitter with something more profit producing. Elon's reputation is just the sacrificial goat for making threads a success for both billionaires.

Puts aluminum hat back on.

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The grit of a new community site is what I missed

It kinda is.

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Do more outdoor activities with them? Then they will have something else to talk to you about.

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Curious how they will find people that don't have an opinion on Trump.

I wish they allowed more audiobook time per month, so one could finish a book past 11hrs. I'd be fine with an extra buck or two for a combined audiobook/music streaming service.

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Right!? Although it's hard to believe sometimes I know we have smart ppl that would do a great job.

Best of luck, Europe is worth it. Maybe you can go for a couple of years and hopefully fam can visit a bunch.

The best of the days

Call them the electronic giants to our toddler

Yeah but can I get that for my firestick?

So grateful for this. He's a pos but atleast he has some shadow of integrity

I'm losing track of all these stupid lawsuits. Probably because I don't give ashit. This shouldn't be news.

I agree but I'll check it out in a little once more bugs get ironed out.

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