15 Post – 364 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just an anonymous llama 🦙🦙🦙

Yeah that's the most brazen part. They're more than happy to pull in a dozen set of fees, but cry when they have to clearly list them so people aren't taken advantage of. This is the type of rubbish that the "free market" produces and why there needs to be some level of government oversight.

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Horrific article to read, old mate had to go to fires by himself and respond to emergencies from black people while all the white people hid. Terrible

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Seen this sentiment that green bubbles = bad a few times online but never it's never come up for me. I assume this is a teen - early adult specific issue where the idea is mostly to be part of the group

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Eventually it was bound to happen. Still sad to see mods getting removed to make way for more Spez friendly replacements

They're doing great work on their destroy any positive community sentiment Speedrun, it's been shocking decision after terrible change

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I think the end conclusion wasn't great. He said

It wouldn't matter if it dropped 20 degrees

It absolutely would matter. Just like how a 4090 costs an absurdly high amount but people will still buy it. For the right person getting 20 degrees knocked off might be worthwhile regardless of how expensive it is.

I'm getting a sinking feeling about this

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Kbin seems to be continually looking into updating things but I doubt accessibility / vision support is high on the priority list right now, the issues tracker is almost 300 long.

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Old mate certainly has birds flying around in his empty head, that's for sure

I'd say the over exploitation of JavaScript to leverage tracking, interaction and marketing has helped create the poor experiences we now have on web. The underlying technology when used for creating interactive and helpful UIs is very beneficial

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It's a shame to have to migrate away from a place when it was fundamentally damaged by terrible top-down decisions. 2023 really is the year of getting less for more.

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Always good to see more people looking into platforms besides Twitter, plenty of great places out there

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There's quite a few of us now helping out with tickets. Great to see lots of people coming together to make the site better. Good to get lots of bugs squashed :)

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The Firefox team responded saying that it's an awful idea and that plenty of people rely on being able to appear human, for example screen readers who need to interact as a human would but then translates it into a format their users can understand.

These propositions are just full of drawbacks for the user, the user actually gains nothing at all. Let's hope this rubbish doesn't take a foothold.

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Arguably one of the most important sites too. People had accounts for week over a decade, they're rightly pissed when a place you used to love turns to shit because some dropkick CEO wants to pump his upcoming IPO

Not a great situation overall. Sounds like they're scrambling to give some semblance of support for mods, seems a little late now guys

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The worse was the disingenuous removal of the Pushshift API. Framing it like devs have been using that API for things they didn't envision (like unddit using it to retrieve deleted comments so you could see if an admin deleted a genuine comment or if it was just hate speech)

Terrible situation overall.

Yeah this isn't great to hear. If they're keen on taking pushing content outwards to kbin but not accepting incoming content, that's not really good enough.

If they're doing something shifty like that, how do we even know kbin users comments are even being recorded (and seen on that Lemmy instance)

What's the overarching issue here? Those admins are just being dicks?

Pushshift was an API service that connected with Reddit to pull information about posts, users and other data. For example you used to be able to use unddit to input a URL and get a full listing of a comment thread, showing all comments that have been purged.

This was a super handy service that Reddit all of a sudden cut off with only 1-2 months of notice. Moderators used to use this service extensively to help them moderate and actual data scientist used to integrate with it to pull out a heap of data.

The best part about pushshift was that you could take a permalink (e.g. a 5000+ point upvoted deleted comment) and see if it actually violated the rules of the subreddit OR if the admins were just being shitcunts.

It looks like they have their own "vibe" and rigorously enforce it in their own community. That's fine, it's their service after all. Feels a bit strange to turn away potential new users when people are looking for viable alternatives

The critiques that Steve laid out in this video were perfectly fine, highlighting the shortcomings of LMG when it comes to actually reviewing content (which is what they're pivoting to, away from 100% entertainment content). A typical Linus arrogant take where he'll learn nothing.

Good to get awareness out there, the more people who know about these federated alternatives the better, even if it means having to use Reddit (where there's still a huge population of potential converts)

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I'm not overly keen on the 15 seconds micro-content that sites like TikTok and YouTube (shorts) are pulling. It creates the most densely packed, quickly paced content I've seen and it feels like people are now addicted to quick bursts of info.

It feels like that type of content is doing to reduce people's already awful attention span, I've already had mates who can't read threads, articles and comments because it's too slow, terrible

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He'll just have to budget a bit more, tough economic times and all

Yeah I think people are underestimating how much time was invested. Imagine if Gmail just up and vanished and you had to use something else after being so invested, ofcourse people are going to be talking about it for ages until the annoyance passes

Was really keen on tildes for a moment when we were going through the exodus stage with Reddit. I wasn't keen on the closed invite system.

I get they want to keep their own community and that's fine, but it's a shame they wanted to limit their growth in a time when people were looking for alternatives

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It's pretty breathtaking that they're taking a preemptive approach on such a large server, feels like they could have federated for a while and assesses but nope.

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With the way some people treat the fediverse I'd argue that this place as a whole is well on its way to becoming an echo chamber.

The number of posts I've seen along the lines of "hey I don't like x, can we de-federate" is shocking. People need to have some level of accountability and block people / communities / domains for themselves without resorting to pulling out the de-federation ban-hammer which affects everyone else on the instance

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I've got inside knowledge of where this valuable feedback is going, try and keep it private tho

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It's pretty creepy to want to use people's likeness forever, so it can be used for any purpose in the future. It's perfectly fair for these actors to be pissed.

Companies will never do the right thing without being forced to do it, it's just not in their nature. So having strikes and forcing their hand along with regulation is the only real solution

I've raised this in the matrix chat and have flagged this again to Ernest. I know initially about 2 months ago when the exodus happened that he was scrambling around trying to keep the server running as everyone joined.

Over the last few weeks he's be busy with a flood of PRs with either fixes, new features or support for the upcoming API integration.

I had no idea this ticket existed (mostly because there's been almost 1000 tickets submitted and I've been working on improvements)

Hopefully he can have a look at this and fix these issues soon, I seriously don't think this was done maliciously, but I'll do what I can to raise it (I have minimal exposure to open source licensing so I don't want to touch these files myself)

Without the shit show that's the Reddit exodus I wouldn't of found kbin and wouldn't of had a fun new side project to work on. Super keen on all the fancy things we've been able to improve over the last few weeks :)

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I think if this were a new player in the market, say for example a new social media platform that was going to venture into the fediverse, most people here would give them the benefit of the doubt.

However this is meta, they shouldn't take get the benefit of the doubt with how they've been operating over the last decade. There's no good faith that they'll be good participants

Seen plenty of people calling for the de-federation ban-hammer whenever they find comment they like. There's fine line between having an open space and an echo chamber and if it were up to these people we'd federate with no one

Cheers for the screenshot mate.

Feels like they need them for unpaid work, but also don't want to give them too much power. A pretty interested conundrum. Glad I'm not spending effort maintaining a subreddit given how thankless the job is 🤯

Whenever I see these threads pop up I always look for this comment. People need learn to block communities and users that you're not keen on, not reach for the de-federation ban-hammer because you personally don't want to see the content.

There's an argument to be made about instances made 100% in bad faith, or where the content is overwhelming stacked, but for most of these situations people need to take care of this themselves

The sentiment feels on point however, that this users experience with Firefox has been poor and issues flagged have not resolved in an eternity. I've definitely felt similar exhaustion with other systems.

This i feel is the best take for most instance owners. Wait, watch and react. Good to keep federation going until you actually observe them participating in bad faith

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Good work son