16 Post – 278 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Eldritch Horror hidden in a geeky t-shirt. Canadian. Polite, but says 'cunt' like an Australian. Avid pirate, worships unfathomable space gods that may drive you crazy.

If you see this username on other instances, it's almost certainly me on an alt.

Mastodon -

God, Youtube has gone to shit lately.

Lately in this context, meaning about the last 15 or so years.

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Lotta windows in airplanes.

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As someone who likes the idea of transhumanism:

I'ma fuckin' pass, dog.

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Sounds pretty cunty of em.

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Underagedrated comment right there!

qBittorrent for over a decade now.

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Ah, I see you've taken part in Bullshit Corporate Meetings™ before!

In fairness, they would have been absolutely stupid to have not done a 100% prewritten, teleprompted PR riddled pre-written response given the situation. Linus sitting down in front of a camera and just letting his mind do Linus things isn't gonna help anyone lol.

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The Internet is not forever after all

Lmao never was. Shit you don't want on the Internet will never leave. Shit you do want on the Internet fucking disappears all the goddamned time.




Fuck it, it's now "Nesisary"

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Don't expect all pirates to be 'against the man', some are just lazy gits who don't wanna spend money (not that there's anything wrong with that) and don't give much of a damn otherwise about 'the other shit'.

I'm 100% on board with the protest, and I'm 100% on board with /r/piracy just dying if for no other reason than just because Reddit is the worst fucking place to deal with piracy, especially with the times they threatened to nuke the sub in the past, double-especially with that time the mods had to wipe out pretty much the entire history of the subreddit in order to prevent it from being shut down.

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Sounds about white.

The day YouTube stops me from watching videos with an ad blocker on is the day I start ripping every single godsdamned video I wanna watch on youtube with yt-dlp and watching them the mother-fuck-offline lol.

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Boost, to my understanding, is only a thing on Kbin. Ernest coded Kbin to have better connectivity with Mastodon (Boost was originally our analogue for a retweet) then Lemmy does, and that's one of the options he made (the Microblog section being another. The non-Kbin instances (so all of lemmy, and thus most of the people who can read this thread) just don't have a Boost button.

That being said Boost has changed a bit in terms of how it works since it was created, and it's gonna keep being changed (literally they have said they are working on it lol). For me I basically Boost anything I upvote as a force of habit at this point.

Edit: And to those even from Kbin who don't know since I see some of you in the comments - It's currently like a super upvote. Boost something and it'll make the comment rise higher in the thread, like higher upvoted comments on a reddit thread would go up to the top. (Less if it's changed since the time I learned that from some other fediverse schmuck lmao).

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Gods I miss the years when trolls tried. Used to be an artform. Now every Tom, Dick and Numbnuts thinks being a contrarian idiot is enough to get the job done.

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'84 here. For years now I just round myself up or down to the nearest 5 and call it a day lol

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with the goal to "understand the true nature of the universe."


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All else fails, grab yt-dlp. It's a fork that I tend to find works better than normal youtube-dl anyway.

Smack em, assert the same statements. If they argue, smack em again and repeat.

I find it funny any time I check Reddit and see the people complaining in the comments. 'Whats going on with Reddit lately?', 'Why are there so many bots and so much spam as of late?'.

Memories of gerbils I swear, we fuckin' told you this was gonna happen. How are these simpletons surprised?! (I know I answered my own question there lol).

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Yep. The day µTorrent did their adware/crypto/whatever the fuck it was shit happened more than once, I immediately grabbed qBittorrent and never wanted to look back. Only once did I have a problem with it and that was an issue between it and Sonarr which I resolved by just downgrading qBittorrent for awhile lol

That'll be what causes Skynet to rise.

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If we take a moment to anthropomorphize Voyager here - It kinda is. Think of the pure vastness of space. Remember that all of the planets in our Solar System can fit between the Earth and our own Moon with a little space to spare.

Look up to the sky, point in any direction and (with the magical ability to fly up and through space) go in that direction without changing course, and there is an almost 100% guarantee you will never run into anything. Sure you may see things go by as you travel, but its just..never ending travel, fast as shit, through endless space until you just..stop and die.

Voyager's just gonna keep going, and going...and going. It's material will eventually break down I assume, due to exposure, and perhaps fall to pieces,'ll keep going.

