8 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you are in the EU file a complaint under the GDPR with your supervisory authority. They are processing data of people and especially children here that they have no right to at all. Users were not informed, no opt out, nothing. This is extremely illegal in the EU. Not to mention all that data on special categories like health data, sexual orientation ,ethnicity, etc. Etc.

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Bet you, every single one of the cunts pushing for this would have to immediately be convicted under the very same laws.

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More and more I am considering taking a vacation with the specific goal of migrating to Linux. I've got decades old workflows linked to certain programs and tools that I know for sure only exist in Windows, so I'll likely have to still run it in a VM for those, but my system setup is just kinda the place I call home the most, yet my patience for all this nonsense is rapidly declining.

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"I'm surprised the thing me and my ilk have been actively working against hasn't magically happened despite our massive efforts to the opposite effect."

Bet you Bill thinks these kinds of publicity stunts will exclude him from being eaten, when we go to eat the rich.

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Netflix and Amazon prime simply won't work with VPNs active, which I use for work and privacy towards my ISP.

I won't compromise my security for their bad services. Living in a non US country, we are also always several years behind on content being offered.

Yeah, nah. The paying customer always pays for the percieved sins of non customers.

Set sail.

I really love how the whole GameStop thing is so derided around a lot of places, because haha, memestock idiots.

They literally turned off the buy button until they could figure out a way of the mess they created - or at least postpone it. This event alone should have brought people into the streets calling for these assholes heads. Instead we got shitty media coverage, shitty politicking around the topic with clueless senators and almost no action taken whatsoever.

GameStop revealed how utterly, utterly rigged the "free and fair" markets truly are. Sure we all realize that those with money and power will always be ahead of everything. But that was a full mask-off moment and - to a degree - still is. They had to show their cards and it's all fake and make belief, fully covered by unregulated entities that will never ever be held responsible. Not for the fucking mess they made in 2008, not for the fucking mess they kept making (rebranding MBS to CMBS and then getting fucked when COVID suddenly makes work from home a clearly solid model, crashing the CMBS nonsense, just like it was in 2008 with MBS nonsense)...

Like, I get it. Haha GameStop idiots got burned. But people really do not see how hard that event ripped off their mask and nearly brought the whole fucking thing down to the point where they had to blatantly intervene to stop the bleeding. And it didn't even stop with the run a few years ago. Once the split was done, all GameStop shares simply fucking disappeared for several days for German holders, because the split was also done in a very, very suspicious manner.

Think what you will of people invested in GameStop. No single stock has ever put how fucked the market structures truly are as much on display as this one has and continues to do.

It's all fake bullshit and it's still the best way to try to get a leg up in a "legal" way. I truly hate all this shit so much.

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I've made a write up for you to follow along and reference:

tl;dr instructions towards the end.

If you are in the EU file a complaint with your supervisory authority as reddit is illegally processing and selling data of children to be trained with by Google, not to mention all other users who weren't properly informed, nor consent retrieved. This one is going to be fun.

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They love Israel, because Israel kills the people they hate even more than Jews in modern Germany: Muslims and "brown people" as it were. That's all there's to it. Enemy of my enemy and everything. Their whole platform is about stopping immigration and deporting foreigners.

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I love that capitalism is more concerned about setting precedent here than saving lives, yet nonsense like civil forfeiture in the US leads to millions stolen from regular people each year. It's always only about whose bottom line is affected. Can't make a case for seizing foreign assets and redistributing them. That would mean everyone can do it and after all, it's a large club of very white gentlemen who have backroom agreements on this kind of stuff. If they do this with Russian assets, what's gonna stop China from doing the same with US assets!? How could we ever keep up with international trade and investments and tax evasion schemes, if we allow such horrible treatment of the most vulnerable billionaires of our society?

Shit's fucked.

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I was donating until I got an email telling me to donate more signed by their CEO or something who earns a couple hundred thousand a year.

Mind, I wasn't opted into communcation like that. Only updates and news this was neither. If their new CEO cleans house and refocuses as they said they will, I will consider renewing my donations again.

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I feel all those posts about reddit looking for mods for various communities is a good indicator. They might not have lost quantity all that much, but a very small portion of quality kept a lot of reddit interesting and running smoothly. A lot of that has either just dropped entirely engaging or migrated.

I doubt everyone would move. Some people simply take it as a sign to move on and do other things with their limited time on this little planet.

Buy and then kill one of most recognizable brands of the early 21st century. Elon truly is the genius he and his bootlickers believe him to be.

Man wasn't allowed to defend himself. Absolute farce.

I mean, they're profitable for the first time since 2018. Not least thanks to a huge amount of cost cutting the past two or three years. This is more of that.

A bit older than the Orville, Red Dwarf was the original satire of Star Trek turned into a legitimate Sci-Fi show a la Star Trek.

I enjoyed it a lot, at least the original seasons. Never watched the later ones they added thirty or so years later.

