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They suspended's account and the rumor is they are considering calling the videos on their platform xvideos... I REALLY REALLY want this to happen.

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Most of us don't like Trump, most of us don't like the bombings in other countries, most of us didn't want to be in Vietnam, most of us didn't want us to be in Iraq.

I don't look at every person in the UK and assume you all love the Monarchy and love the current and past two morons you have had running the place. I mean fuck Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, and Boris Johnson and Brexit? Shit isn't lookin great over that way either but I don't assume it's because every single citizen of the UK wanted it that way. Quit looking at America like one big collective individual and take a moment to realize that the system here is rigged to shit from years of political fuckery. We are stuck with a two party system and the past two presidents who did the most damage to our foreign relations and our political system didn't even win the fucking popular vote.

Oh and if I incorrectly assumed you nationality just fill in the appropriate bullshit that is probably happening in your current country.


One of the majority of Americans that don't like what is happening in this country either

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Uh in 2017 Humble Bundle Inc. got bought out by IGN Entertainment which is owned by Ziff Davis yeah it's part of a big shitty corporation.

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It's also a telephone poll...that guarantees it's mostly people 50 and older because who the fuck under 50 answers phone calls from unknown numbers?

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Every article is a copy paste of the same bullshit talking about the vulnerability and pointing to the stupid cryptic list of processors that requires you to jump through hoops to read it. You can't just search for your processor in a database I mean fuck that would take them at least an a couple hours of their precious time to set up and they have only had a year. How do you fix it? Why with a microcode update of course!!...from where you ask? Well don't worry just look at the cryptic list it will tell you if you need a microcode update!!

Fuck every article about this shit. Anyone wanna bust an Eli5 on how to fix this problem for people? (I was assuming it's a BIOS update but the articles have only confused me further)

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I bet they replace awards with some NFT crypto bullshit

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Oh no! The crazy spoiler candidate they help fund and put all over right wing media is taking voters from the right wing? Wow I am shocked. If only someone could have seen this coming.

Oh it's real. It's part of Musk's whole stupid "X the everything app" bullshit he has been talking about for years. He is a huge moron. I mean the first sentence in the description of the site for his new company xAI is: "xAI is a new company founded by Elon Musk that sets out to understand the universe" ...he is such a fuckin loser.

Imma make a company called yAI and our goal is going to be to solve all the problems everyone has ever had. Don't ask me how yet because that doesn't matter but the solutions will involve AI and my genius ability to solve all the problems. All banks give me money now please thank you.

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Maybe by hung he meant cock size like if he wants a general in the army to blast him in the butt he wants them to do it with a hog leg.

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He is the next Steve Jobs. Go read the official autobiography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson to understand how it's more true now than ever. Spoiler: Steve Jobs was a crazy narcissistic piece of shit.

Soon after it changes to it's final form:

don’t be evil, but greed y and posessive is okay

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the fact that so many Americans want to vote for that shitty guy as president shows that a massive portion of the population is also just some shitty person

They are scared and have been convinced that he is the only one that can help them. They are not just "shitty people voting for a shitty person" they really believe that the deep state is out to get Donald and these charges are overblown and that Donald will really save America. They won't realize that Trump only cares about Trump; even if Trump gets another term and burns down the government and fucks everyone they still will think Donald is just one week away from unveiling his plan to fix it all.

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If you are using the browser on your phone just go to and request the desktop site.... although how long that will work for is up in the air.

So we are still replacing 90% of them then?

Can moderators can sticky/pin posts here? If so this probably should be stickied/pinned/whatever the fuck you call it here.

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Yeah but you are talking about hot tubs and they are talking about hot tubes so maybe the rules are different like the tube is really hot but is a poor thermal conductor. Or they misspelled tub and they really like burning themselves...... lots of options for interpretation here.

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No we fuckin don't. You are ignorant as to how things work here. Go read then formulate an educated opinion or just shut up.

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It's important to note that 1.6nm is just a marketing naming scheme and has nothing to do with the actual size of the transistors.

Look at the 3nm process and how the gate pitch is 48nm and the metal pitch is 24nm. The names of the processes stopped having to do with the size of the transistors over a decade ago. It is stupid.

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Freddy Got Fingered

It's sitting at 11% on Rotten tomatoes

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They are stupid and scared and propaganda is extra powerful on people who are stupid and scared.