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are delivery drivers just allowed to call and say 'please come and meet me' now?

Not in my world lol.

I order it for delivery, you're arse comes to my door. I don't care if it's a house, I don't care if I live 400 floors up in a space elevator. If the apartment number is on the order, buckle the fuck up, sunshine.

Delivery guys ring my buzzer, I don't talk to em I just hit the button to open the front door and they can figure their lives out from there. If they call me from their cell phone, sorry kemosabe but I don't know your number and don't answer phone calls from random numbers I don't know.

Food at my door, period. Don't even have to look at me, you can drop it and run for the hills to make up time for all I care. But it's at my door or your boss gets a phone call lol.

Edit: Low expectation mother fuckers in these replies I swear. Try not properly completing the one sole task your job involves and see how long your bosses keep you around kiddies. Holy fuck.

Edit 2: lol the copium below is both amazing and embarrassing.

I'd love to continue engaging but I've gotta go get a job digging 10' holes. Might just dig them 5' deep and assume the boss will be fine with me doing a half assed job like so many in the comments seem to do apparently ROFL. Stay fresh, cheesebags.

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100%. We know this for a fact because they specifically said they weren't touching it. I expect it's gone by the end of the 2024 at the latest.

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I do empathize with them. I make shit money. I work like a dog to feed entitled brats (well I don't consider my kids entitled but lol..). But if I stopped doing the literal most basic functions of my employment then I'll be making no money, and not working like a dog to feed entitled brats, because I'd be fucking fired from that job.

If your job is to deliver anything from point A to point B, you need to take it from point A, to point B. Taking it from point A to point C is called "fucking up your job".

Have a good day.

'Criminal activity should be reported to your local or national police. INTERPOL does not carry out investigations or arrest people; this is the responsibility of national police.'

From their website.

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#1: They probably should as customer satisfaction is a huge part of any business involving customers.

#2: I'm not necessarily talking about UberEats, I stopped using their services during the pandemic when a $15 meal magically turned into $43 by virtue of pure unadulterated magic. This is a problem that occurs even with in house delivery people who I assure you very much have a boss.

#3: I don't care if anybody involved doesn't give a shit about my customer satisfaction. I care about people doing their job. I don't get to hang up on people who call me for help on the phones when their being twats because part of my job is handling those twats. If part of your job is delivering food to a specified address, then do your job and deliver the food to the specified address. Failure to do so means you aren't doing your job lol.