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Good thing. Liftoff would be an adfree and free alternative. But for those that loved sync, probably the only correct solution

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If Larian simply releases an honest to god Addon to BG3 like they used to be in the early 2000s, they're going to break the internet, I think. A complete game that is good with a complete addon that is good... Kinda like Witcher 3 with Blood and Wine, etc.

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This might fully go over my head in the moment. I have met so many mega weird men, that I would just assume the other person must have met a similar selection and take it as a compliment and worry a bit about who they socialize with, if I am a good example of a man to them.

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I was so angry for so many months. But it got my head out of my ass about a whole bunch of things. Fuck culture wars. Fuck day to day drivel. Millions aren't a lot of money.

We're in a class extinction war and we're constantly told to look down, always look down, never up. Look at the poor people stealing your taxes with food stamps! Look at the poor immigrants stealing your jobs (you don't want to do anyway)! Look at the other party being terrible about your needs! Look at your neighbor having more/less than you!

Never ever look up. And if you do: Look how much philanthropy. Look at all the genius! Never look behind the curtain.

Fuck them. Fuck every one of them, their media empires directing thought and speech and the politicians they buy.

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Sure, but it could also lead to other members putting more pressure on Turkey to get it done.

It's a death cult.

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Great! Then they won't mind if more sanctions are added.

I posted an extensive write up over here:

Scroll down to the last section for tl;dr instructions :)

For a moment I thought his name tag in the picture was a juice box.

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They did not struggle to come up with it. They struggled to get a puppet of Putin to allow this funding to be passed where it needs to go. Victor orban blocked the shit out of it.

They really cannot help themselves. Money corrupts all.

Because that's literally their whole job. Their justification for testing something on hardware it wasn't intended for is that they (LTT) didn't want to spend the money on their end required to do their job properly.

It's not about the product in question. It's about their clearly inadequate processes and considerations, prioritizing profits over accuracy. Kinda terrible for a company trying to break into the whole accuracy market with their testing and data.

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My best guess is that the almost two years of can kicking this conclusion was enough for most larger investors to reposition so the bag holders are now, once again, regular people.

Only difference being that it is a large amount of Chinese citizens getting fudged, rather than US or EU citizens.

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Yes, it is about control. Companies like meta with near infinite resources made their money by exploiting the ever living fuck out of data the vast majority of people to this day do not understand to have any value at all despite the evidence of not just one but multiple trillion dollar companies existing soley due to the exploitation of this kind of data.

I am done with being sold to, having my data harvested, being gaslit, being spied on, seeing these companies avoid the shit out of any consequences for their actions, etc.

Ooh, but it is open, if they wanted to scrape the data they just could! Yes, and it would be fucking illegal under frameworks like the Gdpr. If they join the system though? Wells then they have a legal basis again yo just keep tracking you. Not only that, they avoid further sanctioning by being able up show that they work on interoperability, without investing anything at all, simply by exploiting Foss software.

Ooh, but individuals can block instances, no need to defederate on an instance level! Sure and most people won't know about it or how to do it or just not care enough and get to enjoy being abused by these companies yet again in a space specifically chosen for not being that.

Oh, I don't see a way they could possibly exploit this or extinguish it! Cool. I bet their lawyers, psychologists, experts in every field imagineable that has anything to do with using data and driving engagement are exactly as stumped about it as a random user out here. Bet they couldn't possibly have a plan because we don't see one.

Anyone who has even an ounce of trust that meta and all these other exploiters will not find a way to ruin activitypub, has not paid attention in the last 20 years of internet service development.

Activitypub as a technology will survive this. The fediverse as an alternative to these utter monsters of companies might very well not.

It wouldn't. They already run around solutions like this by using proxies, so they are never the official owner of assets they wish to hide from the tax man.

I am all to reform, but this can only ever successfully happen if you target these oligarchs directly and dedicate extraordinary amounts of resources on taking them down and whacking every single loop hole until you finally got them cornered.

This is a never ending cycle.

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I imagine they will eventually simply splice ads into the videos themselves. But even for that there is already a solution with sponsorblock.

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Basically, yeah.

Nah, I am not buying that. They gave an opinion based on data they collected. That is a review, even if they don't call it that.

Every post is tied to a username and email address, making it personal information, since each poster can be identified. I'm sure they're also tracking further metrics such as IP addresses, browser fingerprints, etc. It is immaterial if we from the outside are able to identify users, it only matters if it's possible given the data available to the processor. In this case, it is. Not to mention, there is a good chance texts and posts themselves contain plenty of personal information, such as linking to other user profiles, mentioning and discussing people, etc.

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How dare this be so accurate.

One is a core value of the Republican party, the other is sowing dissent within the Republican party.

I appreciate the "all sides of the conversation" approach, but their gripe is with having to pay taxes on completely bonkers returns. That's not a surprise for anyone.

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Dolphins are apparently better at detecting smaller things that are difficult to pick up with sonar like divers, so they are utilized as early warning systems.

What does that mean?

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