28 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He doesn't hate him as much as he loves views though

I'm not in america, in our country when we buy a meal the tax is included, as is the cost of paying staff a living wage and tips are really only given (volunteerily, without prompt) in certain scenarios where service might genuinely be extraordinary.

It's always been fascinating to me that it could be done any other way and to be honest it sounds incredibly complicated and quite shitty the way america does it, it seems to me like it's an old fashioned relic from the swashbuckling 1800's, pay your maiden well and she'll make sure your mead is always topped up.. But in 2023 it seems absurd, prepared food and drink is just a product like anything else, do you tip at Walmart when you buy a TV?

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People who leave their dog's shit on in the ground, or bag it up and leave it hanging in a tree

I've learned a lot here on Lemmy

I know what some of those words mean

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is there a way to block all elon musk and twitter news?

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Haven't actually seen a lot of weird stuff yet, let's bring on the weird stuff

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There's good reason to love Lemmy, and since joining I've also gone very Foss and privacy centric but I just feel like it's a bit quiet, maybe it's just me

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Not a standalone app but try piped

I looked a little closer at the battery connectors and when pulling the battery out I must have yanked the little wires out of the clip just ever so slightly (I could see a little bit of them reflecting on one side) I carefully pushed them back in and avast! There is life again! Thank you kind stranger!

Oh that's interesting I thought it might be becausre he's a psychopathic liar that people are calling for his resignation

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Sadly this is the truth these days, opera certainly has had it moments in the sun in the past (especially on lower spec devices) but I would personally stare clear these days

Firefox is really the only true alternative

Small shout-out to edge browser's built in pdf editing functions though, this is really handy on PC at times

Can we just abandon Twitter and Reddit en mass

Try "sexy"

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You can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish

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I was very bolshy in deleting my reddit account and made a real solid commitment to only use Lemmy the instant that the api changes where announced, .. Two months later and I started feeling a bit stranded, at times it seems like there's nothing but content about programming, Linux, Foss, privacy, and Ukraine but at other times it can be really engaging..

However I have ended up making a new reddit account just so I can lurk from time to time

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I've thought about this a lot over the years, I think it's just as simple as "all care, no responsibility" meaning if the average punter goes into a public toilet and somebody hasn't cleaned up after themselves (mistakes happen) then that dude sure as shit isn't going to clean up but he still needs to go therefore he'll do his best to be clean but if he has to do some sort of gymnastics to keep himself clean then so be it and if the toilet gets messier as a result of those gymnastics then so be it, the cycle continues.

I used to hate urinals and I still don't like them, but I understand the reason behind it, people are animals when it's not their property.


Yeah it's always strange to me that most people are working class yet most people are so allergic to the idea of socialism, thanks Russia

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Oh bro I'm sorry

shit yeah, vice was fantastic

Interesting, I have found myself sexually attracted to some older women that aren't really that attractive physically but they give off kind of a sultry vibe, but I couldn't say I found them repulsive in any way, does that ring familiar?

I removed the battery but now I can't get the fucker to turn on lol

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Friends you say?

Mother fucking mother fuckers

I wouldn't say its inferior, different? Sure but not inferior

For me it seems to have wained a bit, I feel like a lot of casual users have gone silent recently, the content I'm seeing is more specific to niche topics and communities

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oh that's the straw?

Context and quality is key

🤌 perfection

I hear you, but I'm pretty happy with how this is working out, the advantage here is that it blocks ads and trackers for the whole network so it works on my wife's devices without her having to do anything (which she wouldn't anyway)

Boy this is good content

No kink shaming here mate

heh, hem! Jerboa

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Good áss socks, life is too short to wear crappy socks

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It used to be part of the cultural lexicon back in the late 90's and 00's, I used to say it all the time and I know gay people who did it as well lol

I think there's worse offenses but at the same time it's not hard to just not say it and I feel like it's a bit insensitive and outdated, if it slips out from time to time it's not a big deal but I think you'd be better off just training yourself out of the habit.

I'm sorry to hear that my guy

In New Zealand this is what my son calls a bommy knocker

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Oh good it sounds like I did exactly what I was suppose to lol