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Joined 11 months ago

I'm guessing from the unlimited money hose that was Silicon Valley venture capital.

Problem is, and the reason we're hearing about this now, the money is being redirected to AI, and all these negative income companies don't have enough capital to keep going.

That's why it seems like the entire Internet is going to shit all at once. The corporate money that tried to monopolize everything we access online has been cut off.

But the good news is that compute, bandwidth , and storage has gotten cheap enough to host powerful FOSS alternatives ourselves.

I'm cautiously hopeful this leads to a golden era of the open Internet.

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I buy steam games, even ones I've already pirated, for a few reasons.

  • Quick and easy downloads

  • Seamless updates

  • Almost all my other purchased games in one place.

  • Cloud saves

  • Durability, just knowing my games will be available to download on my next PC for the foreseeable future.

And I pirate just about everything I watch mainly because I'm not willing to play musical subscriptions to watch the shows I want to see at the end of a long day.

If the film industry had a service that offered a similar experience to a Plex share, I'd pay quite a bit for it. But instead they have this system designed to extract maximum value from every viewer, and I'm tired of it.

Gabe Newell was right on the money when he said piracy is a service issue, not a price issue.

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For many people, Google controls the entire network stack from their ISP, router, OS, DNS, their browser, all the way down to the platform hosting the content they watch.

Google has captured such a wide part of the Internet that any changes they make will have at least a moderate effect on our lives. Even if we don't use any Google services.

The only thing that can stop them is probably the EU at this point. And I'm sure Google has a plan for that.

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She's speaking to those who get all their "news" from alt-right sources. But if you haven't been paying attention to alt-right media, none of this will make sense.

I'm not sure it's an effective campaign strategy, because as we've seen, the broader public doesn't understand the intended message behind these convoluted narratives. And the people who do understand them were never going to vote for a democrat in the first place.

Fortunately that doesn't work.

Even if Musk totally shut down Twitter, then opened an identical platform named X, the contracts Twitter held are still enforceable under the law.

There might be stipulations in the contracts where severance isn't payable if the company fails, but if I remember correctly, this severance is something mandated by state law, and not just a contractual perk.

So bottom line, Musk is liable unless his lawyers are able to worm their way into a settlement.

I've flipped flopped my consensus about the game a couple times, but my conclusion is this...

Starfield is not going to be what you expected from Skyrim in space, at first. It will seem weird and claustrophobic and broken.

But if you give yourself a bit to acclimate to the world they've built, there is a surprisingly engaging game underneath.

I believe they've left most planets barren on purpose, so they can easily shove DLC wherever they want for the next 10 years.

"New facehugger planet, 20 hours of exciting quests and valuable loot! - $29.99"

That's 100% going to happen.

12 more...

Hey, you know the only perk you get with Reddit Premium that isn't available through a free browser extension?

Yeah that's going away in 60 days.

It will be replaced with something so awful we dare not mention it while people are still pissed off about the other popular thing we killed with little notice.

We here at the Reddit management understand you have concerns about the destruction of the global hub of collaboration, but you'll get over it.


The guy above definitely could have left the politics out of that comment, since there's nothing more bipartisan than rich people fucking the working class.

15 more...

The real danger behind Chat Control and similar measures, is that countries won't even have to utilize parallel construction anymore. No longer will dragnet surveillance mostly target the big guys. They'll be able to basically automate prosecution of any crime that they desire.

Think about how many little slices have been taken out of our freedom pie over the last 10 years. How many similar dystopian laws have passed despite our outrage?

Technology is outpacing our ability to protect ourselves, and countries will keep pushing boundaries until nothing is left sacred.

Oppression never sleeps.

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I got a message saying I apparently have premium and/or coins, and to use them before they expire.

But, even before the Reddit plague I had no way of even knowing that, because I used old Reddit and RiF.

Anyway, my point is that this change only affects official Reddit app users, and new Reddit users.

So Reddit found a way to take stuff away from the users who weren't directly affected by the third-party app shutdowns.

