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Joined 1 years ago

If Trump wins re-election, I think it's entirely non-hyperbolic to say that democracy in this country is over. Think of the things he tried to do with some, obviously-too-small, guard rails. He attempted a literal coup. Literally throw away votes. Literally has one of his chief advisors saying that if people protested said coup, they would use the insurrection act, or more directly, use the military to put down to put down those protesting the coup. There is a very small number of things that prevented this from happening, not the least of which is just a tiny handful of people being like "uh, we can't actually do this, right?"

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I remember when my kids were small and I would make them come inside when it would get dark and a fit would be thrown as if I controlled the sun and this was an injustice I was creating. IDK why that popped into my head.

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They should be? I mean, not just for the crime, but in general privacy should be the default.

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You know, if you skip that first sentence in my comment, what country would you think I was talking about?

Fascism happens slowly, and then all at once. Please, I beg of you, read a book.

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This. I don't need to win, I just want Meta to lose.

Topics on the side. "Gaming, Sports, Business, Crypto..." Reddit trying really hard to pretend it's not just around for porn and memes. Also, crypto lol. Tech bro a little harder, spez.

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Which is why we don't need to debate. It's like being invited to a debate on whether water is wet.

I'm an ideological purist and I'm voting for Jill Stein! This won't backfire in any way!

AOC is being smart/practical. Is Biden anyone's first choice on the left? Fuck no. We can have some more ideological purity when the choice isn't between milquetoast and literal fucking fascists.

Biden wasn't even my third choice in the '20 primary. That said, he's one of the most legislatively accomplished presidents in modern history. Still zero chance I'm going to be excited about voting for him in '24, but who has a shot at beating Trump right now? is maybe the guy that already did?

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Like, I generally wouldn't wish this type of thing on someone, but I think about how many people are going to die as a result of him stealing a SC seat and ramming ACB through, or even just his stonewalling anything an Obama tried to do just so Obama couldn't get the W regardless of how many people's lives were hurt, ruined, or ended, and I gotta say, I really wonder what I'm having for dinner tonight. I think I'll have a dessert though, maybe ice cream, but open to suggestions.

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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. A 20-30% jump in a grocery bill is unprecedented in my life time. I'm skeptical it's even that low for most. Pre-pandemic, I was buying eggs for 1.39, they're 2.49 now. Jarred spaghetti sauce used to be 1.99, it's 3.49 now if I catch a sale. I used to be able to regularly buy chicken breast for like 1.49-1.99, now if it's less than 3 I buy as much as I can afford and freeze it. This time of year in my area, corn would usually be on sale 4/$1. The cheapest it's gotten is $0.79.

Just repeat ad nauseam for everything. The other day I was in the store thinking to myself, "I'm not sure I can afford convenience foods like canned beans." Canned. Fucking. Beans. The luxury.

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It's funny how every year these services get worse and worse and the prices keep going up. Netflix previously encouraging password sharing and then deciding it's not ok. Did the price drop? ofc not. Did they replace it with a better feature? No. At least getting better content? Fuck no. Repeat for literally any of them.

I bet you were the the type that said that we didn't need to worry about Roe when Trump was campaigning the first time around.

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Remember that time he offered to solve world hunger but then didn't because "nah" basically?

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Welp, this is embarrassing. I totally glossed right over that...

I started spending more time at reddit slightly before the digg exodus, and yeah. The masses aren't the ones to worry about, it's the people that have been creating content and moderating it for the last 15 years. Reddit has no value past that, it's just forum software (see also: digg.) Not sure how it's going to shake out, but I know that I went viewing daily and commenting often to... nothing. The official app is not getting added to my phone, the mobile website is outright hostile, and it honestly just feels gross to launch the main website. I'd rather just search for gems on lemmy or kbin or mastodon and engage on that.

The reason is because Elon went through a manic minute at like 3am the other day and thinks the letter x is cool. Were we applying anything rational to this they wouldn't have rebranded as the twitter brand is about the only thing they have left going for the service.

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This is generally wrong. Disconnect your device from the internet, and on most (for sure Siri/Alexa) will still activate if they hear the wake word. They won't activate it they don't. Both companies have basically said that the wake word functionality is hardware blocked, and that's not been disproven.