Yupp me and the other Americans were like "Lets push SCOTUS to rule on Citizens United in a way that allows unchecked amounts of money in politics and also lets create a system that lets a candidate that loses the popular vote become president anyway!" we all worked really hard at it... or we watched and let it happen without protesting or trying to change it at all....

....or that is completely wrong and you could go read both those articles I linked and realize that "the majority of us" literally did not vote for this shit and or voted against it.

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We don't make the decision to go to war the government does that without our input. The public supported for the war in Iraq after the government decided to go to war then spread propaganda saying that Iraq was related to 9/11. Those are graphs of how effective propaganda was on those polled after the government made a decision to go to war... we don't vote on that shit.

It doesn’t matter that public support shifted later - of course people feel bad about doing something bad after the fact.

That is the propaganda losing the battle. People found out that the person (supposedly) responsible for 9/11 was in Afghanistan and had nothing to do with Iraq.

Vietnam was the same but it took longer for the general public to find out the truth. The government decides to go to war and spreads propaganda everywhere about why we needed to go to Vietnam. Propaganda weakens as real information about the war spreads then people no longer support the war.

Americans are not just inherently warmongering people I don't think any citizens of any country are.....unless their government has a super effective propaganda machine constantly brain fucking them into being that way (see Russia).

I’m sure that the people in your social circle do disagree with those wars and do disagree with some of the more recent things which have happened, but you need to understand that sometimes the majority does sadly support some very bad things

My social circles? I live in the Midwest there are people in my neighborhood with flags up that say "Fuck Biden Don't blame me I Voted for Trump" in their front yards here. I have seen the worst of Americans and they are not the majority even here. There are some dumb fuck gravy seals that cosplay as soldiers and act like war is a solution to anything and everything but most of the people here who support Trump and have that "America first" mindset are just well meaning morons that fell prey to propaganda.

I am well aware that propaganda works champ the idea that there are brief periods of support for such things somehow cancels that the majority of the time the majority of everyone doesn't support such things is moronic.

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and when you publish one it's called "shooting"

I figured out how to do it fairly quickly but it would be a hell of a lot easier if people could just type in "11700K" in a box on a web page or something and it could just tell them. Or they could have added a little bit of code to their CPU ID utility that says "yupp your processor is effected by the flaw". I am mostly annoyed at all this not for me but for all the people who would read those pages and the contents would seem like an insane foreign language to them all while articles are telling them it's a major security flaw that would allow people to steal their encryption keys.

He was allowed to self report his height, weight and hair color. Such bullshit.

To prepare to become a Log Cabin Republican

I am more worried about the next pandemic leaking from an unlicensed lab or the dangers of weird pathogens coming out of freshly melted permafrost... but then again either of those could also lead to an antibiotic resistant infection so... I guess yeah I am worried about that too.

Facebook’s copy of Twitter X

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That is not fair he made that money....out of thin air by fraudulently misrepresenting the value of his buildings used as collateral for those loans.

Awesome. I didn't doubt he was stupid enough to write it, just couldn't find it. According to article you linked ~50% might actually be closer to 89% which is extra hilarious.

Is this even a real tweet? I cannot find the source.

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Right at the beginning I said they would add it all back and/or get a never ending chain of lawsuits thrown at them and right now it's looking a bit like both.

We can smoke if we want to

We can leave our safety behind

The gravy seals are not going to do shit. The army of boomers are not going to do shit. The only thing that will happen is small groups and individuals will engage in straight up terrorism under the guise of civil war. Alt-right terrorism is virtually ensured.

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Let's be honest it's pick one and another may or may not be randomly picked for you.

It could also be a gross sex term for a dick. During sexy time someone could say to me "yeah give me that hot tube" and I would be immediately less interested in sex.

Also there is a huge difference between, voting for Trump, supporting Trump and wanting to overthrow the government for Trump.

Ok genius since you are so well versed on the topic.... tell me the solution? You know the solution to the problem you didn't even know about because you started off saying the MAJORITY of us voted for this shit? I mean it will come to a head if the system breaks down but what exactly should we do now?

You keep moving the bar and now you are claiming that I am saying Americans are not responsible at all for the system we have. I am saying the majority of us didn't vote for it, the majority of us are trapped in it and the majority of us have no simple solution to fixing it but you must have a stellar solution in your keen political mind so lets have it! What should us Americans do to fix the problems (which you are completely ignorant of) within our government?