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Joined 1 years ago

lmao the sheer amount of entitlement on him. Truly a leopardsatemyface moment. Imagine tying your entire identity to being an unpaid lacky for a website that doesn't give two fucks about you, to the point that when you're let go you go nuclear.

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Sponsorblock is the reason I'm confident that no matter what they try people can and will find ways to overcome it.

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There's quite a few but I'll give my top 3:

r/TIFU and r/AITA - The former became a repository for preteen fanfiction and the latter became a place for confirmation bias/rhetorical questions looking for validation.

Then there's r/UnpopularOpinion which ended up being an oxymoron unto itself. I honestly don't understand how anyone thought that concept would work given that the literal point of a social media discussion platform, that utilizes an upvote/downvote system to determine visibility, is to push popular (highly upvoted) posts to the top/front. Very few people actually upvoted something that was unpopular and instead just upvoted the low hanging fruit popular opinion posts that were 'controversial' but still blatantly have a clear majority who support that side that OP took.

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Haven't we suffered enough?

Thank you for your service kind citizen!

I know Reddit would have a field day if I said this over there, and maybe here would too, but...

Should be more like "Fascists go kill yourselves" because fuck fascists.

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Not really sure why this is a question. If I have a cup of coffee, I am fine to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. If anything, my reaction time would be slightly quicker (vs me uncaffeinated, YMMV).

If I get high, I'm keeping my ass put on the couch/at home and if anything my reaction time is slower.

I'm ngl, I'm kind of morbidly curious what, if any, remains are there when a sub at this depth implodes. Will there even be any bodies that are retrievable?

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I posted a similar comment elsewhere but along the same line of thought: The sad thing is that the masses that are still on Reddit at this point dgaf and will likely stay on Reddit forever. There's a real problem of Apathy in today's culture when people are just jonesing for their fix of daily content/memes, or at the very least nothing that disrupts the status quo. They don't give a fuck about "ideals" or what corporations do or farm from them so long as their instant gratification and daily intake of said content remains unchanged.

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As soon as I read it I thought, "please don't let me be the only person who has a sick mind and is willing to comment it"

If you put the phone in airplane mode, you can get the app to load the UI at least. Doesn't do/mean anything but I suspect I'll be doing it out of nostalgia a lot in the coming months.

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Are you talking about Steve The Pigboy Huffman? That Steve Huffman?

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I remember reading a comment that said they half expected this to be a 'Door in the Face' technique (or a different one with a different name, can't recall) wherein Reddit was being a clever sales person by starting high and then going low, because the true goal was to just introduce a pricing plan to begin with. If they had just started with a pricing plan, there'd be pushback and they might have to rescind it, but if they started with something ridiculous and then walked it back/lowered it to something reasonable (their goal the entire time), they could save face and say "hey Reddit we heard you loud and clear and you're right!" and Reddit could go "We did it Reddit!" - I thought that seemed very plausible at the time.

Then I thought maybe it was just Hanlon's Razor. They were just being stupid. Turns out it was a little of both malice and stupidity.

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It's a troll account. If you click on their name it looks like they're just spewing and spamming a bunch of crap all over the place.

Government: "Hey, do you think we should crack down on these corporations pouring 50-100 tonnes of pollution into the ecosystem/atmosphere by increasing their carbon taxes, making it illegal to buy/sell said tax credits to/from other corporations, and creating/enforcing stricter environmental regulations on those companies?"

Government employee stuffing a wadded envelope into their pocket: "Erm, um, on second thought, wouldn't it mean a lot more if the average consumer stopped using plastic forks and put their cans in the recycle bins? That's gotta be at least 1.5...tonnes right there."

If it's any consolation, I went through something similar. There's a subreddit community that I was a part of for a long time that I loved deeply, it was a very warm and inviting place. When the sub went on blackout and took a poll to extend indefinitely, I made a passionate plea to the sub to really consider what's at stake, even though so many of them felt like it was pointless. I wasn't rude, I wasn't callous or pessimistic, I just wanted people to know that whether something seems hopeless or not isn't the point at all, but rather taking a stand for something you believe in should be the point.

I was promptly met with a barrage of downvotes and someone replying to me spewing vitriol and telling me to 'touch grass', with another person just shrugging and saying they just want things to go back to the way they were (by ending the blackout). It's weird but I was honestly pretty hurt by that response. This community that I came to know and love turned on me the moment I suggested we take a stand.