Second, not all assistants/companies are created equal. For example, Apple has made the process of involving human review opt-in. Apple also has no incentive to use this data for anything other than improving Siri. They're not an advertising company and if anything are fairly hostile to others using Apple customer's data for that type of thing without explicit consent. Contrary to Alexa/Google, which has an incentive to use your Voice recordings to advertise to you, EG: you ask your VA what the symptoms of food borne illness are, they show an ad or suggest a search for pepto.

And the reality is your phone absolutely does 110% spy on you. Just not by listening to you. It is easy to understand why so many people refuse to believe their voice assistants are not spying on them.

This part is mostly correct. Again, in the case of Apple the phone isn't spying on you, but all of the shit you put on it is. All of those apps are collecting data and collating it in ways that people don't understand. So even though I have a burner Facebook account, since it's tied to my number or email (can't remember which) and I'm sure most of my social graph shares contacts with everything that asks, as soon as I created that account FB suggests to me a whole lot of people I actually know even though I gave it no other real data. People also don't realize that all of this data is often brokered through lots of services, so when you slow down buying tampons or something, another shopping app starts suggesting prenatal vitamins. This is a large part of the reason lots of major retailers have club cards or whatever.


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Could have really saved a lot of time if you started with "I don't know what I'm talking about."

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They're not going to go to mastodon, but there have already been a pretty big exodus to Threads. I have a feeling that's going to be the thing - twitter is going to die slowly mostly in favor of Threads, meanwhile Mastodon and the fediverse will probably continue being a minor player for a while.

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you are either stupid, evil or both

Republican leadership is mostly both, and it is done with the idea of keeping their voting base stupid. Smart, moral people don't vote republican at least since Reagan. The only thing Republican leadership believes in is money and power, and you have to keep people pretty dumb in order to keep believing the lies that Republican policies are good for anyone but the rich. So you get a DeSantis, for example, who's stripping libraries and destroying education in his state because it's the only hope that he has in keeping power. It's why Republican talking points are all about "woke" because they don't have to define it and they can't actually point to like a single fucking thing they're doing that's bettering anyone's lives.

He crowdsourced the thing with like less than a day to review.

I think there are about three things in play here:

  1. Quite a lot of the republican base lives in a completely different reality thanks to campaigns of propaganda and destroying education. Charitably, the best way to describe these people is extremely ignorant. For them, these indictments are dem led witch-hunts that they mostly don't believe, even when you can literally see the opposite. EG: Should presidents take classified documents? No. What are these pictures? those are classified documents at maralago. Did Trump do something wrong? Now let me tell you about Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family...
  2. Quite a lot of republicans are bordering on sociopathy if not pure evil. The party in particularly, and not the voters, know they're peddling bullshit but they don't care because it's going to get them more money/power, which is the only real goal/ideology. Then you have the white supremacists and fascists that are just evil and are doing this for ideological reasons.
  3. Systems are designed in this country to perpetuate this. Literal minority rule is a founding principal of this country.

Try something with crayons. But be careful, trust me those crayons don't taste as good as they look.

I have zero faith that will happen. I don't think they anticipated how well threads would be adopted and that saying they'd federate was just a hedge.

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Joe Manchin is such an anachronism at this point. If this were 10-20 years ago, he'd just be a middle of the road Republican. Since it's 2023, he's too far left for the nazis modern Republican Party, and on the wrong side of just about every main stream Democrat issue. The only thing you can assume if Manchin runs is that he has some big donors that really want to see Trump win that will set Manchin up with a cushy job as a lobbyist.

This is a semi serious question - do people not realize that you can follow across instances and it makes literally no difference?

This is the one reason why some of us were sort of hoping that Threads would federate. Because the celebs and other normies are likely to gravitate there, and there are a few that some of us would still like to follow/interact with.

