Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says to – 60 points –
Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says

If Neuralink can prove its device is safe in humans, it would still potentially take more than a decade for the start-up to secure commercial use approval


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As someone who likes the idea of transhumanism:

I'ma fuckin' pass, dog.

Dude cant even get the software on teslas to work right and we are going to trust him with brain implants? Lol

Look how it went for monkey test subjects. 😳

They were going to ask for volunteers from Musk's legions of loyal fans, but then they realised the subjects needed to have brains.

Just finished my first cuppa and had a nice and literal lol. Thanks for starting my day right!

And what company would you currently trust to make brain implants?

I believe the answer to that one to be "fucking not a-one", but that's just an educated guess of course.

I just love the assumption that we have to have brain implants (why? Because L. Ron Musk said so?)

I think it's the sci-fi fantasy of it. Like being able to download knowledge like the matrix.

In reality the real use of these is to help people with brain injuries or disabilities.

Elno wants to grift people on the former. Literally everything he does is selling people the knock off wish version of something from a sci-fi movie/book/game.

Musk aside, BCI will be a significant part of human lives in the distant future, they will initially aid existing tech but as the technology advances I can forsee a black mirror-esque future with our brains having a digital component.

I can't help but think brain implants are an inherently bad idea.

Yeah same here, I'm much more curious about Valve's foray into BCIs. GabeN mentioned in an interview a few years ago that they're closer than we think and I want to know what he's cooking up.

Whatever it is, it'll probably start with "wake up Mr. Freeman"

Yeah same.
Just hope Musk won't ruin people's perception for this or similar kind of tech.

@GeekFTW @kjr Companies already analyse our life with our activity online and know a ton about us.

What a great idea it would be to give them access to our *every fucking thought*