It's a genius way to make sure everyone is pissed off all at once.

That's how it's supposed to work, but in many counties the bondsman doesn't actually front any cash to the court, and they don't get charged if the suspect runs. They operate as a sort of slush fund for the owners, the officials, and the cops.

So these companies are often just another way to siphon money from people accused of a crime.

Super shady stuff.

I'm just guessing here, but due to the expensive safety, security, disposaal, and political requirements, big reactors are likely going to be the most cost effective for a long time.

I've been wondering why this isn't talked about more.

All those commercial mortgages are intertwined with banks, and retirement accounts, and all sorts of "stable" investments.

Plus it's not just the offices directly affected by pandemic remote work that aren't renewing their leases. New companies wont lease a building since it's not expected anymore, and big companies will be counting the beans to see how much they can save by reducing office space.

This is a phase shift in commercial real estate that I don't think banks have budgeted for.

I'm sure everyone on wall street knows it's coming, but if they can act surprised and get another bailout in a major crash, that's just going to cost you and me our futures, again.

Sounds like a town so devoid of life that it would be more productive to just let it collapse.

There's a bunch of tiny rural towns that have basically no jobs and no real reason to exist anymore.

Globalization was not kind to rural America. And people listen to snake oil salesmen like Trump because he's the only one talking at them with a distorted compassion.

Exactly what I was thinking.

That guy isn't making any big decisions behind the scenes. He's just being puppeteered until he dies.

For example...

Go look at your local Walmart and it's bazillion products. They expect to sell almost everything in that store multiple times within a month. All that generates enormous waste on a scale that's literally impossible for the earth to sustain for another 100 years without total ecological collapse.

We're living in the single most polluting decade in human history, every decade, since all of us were born. Even if the entire Lemmy user base become subsistence farming monks, the factories would just keep churning out poison unphased.

I'm not saying it's bad for people to try and consume more responsibly. I'm just saying it doesn't make a difference over any meaningful time period until there's a radical change in how our global economy functions.

Environmental catastrophe will continue until we literally cannot ignore it, only then will we do anything substantial about it. Unfortunately that's just how our society works.

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I can't fathom why these media companies still love to do exclusivity agreements. There's no way it's more profitable than just allowing everyone to watch your show from any service, with commissions for the number of views.

I'd probably start paying for a streaming service again if I could watch every show in one place. But I'm not interested in playing musical subscriptions.

And also, the "early access" is just a way to get people to pay more for the game in the first week.

By all reasonable standards, the game has been fully released.

"Pre-ordering piracy"... What does that even mean?

Plenty of real people are quite aware of our current issues, they just get drowned out online.

The Georgia GOP is going to get itself caught up in federal RICO charges at this rate.

I wonder how that would work.

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sheds a single tear as I unzip my trousers

We had decades of low union activity that gave corporations the chance to show how well they would take care of us on their own.

And they super fucked entire generations of workers.

Now people must unionize, or their dirt salaries will lose them their rented homes and starve their kids. So we're seeing a blossoming of union activity in many sectors.

It's time for workers to have a tiny slice of those mega-profits corporations have been earning off our backs.

Unionize America!

You can just click the checkbox for "Copy crack to install directory" to get the installer to do everything for you.

I'm not sure why that isn't the default.

A mobile only platform is pretty much destined to be the lowest quality social media site around.

Just having a keyboard and mouse makes thoughtful expression so much easier.

  • Sent from my iPhone
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Plex shares (I actually use an Emby share) are what streaming should have been after cable.

It's the perfect service, everything all in one spot for a reasonable fee.

I'd pay up to $100 a month for that legally, but instead the studios want to bleed me dry.

So they get nothing.

If you have a good unit then most of the military experience is hanging out with your friends all the time.

Except for the 5am PT every morning, and at 7am when you've got to get your truck ready at the motor pool, or 8am when you've got special duty to set up the range, or 9am when there's a 2 hour briefing about keeping your hands to yourself and having a designated driver.

