YouTube is testing a more aggressive approach against ad blockers to – 82 points –

It looks like Google are pushing pretty hard on AdBlockers now. Looks like a pretty aggressive new UI from them.

I'm finding revanced for Android is still working well, but I've got no idea when that'll become less reliable



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I imagine they will eventually simply splice ads into the videos themselves. But even for that there is already a solution with sponsorblock.

Sponsorblock is the reason I'm confident that no matter what they try people can and will find ways to overcome it.

Out of all things I enjoy sponsorblock the most. Such a great QOL improvement, amazed I lived without it for so long

Shit if I have to I'll download every single YT video I wanna watch with yt-dlp and watch em in VLC/MPC/Plex/any other video player in the world lol. My eyeballs see advertisements when I choose for them too.

I suspect that all of the AI these companies think will solve all their problems (and add profits), will actually be a tool for us to use to skip and block ads.
Someone will learn how to use AI against them.
[evil laugh heard in the background]

SponsorBlock is such a godsend for (live) music videos as well, especially with Eurovision VODs will all those intros and endscreens