
32 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My mastodon accounts:

  • @kjr (Mostly) in English
  • @kjr in Hebrew

@chaogomu Right:

  • Putin's regime looks weak... to negotiate with a private company to avoid that their attack the capital of the country (a private company, not the NATO, not a bit terror organization) looks not really good.
  • The Russian army doesn't seem to be able to defend the Russian territory from the incursion of an organized armed force (able to occupy in hours a town with more than one million inhabitants)
  • Wagner doesn't look now as a company in which future stakeholders can trust, and trust is the base of the work of contractors.

I think it is embarrassing for everyone involved.

@LollerCorleone @entropicshart @endlessvoid

No perhaps. That was all the problem. It was a break of trust by the admins who attended this meeting, and then cannot do a lot to regain the trust since they cannot speak about the subject. Eben is unknown who attended meeting.
@LollerCorleone @kaladininskyrim

@tchambers We need something similar for kbin.
There are already a lot of instances, but allmost all users are concentrated in just two instances.

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Considering the well-known privacy violations and surveillance practices of Meta/Facebook, it's not hard to imagine that one of their future actions, possibly sooner rather than later, would involve cross-referencing accounts in the fediverse with their own platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and others. In Mastodon, users have the option to block instances, ensuring that those instances cannot access their data. However, we don't even have that level of protection here.

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@endlessvoid And what is the goal? Now the results after the performance looks like;

  • Putin and the actual regime are weak: armed contractors leave their positions, enter in national territory and occupied a bit town without that the army is able to stop them. At the end and for the first time Putin's regime negotiates publicly with an oppositional illegal armed force inside its territory. Result: the regime show weakness.
  • Wagner as a contractor leaves the places in the line of combat and revolts against their actual employer: Result: Wagner cannot be trusted by future employers.
  • Since Prigozhin is not more in Russia/Ukraine, and it has been exiled, the command chain and control on Wagner is not more stable. At the same time the Russian Army doesn't seem able to take control of it, at least outside of Russia/Ukraine. Which control does now Russia have about the contracts in Syria, Africa, etc?

To be a theater... it doesn't seem to have a goal. Everyone seems here to be a loser: Wagner not more a successful company, Putin not more the head of a strong regime, the Russian army not more able to defend their territory against a armed force (worse, against a private company, not even a country or a terror organization).

For me more than a theater it looks like symptoms of decadence.

@LollerCorleone @entropicshart

That would be ideal, it would be possible to consume meat keeping cruelty free standards. Hopefully it will happen soon.

@ernest Great update! Thanks a lot and take care of your self!

@DarkGamer what it will be difficult will be to absorb into Russian forces the teams of Wagner deployed in other countries, especially African countries. They have been deployed as private contractors working for the local government or for local rebel groups. But... as part of the Russian Army that is diplomatically unsustainable (only exception Syria, since Russia is present there).


@iNeedScissors67 out of topic... how do you block a magazin?


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@shepherd thanks a lot!!!
today I have opened kbin in the bus, and the main thread was full of cats and asses... I will prevent that it happens a next time.


@Warped I think we have here a big potential issue. Magazines have been created and the moderator hasn't post yet anything. After some days it is difficult to believe that she/he is taking responsibility of them.
The result is that everyone can post there without any moderation, and become a quite unsafe area. I think if a magazine has been opened and in a few days there is not post of the moderator, it should be deleted.

@cowvin I think real conservatives disappeared. Now self called conservatives in America are mostly neofascists and alt-rightists with the behavior of football holligans.


@goji thanks a lot!!
About the bi-directionality I will ask in codeberg when it is operative agsin.

@runningfromreddit I know that it is not intended for it... but I boost it. Usually they deserve the boost then it is not a big issue.

@ofcourse there are instances which defederated an instance because they implented free-text search. There is not agreement on that.
Steps 1 and 2 are problematic, since the Fediverse is hetetogeneous and not every instance federates which every instance, and not all the content is shared between diffrerent software (i.e. only a part of the content in kbin can be accessed by madtodon).
Anyway the approach is sound, maybe not for the fediverse, but for groups of instances which agree on a shared search engine.
I'm not sure about the GPU requirements, but on CPU the updates could be very slow for the actual trafic.

@Mr_Jabroni they can get data without a context, what is a big problem for the integration. For instance, to coreference accounts in different platforms, they cannot do it based on the name, but they can do it building a graph of interactions and learning from it... just as an example. Of course everyone can do the same, the problem is that Meta has not only the skills and resources, but that it is a substantial part of their business model.
I don't claim that the Anti-Meta pact is a solution, I am far to know how is possible to go ahead with the situation. A first step is that the user should be allow to decide which instances cannot access her/his data, something that in Mastodon is already possible.
An additional problem is that after some representatives of big Mastodon servers took part in a meeting with Meta under NDA, I have a big problem of trust.
@LollerCorleone @Silejonu

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@shishmish And how they leave their place and arrive to Russia? Russian airports and sky are at the moment under governmental control. And I don't think that Syria will take part on the conflict organizing flights to Wager.

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@bathrobe I don't know about tiktok, but I think that it is the same data that Facebook collects. And the worst is what we have at the end, "Other Data". That means, each moment Meta can decide to collect yet more things without to inform the user.

@m0bi13 @edu4rdshl @Arotrios

@OldFartPhil Anyway... maybe with "intellectual property" they mean another thing? I mean... if Meta is a Twitter clone, Twitter was a identi.ca clone too.

@Pips @Very_Bad_Janet

@little_hoarse I agree totally. Eating disorders need usually counseling to help to find the causes of the problem and find ways of fixing them.
Computers can do lots of things, but not substitute humans in this kinds of tasks.

מעולה, שמח לשמוע !!
It sounds excellent!!
Then (a little unrelated here maybe) makes it sense to add additional languages in the translations?
And is possible to publish here in other languages than English, using the language mark? (I thought it was an English-only instance)

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@admin thanks a lot !!

@PabloDiscobar hi, just a problem of understanding. What do you mean with "american soft power leaking in every sub"?

@ernest @lavender

@GordomeansPhat Difficult to say... hopefully it will be possible to trace the animal donors.


Good, then I will add Spanish (bigger language) and maybe after that I can collaborate in Hebrew.

@PabloDiscobar I don't understand this agresivity.

@stopthatgirl7 @Arotrios

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@sexy_peach It can mitigate a lot in some places.
I don't see as an adequate solution for the people transportation, but it can facilitate a lot the transportation of wares and hardware. I mean in the specific case of Israel, in which already the roads and the railways are overloaded.
For transportation of people I agree that this solution cannot compete with a good public transport infrastructure, more traditional and based on train, bus and collective taxis.

@luna I was wondering why the name is weird. Maybe because I am not an English native speaker, but I don't find it not or less weird than lemmy or twitter...

@ernest @PabloDiscobar @lavender

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@ernest What does it mean "Ability to mark content in Hebrew language"?

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