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D̴̫̹̗̼͖̙̯̲̬̝̽̑ͅǔ̴̧͕̫͇̘̖̫̲̱͑̄̾̓͒̈́͝d̸̛̞̪̤̜͓̥͆e̴̻̝̓̀̀̑̑͜͠ͅ ̶̡̧̧͎̭̫͎̦̼͔̭̣̠̖̑̆̋̌͐̌͒̐͋̔̍̿͛I̷̛̛̦̖͈͙̯̝̟̻̓͑̓̀͑̐̇̓̅̾̕͝͝'̵͈̗̻̮̣͔͓̘̿̋͆̄̓̌̕m̸̨̧̠̻̯͎̯̼͍̹͇͇͒͗̀̓̽͆̐̌̑̚͜͠ ̸̢͍̘̥̠͔͇̹̦̊̄̂̈́̀̄́͗̈͊̂̆̚t̵̛̪̠̒̄̈́̌̊͝ṙ̵̬̬̼̙̮̭̹͓̼̗͎̜̥͕̈́̿͑̽̋̑͝͠ŷ̸͕̥̞̞̥̺̭̞̏́̿̄̓̽̂͋̽̂̆͐͂̿ĭ̶̲̝̱̭̹̟̤̏̏̇͐̐͋͘̕͜͜n̴̨̙͖͓̜̻͚̑͋g̶͇̻͕̎̂̽̃̂́́̎ ̶̡̳͉̘͔͈͈̻̗̽̂͂͒̍͋̃͠͠t̸̛̗̞̋̋̓̏̽͒̾́̄͑̍o̴̜̲͓̫̠̭͚̳̲͐͗́̚ ̶̳͎̳̳̀̓̿̈́̊̅̇͜ͅs̶̙͖̞͐̋͆͋́͘͝ḷ̶̰͍̰̣̙̍̿̿̀͒̿̊̃͂̆̄͒͝ȩ̸̤̯̟̪̐́͗̇̄̐͂̚͜ë̷̲̺͕̥̀̎͐̚p̶̨̛̥͖̲͕̺̥͚̳̆͒͊̍̿̓̉̓̽̕,̴̛̖͎̣̭̥̰͆͒̾̓̏̽͘͘͠ ̸̹̃̏̔́͐͐̍͊͗̊̀̄͛͠q̸̟͕̖̣͆͝ų̴̗̟͔̜̻̎͋͐̒̂̂̃̅́̈́͑́̆̽͜͠i̶̢̟̱̞̿̍̎̈̐̉̌̄̕͝t̶̯͙̥͙̞̉̓̈́ ̴̧͔̞͕̬̥͔̟̹̤̭̎͆̄̍̋͂̈́̂́̐̀͂s̶̢̬͇̬͈͎͙̞̲̣̘̺̅͐̈́̒͐u̶̖͍̣̼̣̹͍͈͈̩̞̻̘̤̘͌̅̈͆̑͋͗̔̈́̃͆̕m̶̢̪̤̮̆̆͐͋͂͂̉̓̓͆̊̿m̶̧̧̨͖̝̖̤͓̞̹̮͔̬̼̮̆̋̚o̴̰̾͑̎͘n̶̨̧͈̤͖͍͂̌͗͌͂͑̕͝i̸̡̩̼̻̱̒̇̄̌͊̾̈́̈́̈́͗̄n̵̡̡̢̺̰͎̙̳̗͖͍̺͉̬̦̈́̒͐̑̄̀́̉̍̈́̀͂̀̆g̵̢͎̬͕̰̗͉͇͓͓̫͙̹̬̩̈́̌͊͛̅̈́̽̔̓̈͗͠ ̷̞̬̺̝̆u̵̧̙̯̤͉͖͔͙̘̰̤̪͈̫͗̄͆͌͛͜͝͠ş̶̣͔͖̮͉͈͉̙̬̳͖̬̤̄̽̉

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I’d rather let a crack addict manage my balls than let Musk anywhere near my money.

This. Downloading a bunch of songs on Napster on dial up at a max of 3.5 kb/s download speed, each song taking 15-20 minutes on average to finish downloading, and right around 97% on the one you really want it's "GET THE FUCK OFF THAT DAMNED INTERFUCK NOW GODDAMNIT I GOTTA CALL MILDRED!"

2 1/2 hours later you get to go back and restart downloading Limp_Bizkit_-_nookie_4kbps_mp3.exe like you originally intended.

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I never stopped, but I doubled down a good 10 years ago when Netflix first announced they were gonna put an end to people getting around geolocking. I'm Canadian. I'd pay (at the time) for US Netflix 100%. Canadian Netflix wasn't worth the cost of the pot to piss in.

Spun up a Plex server, set up Sonarr, Jackett/Prowlarr, Radarr, Tautulli, and now I am Netflix for 20 people lmao.

Edit: And I'd have it no other way.

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I don't expect perfection, nor did I ever state that I did. I expect the literal bare minimum of service which in the realm of delivering something means as I said to the other person, taking it from point A to point B. If you take it to anywhere but point B, you have failed the basic task your job revolves around.

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also seems to me that you should be able to fix them without publicly announcing it.

You would seem to be wrong then lol. News has standards higher than Uncle Joe's Truckin' Blog™ or someone's Aunt's Facebook post.

Also, fuck apple simps.

Former Applecare rep here: Say it again, Trick!

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Hell I remember when it was called Read It Later, long before the Pocket days. Back when it was good lol.

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Same. I've been on Reddit for almost 12 years and for so long now, every time I post or comment I go through a several-minute-long phase of "Ugh no one needs to hear from my stupid arse on this topic" and "Jesus Christ what a stupid ass comment..." Twitter I've been on years also but I barely use because it was going down the shitter long before Space Karen got his hands on it.

Been here in the Fediverse on Mastodon and Kbin for a few weeks now and it's like going from gas station sushi that may be fresh that day to a high end sushi shop with a great omakase. Reddit still has some subs that, in my own realm of interests, haven't picked up yet here in the Fediverse, but even just over the last 3 weeks the changes and increase in content has been very noticeable.

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Don't need the word 'tech' in there.