Apathy is, unfortunately, a real problem in our world today. Too many people aren't willing to do even the bare minimum to protest or protect their rights. They would sooner just fall back into what is comfortable (or worse, they just give up before even trying because they have already lost hope) and have decisions and actions be made for them rather than risk losing that "certainty."

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I literally just had a friend tell me he joined Threads and how neat it was, etc etc and when I explained why I wouldn't be joining him, he basically just gave me the old "Well I already know they have all my information so it doesn't matter" wtf? So you just...give up having any privacy whatsoever? I just couldn't respond to him after that, I don't really know how to respond to that. There's a disease spreading in the world unfortunately and it isn't just COVID. It's one called Apathy and too many people are coming down with it.

"What are companies thinking"

It turns out I actually have the ability to convert thoughts to text for any company CEO or Board Member. So allow me to post an excerpt of what I've found:


If you put the phone in airplane mode, you can get the app to load the UI at least. Doesn't do/mean anything but I suspect I'll be doing it out of nostalgia a lot in the coming months.

I'll never forget the sound of the siren's call as it wafted sweetly over the waves, gently washing over me like a warm blanket of security. That dulcet tone that cried, "You've Got Mail!"

Ok, but only if I get to make the next post that complains about people complaining about people who complain about Reddit. Or...something.

I actually started with an account on before coming here, but they're down like 90% of the time and I fear it might be too much for Jerry (operator of that instance) to keep up with, at least for now. But having an account on multiple servers that I can bounce between when such things happen has been nice.

As I've seen posted before, one of the reasons is due to enshittification. Feel free to peruse at your leisure. Greed is certainly the biggest contributing factor, but there's another, lesser talked about effect happening here that "compliments" enshittification if you will.

It's a sort of "reverse gentrification" of a social media platform that has just crested in popularity/usability, which in turn creates a snowball effect (or in the interest of the aforementioned process, a "shitball" effect). It's when the good posters, the ones that actually READ the articles, the ones that make educated or otherwise well thought out comments and actually take time to speak to the person behind the computer instead of using anonymity as a means to be vile or rude or nasty, all migrate off of the platform. They see the writing on the walls, and so they leave. This leaves behind more and more of those that don't really care about details or politics or social causes, nor care about anything other than their instant gratification (i.e. we don't care about the blackouts we just want everything to open back up so we can get back to our memes).

In other words, as more decent people leave a social media platform, all that's left are the ones that make the platform undesirable to begin with, thus causing more people to leave and the decline deepens. We saw this with Facebook. All that's left on Facebook are people who are out of touch with reality and those who use the platform as a propaganda machine.

We're also seeing a rise in what I can only describe as "Corporate Apologists" - People who constantly make excuses for companies that shouldn't be defended or are otherwise indefensible. It is pretty disheartening to see so many people rush to the side of businesses that are openly exploiting their workforce (in some cases the defenders are the exploited, which boggles the mind). People who defend Elon Musk and his handling of Twitter, people who defend Reddit and think the blackouts were always going to be useless so why bother (those people missed the point entirely), people who defend anti-union tactics or businesses that don't want their employees to have living wages. All of these are because the person has some self-image or interest that is tied to that business/platform. A part of (sometimes a large part of) their identity is defined by a product and so they won't even entertain the idea of trying to go against it, lest that product or company be taken away (and a part of their identity with it). There are people who really pride themselves on their number of followers, their internet karma, other useless tokens that they attribute to personal self-worth.

Anyway, I've ranted long enough. I'm tired so some of what I said probably doesn't make sense and I apologize. Maybe I'll come back later and clean it up a bit once I've rested.

And a hotdog is a taco.

...actually that one kind of makes sense.

Thank you! I was racking my brain trying to recall the word/term for it and self-validation was the one I was trying to think of for the r/AITA, but you're absolutely right - it can be applied to r/UnpopularOpinion as well.

I suppose it depends on what a person considers a hidden gem because everyone's tastes are different. I'll list a few categories and at least 1-2 of my favorites in those categories that I've found on Steam and are currently on sale:


  • Grounded
  • Raft
  • Rimworld
  • Subnautica/Subnautica: Below Zero

Story based/Farming/Romance:

  • My Time at Portia*
  • My Time at Sandrock

Visual Novels:

  • Basically anything made by PixelFade (Ace Academy, Ethereal Enigma, Crystalline). One of the few English-based VNs that are fully voiced in English and have a pretty decent plot/story. Interactive with different choices affecting different outcomes and even some minigames at least in EE.
  • _Nekop_er Hush Hush. Ok, listen. I'll admit there IS an 18+ DLC for this but it's not necessary to enjoy the game. It honestly has a pretty interesting story/premise and I did get pretty heavily emotionally invested in the characters.