Lunch at 11am is usually alright, except the base you're at has the worst DFAC you've ever seen.

That range you helped set up? It's at 12am, and it's fun to blast away at targets thinking about how much weapon cleaning you're going to do tonight.

There's a lot of leftover ammo, but you only had to shoot 2 magazines, so your rifle isn't going to be that hard to clean. (Any vets know what's coming next?)

First Sergeant says we can't waste ammo, if we don't use the 10,000 rounds they give us, they will only give us 5 rounds next time.

So the next several hours is spent in the sun, loading more rounds to mindless blast in the general direction of targets on the range.

7pm rolls around, it's quitting time. Just kidding, night land nav, time to stumble around around in the dark with shitty NVGs and try to find all the points scattered throughout 2 miles, using nothing but a compass and a map.

Except nobody ever gets all the points, so everyone gets together at the end to share the points they found.

10pm, now it's quitting time, except wait, some moron has lost their night vision goggles, so instead of going back to the barracks, everyone is going to spend the night on the land nav course until it's found. In the morning it's found right next to one of the vehicle tires.

Those are the general events of a somewhat easy day in a combat unit. A day without overnight watch, hours of formations and drill ceremony, 30km ruck marches, endless briefings, flipping landscaping rocks because first sergeant doesn't like the side you flipped everything to last month, etc etc etc.

For all the problems the game has, the major thing they get right is the environment.

Almost every area looks more than great, some are industrial, luxurious, barren, creepy, outright hostile, or cozy, but they are usually always gorgeous.

The environments are what pushed me to keep giving the game a chance after the initial shock of not having a cohesive overworld.

I thought it was insane that they take apart a fully built laptop to sell the diy version.

It's way more work for Framework, but they charge less for the diy model.

I wonder if user comfort with modifying internals on the diy model creates more sales in the long run, because customers can visualize what they'd be doing when installing an upgrade.

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Why do I need port-forwarding for torrents?

Torrenting happily on Mullvad right now.

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You're getting heavily downvoted by people who obviously don't understand how RAM works. Or how computers work?

Guys, Apple is shitty, we all know this, but onboard RAM is the least of their anti-consumer practices.

The problem with socketed RAM is the length of the traces going back to the CPU. That 100% reduces performance (and battery life) by a significant amount. Especially when using that socketed RAM as iGPU VRAM.

Dell's CAMM standard reduces the latency compared to SODIMM, for socketed RAM, but what we really need is for someone like Apple to invest R&D into really tiny RAM sockets that are super close to the CPU, instead of researching ways to lock users out.

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It really is a big move, since it likely cost them millions in early sales.

I probably would have bought it already if I couldn't find a crack, but now I can pirate and wait for a nice sale.

I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It also disables a lot of analytics, so you get a better experience than the paying customers, for free.

All Google domains are transferring to SquareSpace, and you get 1 renewal at the old rate before SquareSpace can charge you whatever they want.

And by they, you mean the right wind politicians in power.

The people who vote for them are constantly voting against their immediate interests.

If we had some sort of ranked choice, a lot of these one-issue voters might actually have a choice in their representation. Which would be good for all of us.

All a civil war will do is put a bigger boot on all our necks.

Nobody rational wants to see that happen.

Unless you enjoy the thought of American military might amped up to 11 and deployed on it's own citizens.

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I switched to Mullvad after PIA got bought by that spyware company.

They're great.

I can find just about anything I want through public trackers or DDL sites, so I haven't bothered to look into them.

Just pick a mid-sized instance and there's a 99% chance it's more stable than right now.

Look at users who don't sound insane and see where they're posting from.

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Way differently.

Soldered RAM is much much closer to the CPU, and so the time it takes for signals to propagate back and forth is significantly reduced..

Twitter was already struggling with nearly unfettered access to every internet-connected user. (sans heavily censored countries)

If Musk cut off 25%-50% of users, the platform, which relies on eyeballs seeing advertisements, would certainly spiral into oblivion.