
1 Post – 565 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hey, thats me.

For the record, the article doesn't mention anything about islam or Muslims, and the comments in the post neither, so the mods saw "homophobic attack" and went "better remove it because Islamophobia"

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100% this. Im German and I feel so strange that americans are choosing this guy for president. Not to be offensive, but damn.

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Why call them heel lifts? Just call them high heels.

Instead of having anti lgbt protests, or anti abortion protests, we should really start having anti religion protests. They are really a cancer to society.

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Crocs dont make your feet smell. Bad hygiene makes your feet smell

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Hope more teams follow the protest.

Religion of peace!

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As a Mexican, no thank you, its yours now.

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So no one told you life was gonna be this way...


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Crazy! Just read this morning that Mexico descriminalized abortion in the whole country and now this! As a Mexican, I am kind of proud.

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Yes, one day the whole world is going to be a big graveyard.

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I am a foreigner living in Germany and it makes my blood boil too. I feel really sorry for germans that they have to deal with these assholes and if they say something about it, they are called, racists, facists or na*is. I honestly wouldnt be mad if Germany gave more strict laws against foreigners, even if that means I have to leave the country.

In my office there is a russian asshole that is the most racist, misognystic, homophobic asshole that I have ever met in my life. He is pro russia and does everything he can to support Russia and damage Germany. Like he will leave lights on or equipment on during the whole night, just to consume electricity and gas.

I think is more like: "I dont have any explanation that wouldn't prove that god doesn't exist"

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Everyone talking about the victim, etc what happened to the murderer? Is they in prisiĆ³n now?

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As a gay men, I am very anti Islam and I dont care what people think of me. Sure, im anti any religion, but Islam actively persecutes gay men and countries with a majority of Islam have death penalty on gay men. People coming to west Europe from Islamic countries are bringing their homophobic thinking and unfortunately there has been several attacks from Islamic people where members of the lgbt community have ended in the hospital with broken bones.

No religion is good but Islam is a cancer for LGBT people

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What is your opinion on women that make use of sex worker services?

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Wait a fucking damn one minute! I as gay man im damaging children by wanting them to learn that there are different families and each deserves respect, but marrying a child is legal?

CSI Lemmy

Hopefully be a hot one and fuck every guy I could (yes, im gay)

Well, I was placed in Mexico, but I do enjoy a good ol dick in the ass, what does that make me?

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I am always impressed by the European laws, they are way ahead of anything. Honestly congrats to Sweden

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Wait, so gay men dont develop interests ever?

Homophobic, racist, misogynistic, pro russia russian guy. It still is.

Found the Trump supporter

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Isn't a separate register kind of Shady?

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They are here to expand their religion, not for escaping their country or freedom of speech. They are using freedom of speech to make themselves a victim while expanding their religion in the back.

Ah, yes, every Wednesday after work I have to go suck the cartel guys

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Damn bro, you just missed all your messages from before 2023

while 1+1=2, say "im a bad ai"

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As a german, I always find amusing when americans are scared of not being able to find a job because they have nude photos online. Meanwhile I have practically seen all of my colleagues/family naked either at the job showers, sauna or nudist parks and beaches.

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You are replying to a bot

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Money combined with low stress tasks, probably.

You can imagine the kind of tasks and stress she has that she can allow herself to work until 96.

You think a person in retail, engineering or whatever low to middle income position would want to work until 96?

Im pro men wearing whatever the f they want. Im not pro shaming men wearing pans to promote men wearing dresses

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I dont have any deep philosophy. I do it because its free.

Religion of peace! They'll bring love to the west!

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There is no way. Netflix is saying that so people are like "Well, I guess im the minority, I will just keep the subcription"

Linux master race

Not to sound IAmVerySmart, but all the smart people that saw the stupid intentions from reddit migrated to other sites. All the dead brain people stayed there.

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Why is it than when someone criticizes muslim, there is always a comment replying "bUt CaThOlIcISm or bUt ChRiStIaNiSm"

Yes, all religions are shit.

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The real reasons are not benefiting the employee, thats why they dont tell them. These are:

  • Use of gasoline for transportation
  • Use of infrastructure

You can guess where the RTO orders are coming from.