*Note that MTAP has been fraught with issues. Although these issues don't necessarily make the game unplayable, and it's still enjoyable, be aware that it is was Pathea's (the studio) first such attempt and as such they were still learning. Their second game Sandrock has solved a lot of the issues and it's not necessary to play the first one

I suppose it depends on what a person considers a hidden gem because everyone's tastes are different. I'll list a few categories and at least 1-2 of my favorites in those categories that I've found on Steam and are currently on sale:


  • Grounded
  • Raft
  • Rimworld
  • Subnautica/Subnautica: Below Zero

Story based/Farming/Romance:

  • My Time at Portia*
  • My Time at Sandrock

Visual Novels:

  • Basically anything made by PixelFade (Ace Academy, Ethereal Enigma, Crystalline). One of the few English-based VNs that are fully voiced in English and have a pretty decent plot/story. Interactive with different choices affecting different outcomes and even some minigames at least in EE.
  • Nekop-er Hush Hush. Ok, listen. I'll admit there IS an 18+ DLC for this but it's not necessary to enjoy the game. It honestly has a pretty interesting story/premise and I did get pretty heavily emotionally invested in the characters.

*Note that MTAP has been fraught with issues. Although these issues don't necessarily make the game unplayable, and it's still enjoyable, be aware that it is was Pathea's (the studio) first such attempt and as such they were still learning. Their second game Sandrock has solved a lot of the issues and it's not necessary to play the first one

Was going to say, I'm all for changing my habits/thought processes based on scientific data/evidence, but I could've sworn this debate has been raging on for some time now. First it was declared that it causes Cancer, then it was declared well no there's not really enough evidence to support that, and now we're back to it does. But I have yet to see a definitive link in any study and even this article says "possibly."

Now, that being said I still avoid aspartame when possible, opting for Stevia whenever I have the choice. I just fear that this kind of back and forth tends to erode credibility through unsubstantiated whiplash with the general public.

Good news to everyone! We've wanted an alternative to YouTube for a long time. Now it looks like Google that next big step in forcing alternative platforms to rise in it's place. I'm an avid user of YouTube, but not a snowball's chance in hell will I buy Premium when they are trying to shove it down my throat like that. That's a very good way to get people to NOT buy something but for some reason companies don't seem to understand.

Gabe Newell said it best: "We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem." - Piracy was down and streaming subscriptions were up when Netflix first came about due to the ease/convenience of it, but piracy is seeing a return due to the mishandling and misconception of companies about how to gain profit through improved services vs increased pricing/poor performance.

The reason I bring this up is because YouTube, like many companies, thinks they're "solving" the issue of adblocking by force-feeding this kind of bullshit to the masses, but all they're doing is forcing more people to turn to alternatives instead.

I've noticed that this site (super useful by the way) doesn't include the or kbin instances. Is there a way to get those added?

That would explain my very uncomfortable visit to the ER

Yeah I mean, it's all still going to be relevant (the Reddit stuff) at least until after the end of the month.

Humans are gonna human unfortunately. Biologically I’m not convinced we are capable of eliminating war because humans are competitive by nature. To the point that there will always be one group or another trying to force its ideals onto another.

I’ve often thought about “what if we could snap our fingers and every weapon beyond that of a spear (technologically) was vanished, and any/every attempt to fashion something deadlier would fail/poof out of existence as well.”

That might stave off large scale war but there would still be tribal warring on a smaller scale I fear. Plus a ton of other issues that would arise from suddenly having no guns/missiles/projectiles/etc.

Anyone know how to get a hold of Victoria Taylor? She was the original AMA organizer of Reddit before they let her go.

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The sad thing is that the masses that are still on Reddit at this point dgaf and will likely stay on Reddit forever. There's a real problem of Apathy in today's culture when people are just jonesing for their fix of daily content/memes, or at the very least nothing that disrupts the status quo. They don't give a fuck about "ideals" or what corporations do or farm from them so long as their instant gratification and daily intake of said content remains unchanged.

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