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Joined 1 years ago

All religions should be heavily taxed. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

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One failed coup, on trial for insurrection and planning the next one.
Welcome to this episode of "Dumb Criminals".

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Anytime you see the word "smart" in the name of the product, remember to mentally replace the word "smart" with "tracking".

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We already have Dickopedia elon, it's called twitter and YOU paid $44 billion for it.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Republicans are criminals, cheaters, liars and traitors.
And I have proof, just watch and listen to everything they do.
They HATE America and want to rule it with a sick 2000 year old genocidal religion.
Always vote for the candidate to does things to help Americans, and chooses human rights over fascist control laws.

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Trump is not a billionaire, never was. No one that rich needs everyone to pay his bills.
He is just a welfare brat scamming people. Everything he owns is mortgaged to the hilt.
MAGA exists to financially support #TraitorTrump.

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But they are both bat shit crazy, so looks mean nothing at this point of de-evolution.

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Remember: this is a private company he owns. He can do as he pleases. And when he changes his mind you are fucked, because he is an immature child who lives in 'elon' world.
Help your friends and family to move to ANY other social media platform (preferably the Fediverse).

Want to be a creepy dating stalker?
$500* please
*unlimited creepiness included!

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Amazing how he "suddenly" has proof of the fraud that could have made him President.
He... lost it until now?
Did he finally find it while looking for more TOP SECRET documents in a box in another bathroom?
He will literally open his mouth, commit more crimes, and be in more trouble. I hope he gets himself jailed!

Drinking Game: Every time he says "perfect phone call" you drink a shot.

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“As societal views change about what constitutes a marriage, officiants must be able to refuse to solemnize marriages that are contrary to their beliefs. The government has a responsibility to protect the exercise of religious beliefs," he said, via CNN. "Those with the authority to perform civil ceremonies would also be permitted to refuse to solemnize marriage for reasons of conscience.”

So if someone's religion did not believe "christianity" was a valid religion, they could refuse to give a license to a christian couple.
Be careful what power you give the people, they can use it against you.

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Retirement age in the US should be 60 for everyone, not based on tiers of what year you were born. We have some at 65 and some at 67, this is wrong, unethical.
And ALL Americans should be required to pay into the system regardless of the income you make. If the wealthy paid their fair share we would have less problems in the system. And yes, they would be eligible to collect retirement like anyone else.

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Girlllllll! Your pussy is poppin'!

Sounds like a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.
Imagine that you pay for an ad free streaming service through your roku, like HBO for example. And now you have ads streaming over it?
People will sue for a way to disable it over ad free paid content.
Also, this will lead to way more pirating. People are sick of advertisements.

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The funny part is, he lost the case so he is famous for stiffing the lawyers.
She is going to have to sue him for the payment. That's gonna be very funny to see.

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Maybe the rich people could BUY MORE UNITS. Since the rest of us normal people don't have that kind of money.

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We have your IP address, your GeoLocation, cameras are monitoring you now.
You will be dealt with!

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Elon, complaining about all the "crimes" other people are committing and he's going to come in and "save" us all.
AKA, all his "complaints" are the crimes he intends to commit against us all.
Conservatives worship hypocrisy.

Come to the dark side, KDE has Dolphin and it swims faster than any gnome could.

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You're donating an organ, or you're not.
This ain't fuckin' Burger King. You can't have it your way!

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Tracking & profiting off it.
Forcing people to be tracked to use a product that they then sell that data should be illegal without your complete, informed consent, and you get to opt out and still use the product.
All tracking should be regulated. You own your personhood 100% and only you can make money off of that.

I "walk away" online as well.
"Sign in to get price".
Guess what, it's never a mind blowing low price. It's like $5.00 less than normal. Hidden prices are never a deal.

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4/22 will be a very bad day for the trumpster. They will reject that bond and he is screwed. Plus the criminal trial starts fully that he must attend.

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I love reading about reddit AND twitter on the Fediverse.
It's better than reality TV could ever hope to be.
Entitled assholes who run the place, decide to start their platforms on fire and then try and blame the users.
And then they get all temper tantrum on the users and punish people like the tyrants they are.
Failing, worse than anyone ever in the history of business, (yes, YOU elon), is just a joy to behold.
Who is an amazing business man? Not you spez, elon, trump.
Ego will be your ultimate death.
Welcome to social media gentlemen, thank you for lighting yourselves on fire. Please clean up when you are done.

All google products are spyware. Although technically they should be called "trackingware".

Wetlandia. Famous for it's seafood.

Oh yah, sure, ya betcha! That sure feels marvy.

The real scandal was how fucking hot he looked in that suit!
And how jealous the GOP was of it.

When enough people stop believing in religion, churches will automatically self combust. Apparently Canada is doing well!

Funny how the christians said the gays were trying to 'redefine marriage', and yet they did just that by making laws to accept 'covenant marriage'.
I think same-sex marriage should have included a legal stipulation that we get free tacos every Tuesday for the lifetime of our marriages!! That's how you redefine marriage!!

Just an FYI: 'woke' is what happens when you computer "resumes from sleep".

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Where can I get one of the gay Ukrainian soldiers?
Ukrainian men are HOT!!!

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Not only is the plastic gross, but the artificial sweeteners are nasty.
Some of us don't taste sweetness, we taste the chemical.
Gum stopped being fun.

Kneading his dough... O_o

Using Cis when using voice will always be confused with Sis, as in sister. That's gonna sound very interesting as a non-insult.

Me: "Do you carry panties?"
Shopkeeper: "They are on the bulletin board in the entrance."
Me: ???

Republicans/racists/christians want to be immune from the law.

Thank goodness you are alive. We thought you had been abducted by aliens!! :)
Sorry to hear that your medical issues escalated.
Hoping you have a painless and speedy recovery.

Free information, education and entertainment without restrictions is a danger to fascism.
Destroying that empowers psychopaths to be able to brainwash it's citizens.

This is why we need public libraries all over the world. And a free open, uncensored internet to accompany it.
Each individual should make decisions about what is appropriate for themselves, not a government, a religion or terrorists.

I highly recommend Kubuntu. I don't use any snaps though. And I always install the LTS version. Been using it for over a dozen years.

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