Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says to – 60 points –
Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says

If Neuralink can prove its device is safe in humans, it would still potentially take more than a decade for the start-up to secure commercial use approval


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The Ferengi's 34th rule of acquisition is: War is good for business. They themselves never waged war though, curiously.

Depends on how you defined war.

The ferengi ship where Picard makes first second or third contact above the power draining planet was an equal to the enterprise.

“Oh but the federation doesn’t build warships”… the enterprise is more than a match for romulan and Klingon battle ships.

The Ferengi have a military sure but its primary use is to protect their enterprises, not to wage war on other factions. Also who are you talking to that claimed the federation doesn't build warships? It certainly wasn't me.

The federation itself.

The defiant was a big deal because it was a warship, and the Feds “don’t do that”. Even though most their ships are in fact heavily armed and capable of at least holding their own against “dedicated” warships of (frequently very) hostile civilizations

I see where you're coming from. The Defiant-Class are definitely a purposefully designed "Warship" and the first Starfleet has made in a long time at that point. Yeah I concede the point. I look at a ship like the Galaxy-Class with its phaser arrays etc and I think warship but it was built and designed during a time of peace, Starfleet wouldn't have viewed it as a warship.

It's an exploration ship.... that's almost big enough to qualify as a mobile starbase given the civilian population. Having armaments isn't stupid, especially given how often they rejiggered the phasers to act as a tool rather than a weapon.

35th rule of acquisition: Peace is good for Business.

Or maybe it's the other way around I always get those two mixed up.