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Joined 1 years ago

He/Him/His, NE England, Sysadmin ☎🧰🎡🐳🌊 #BiFlagEmoji

I enjoy music, games, TV and film. Fascinated with tech, nature and space.

🎡 God can’t save us, so let’s live like sinners 🎡

Yeah same here, I'm much more curious about Valve's foray into BCIs. GabeN mentioned in an interview a few years ago that they're closer than we think and I want to know what he's cooking up.

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Thanks Velociraptor, I appreciate your encouragement. ❀️ I'll post a follow up photo, sure 😊

I honestly am ashamed to be a Brit. I do what I can with my circle of friends and family to help educate them and keep them from parotting biggoted shit they watch or read in the news but it'll never be enough. I can only hope the next generation of MPs helps right the ship.

I know it's still early days but I feel great after getting it coloured. Sorry if this is too deep but I've never really expressed myself properly through my appearance thanks to my Mom stomping out any sign of individuality I ever showed as a teen. Finally letting loose and doing what I want feels amazing.

I don't know if I'm really qualified to talk on the topic being a cis male but personally I'd have no problem with you being in a male toilet if that's where you felt comfortable for now.

uBlock Origin hates that site and MalwareBytes blocked it due to a trojan. So don't use it and refrain from recommending it in future.

Edit: Maybe you meant

It's down to the kind and supportive community you have helped foster here that I felt comfortable sharing and being true to myself. So thank you dearly, Gaywallet ❀️ or search ! in your instance.

Edit: Official community modded by Ljdawson himself is: !

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Thanks PerogiBoi, I appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement! ❀️

Aw thanks alex 😊 I only hope the real thing looks as good! I already take decent enough care of my hair, shampoo and condition it a few times a week, de-tangle it with a wide toothed comb, let it air dry and then brush it with a boar bristle brush once it's dried. I don't know if that'll be sufficient once it's coloured though? ❀️

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I'm open to all feedback, LostCause, thanks for your input. ❀️ I have a bit of a love hate relationship with my beard and face if I'm honest. I hate the way I look without it as I'm quite baby-faced but it grows in patchy because of a childhood injury leaving scar tissue under my chin and on my neck. It does look especially unkempt and unruly in the photo though I will admit. I've since at least trimmed my moustache so it's not curling over my lip πŸ˜…

Thanks for the tip on asking about post-care, distractedcactus! I'd have never thought of that on my own ❀️

I miss the IR blaster. Being able to control my TV and other set-top boxes was amazing. Now that functionality has been replaced by each manufacturer having their own control app that needs an internet connection and all your information. Bring back the IR blaster!

Thanks Chloyster! ❀️

Thanks Birdcatname! 😊 After the overwhelming support I got in the other thread I had to follow up with you guys ❀️

grep -rl '#!/bin/bash' . | xargs -I {} cp {} /path/to/destination/

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Aw thanks, Luna. I appreciate your kind words 😊 ❀️

While the infographic certainly gets its point across I don't understand why the author felt the need to use a slur in the name calling section. Feels very unnecessary when literally any insult would have worked like arsehole or even something simple like idiot or moron.

Edit: I've struck-through my ableist language as opposed to outright deleting it as to not try to deny any wrongdoing.

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Aw you're too kind, Emily 😊 ❀️

When i first heard Ubi were doing a more traditional AC game I was quite excited. However, after seeing the gameplay showcase I'm not totally sold on it. Basim's seemingly magic teleport ability really threw me off, I know past ACs had hints of magic with the Apple of Eden but that never affected gameplay. The parkour/freerunning also looks quite stilted and clunky. I'll keep an eye on it in the coming months but at the moment it's a wait for sale game for me.

Is there any proof this guy is actually an obsidian dev? I don't just want to take his word for it. Especially when he says the game is still not in alpha when any game dev would know that traditionally an alpha is just any early stages of development upto when you start adding art or fleshing out the meat of the game. In alpha you are prototyping movement and gameplay mechanics in dev environments. Anything after that is beta. Only PR teams and consumers think of alpha and betas as basically a finished product that is ready to be tested and polished.

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Thanks for the encouragement and kind words bob 😊 ❀️

Thanks, DocSophie! ❀️ I was thinking of doing my beard too but I was worried it might be a bit too extreme for my first time exploring this side of myself πŸ˜…

Thanks for the tip cabbagee! ❀️

Yeah I liked that purple bit too! Thanks 3l3s3 ❀️

Awh shucks, thanks Bubble Water! 😊 ❀️

Thanks again, Velociraptor! I really love the colour πŸ˜€ ❀️

Ah ok, I've never been on Codex before so didn't realise they had mechanisms in place to verify such things. Thanks for pointing that out. Trusting that Codex have done their due dilligence then you're probably right that Obsidian are just one of those companies that uses pre-alpha/alpha differently.

With what the dev has said in that thread it makes me think their 2024 release date probably means an Autumn/Holiday release window rather than early-mid 2024 then.

Haha I love this community. I went to bed feeling pretty great about myself and then come back to you two planning a whole look for me, giving me another boost! πŸ˜…. Thanks for the suggestions! I love the idea of a gradiented grey/white beard! ❀️

Thanks again Emily! 😊❀️ I'm starting to get used to the contrast now after spending the day with it and I'm loving it! I just went for a walk and feel like a million bucks!

Yeah I think you could be right, I'd run the risk of looking like a smurf haha. Thanks, alex 😊 ❀️

Thanks quickbasset! Fingers crossed it comes out well and I feel good about it ❀️

Thank you! 😊 ❀️ I just went for a walk and feel like a million bucks!

Thanks for correcting my poor behaviour. I've struck-through my ableist language as opposed to outright deleting it as to not try to deny any wrongdoing.

The Ferengi's 34th rule of acquisition is: War is good for business. They themselves never waged war though, curiously.

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Oh boy do I have the phone for you Margot. Check out the ASUS ROG Phone 7 Ultimate. It has a USB-C port on the bottom as you'd expect but also one on the side for when you're holding the phone horizontally but still want to charge.

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Hey distractedcactus! Thanks again for your kindness and support. ❀️ I took a photo of the product that was used today but honestly, although it is different to what I had in my head, I really like it and it might actually be better than what I originally wanted!

Fledgling community over at too although it's not official.

Edit: ! official one modded by ljdawsom himself.

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