If anything, this is my criticism against the way that Lemmy handles this. For example, my previous reddit habit was to follow a bunch of subs for TV shows that I watched. So last night when I was watching ST: Strange New Worlds, I really didn't enjoy the experience of digging through 10 communities that each had the episode posts with the same 15 comments, and the occasional new thought. This isn't even a criticism of the posters, if you came to the comments there would be some things that would be wild not to call out. I think ultimately I'd almost rather see the federation model for reddit-like services move down in the stack, and federate the communities rather than the whole instance. EG: there is a major ST collective community assimilating the smaller ones and becoming greater than the sum of their parts. Of course, this is also probably partially just because Lemmy/Kbin are still in their infancy, and I have a feeling that as time goes, things are more or less going to centralize in this way anyway, in the same way you could have multiple subs on reddit, but there was usually 1-2 big ones at most.

This isn't a problem for mastodon, because when someone like Jeri Ryan joins, it doesn't matter on what instance, I can still follow her in one place, see who she follows and follows her for other like-minded individuals, see all of her posts and re-posts, etc. What instance you're on makes very little difference after the first five minutes or so and you're acquainted with how it works.

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Dude no. I'm a wrestling fan, I have friends who are wrestling fans, and trust me, absolutely none of us are buying this shit. Even as a wrestling storyline, this does not make sense.

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Thank you! The "evil" in quotes is what did it for me. We don't need the quotes. Trump and their side right now has no redeeming qualities and shouldn't be in charge of an airport Starbucks. This isn't a choice between slight differences in policy, this is "do you want to vote for nazis, or no?" Oh, I know about Godwin's law, how boutcha google that and see how he feels about it.

I mean, yeah, but also he tweeted something like "send me x logos and we'll make that the brand tomorrow" so idk but I don't think there was a lot of thought going into this one.

The choice is between guy we don't like and aren't that excited about, and literal fascists. If you have a viable, shot in hell alternative, glad to hear. If not, you're doing the work of the fascists.

No, you haven't. It started out this way, but now basically it's the "tell the poster you acknowledge/like the post" but also there when you don't want to boost the post to your timeline. You can still use it this way, but because the community (probably with one of the first twitter exoduses) started using it more like a like on twitter, they gave up and implemented bookmarks (I think might be private and not notify the poster you've bookmarked?)

Ofc, there are also some of the mastodon HOA that will still insist this, but then why do bookmarks exist...?

Anyway, just in general, you can tell by the up/down ratio and a lot of the comments that are getting upvoted in this thread that are posting things that are either just incorrect or at least misunderstand things how many people in this thread actually use mastodon, so I would take criticism with a grain of salt.

And if we don't just cherry pick one thing and instead look at the litany of health issues that may be self-inflicted in medical professions, we probably wouldn't be left with many doctors/nurses.

Lol twitter didn't even invent calling it "tweets", @ mentions, retweets, etc. Like reddit, most of product development past the very basic idea came from the community.

This is the grossest part. People fawning over Threads as if Facebook and Zuck aren't just as bad as Elon just far more competent at it.

I commented this the other day, but we literally already do this in small ways, social security being the most obvious example.

And it's not as if society is going to stop functioning if we give people basic nutrition and four walls. Probably the opposite - our current system crushes people into poverty and keeps them there. I think people don't understand just how hard it is to be poor. Go work 8-14 hours a day doing one or more jobs, then come home and figure out how to feed your family when you can't afford convenience foods like... bread. Because $0.50 of flour and such vs $1.99 of sliced bread literally matters to you. And then you're supposed to figure out how to learn something else in your off time, which is the 6ish hours you also need to sleep.

If we gave everyone housing and UBI, would there be some people that absolutely did nothing else? Sure. Would there be others that finally have enough physical and mental capacity to do something amazing? Abso-fucking-lutely. See also, the story of the vast majority of wealthy people.

He fired his PR handler in like '17 or '18. That person probably couldn't have ever been paid enough money, and this is probably a bigger mistake for him than spending 44 billies on twitter.

This grants you intelligence +1, use it wisely.

If we're talking about privacy, this is just objectively not even close to being true.

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I mentioned elsewhere, but people also don't realize that this data is often collected in ways they don't expect. For example, if you have a club card at a retailer, your purchase data is likely being shared outside of just that retailer. So you go to the store and buy some kitty litter for the first time. Then all of a sudden one of your other services start showing you ads for cat toys. Location data is sold all of the time now, and that's often through carriers. Oh, you started going to the gym, best show some ads for workout gear...