1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Do we already have c/dontputyourdickinthat?

Speaking for a friend, they crashed the Mini Clubman S I love... sorry, THEY loved very much because of a WhatsApp that just arrived. Some one five cars ahead or so had to slam their brakes - eyes on the street would have made the reaction time "just enough" but even looking away for one second caused the crash.

Learn from my err friend, don't look at your phone while driving, even for a very short time.

Damage on the Mini was more than its worth at the time. No one was injured, but even what looks like a small fender bender can quickly get very expensive nowadays.

I'm 53 now and was considering getting an official diagnosis a few years ago, I even had the initial appointments set up.

I canceled it, because there was too much going on in my life at that moment (even got a notification I could reschedule for later)

All that made me think about what I was hoping for from diagnosis. In the end it was just having something in writing that would help me with self-acceptance.

Around that time I also was in a group psychotherapy so I talked about that and that part is now solved.

Regarding meds - I don't want to try them now as my other coping strategies are good enough at the moment and I'm a bit wary of side effects as I need to take a handful of. medicine every day, anyways.

In the end you need to decide why you want a diagnosis. If you want to try meds I'd go for it. (My son "inherited" it from me and had meds for a time, which really helped him).

In a case like mine where I didn't expect any new strategies out of it or didn't want meds - it was probably the right decision to skip it.

Jon needs a carbon monoxide detector and a new oven.

Of course he knows, don't think these people are stupid. Still it limited the amount of news about the Facebook Papers by giving the press something else to write about. This post proves it even more.

And yet in the long run, they can make the name Meta stick, just by behaving like the renaming was a huge success and just ignoring everyone who calls the whole company Facebook.

If you like it or not over time Facebook will be just one of their brands, also probably not even the most attractive one.

Not specifically for a rock, but that's "roughly" how physical modeling synthesiers work for instruments.

Also there's a youtube channel of a guy who builds an engine simulator to reproduce the sounds of 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines by applying fluid dynamic simulation of the gas flows in an engine.

It COULD conceivably be built for rock dropping as well, but I assume that's not a thing people have yet put effort in.


Do we also have something like r/dontputyourdickinthat on lemmy?

They get their nails did and do weird ass makeup looks because it’s a fun hobby.

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I know, shitpost.

But: A few years ago the front right spring broke on my Peugeot 307 van, dug itself into the tire and ripped of the tire when I tried to. move the car. (It was parked when it happened)

Two hours before I had driven that van on the Autobahn at its vmax of about 180kph (about 110mph)

Ripping off the front tire would NOT have been a fun situation.

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“If you’ve got, at scale, a statistically significant amount of data that shows conclusively that the autonomous car has, let’s say, half the accident rate of a human-driven car, I think that’s difficult to ignore,” Musk said.

That's a very problematic claim - and it might only be true if you compare completely unassited vehicles to L2 Teslas.

Other brands also have a plethora of L2 features, but they are marketed and designed in a different way. The L2 features are activate but designed in a way to keep the driver engaged in driving.

So L2 features are for better safety, not for a "wow we live in the future" show effect.

For example lane keeping in my car - you don't notice it when driving, it is just below your level of attention. But when I'm unconcentrated for a moment the car just stays on the lane, even on curving roads. It's just designed to steer a bit later than I would do. (Also, even before, the wheel turns minimally lighter into the direction to keep the car center of lane, than turning it to the other direction - it's just below what you notice, however if you don't concentrate on that effect)

Adaptive speed control is just sold as adaptive speed control - it did notice it uses radar AND the cameras once, as it considers. my lane free as soon the car in front me clears the lane markings with its wheels (when changing lanes)

It feels like the software in my car could do a lot more, but its features are undersold.

The combination of a human driver and the driver assist systems in combination makes driving a lot safer than relying on the human or the machine alone.

In fact the braking assistant has once stopped my car in tight traffic before I could even react, as the guy in front of me suddenly slammed their brakes. If the system had failed and not detected the situation then it would have been my job to react in time. (I did react, but can't say if I might have been fast enough with reaction times)

What Tesla does with technology is impressive, but I feel the system could be so. much better if they didn't compromise saftey in the name of marketing and hyperbole.

If Tesla's Autopilot was designed frim ground up to keep the driver engaged, I believe it would really be the safest car on the road.

I feel they are rather designed to be able to show off "cool stuff".

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Now I am completely unsure whether to call this a dad joke.

Twitter X doesn't have enough Xs in it. I vote to rename Twitter X to T Wixxer, at least here in Germany.

Fuck, Germany introduced unleaded fuel only in 1984 and still offered leaded fuel for a long time.

It was required because of the introduction of catalytic converters, which would get damaged by lead in the fuel.

When I was at Bundeswehr I was in hospital for some time and got some thorough diagnosis. They asked me if I worked with lead in the past (no), so I seem to have at least some lead levels in my body.

(Can't think of a I AM NOT CRAZY pun right now)

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The place next to the door was unoccupied, the incident (fortunately) also happened while the fasten seatbelts lights were still on.

A couple of mobile phones got sucked out but no human.

Yes, and pouring too hot milk into a very badly looking espresso (which is missing crema) from a tea can spluttering it all over the table exactly makes it a crime.

This was all about the show, not the quality.

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Don't you know how to use the three seashells?

Never work on Saturday or Sunday. In other words, get enough rest.

I can manage my own mind a looooot better when I'm not stressed out or overworked. It. makes the difference of managing life for me.

(It also includes not to do too many exhausting fun things. NOT trying to control things for a day is so relaxing. If I stay in front of the Playstation and just eat junk food for a weekend, then I probably needed that)

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Username checks out.

(spitz means - beyond other things - "horny" in German)

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I live in Germany, was a teenager in the 80s. We would have been ground zero then, and would be ground zero now.

I've already spent all the fear of nuclear war in the 80s. I am just not able to fear nuclear war now, anymore. The fear just dulls after nearly half a century.

The choice is to let a madman bring war to one country after another or to stop it - with the cost that stopping has a miniscule chance of me getting vaporized.

But doing nothing will keep the risk of nuclear war for another 50 years. It has to be stopped now, appeasement never did anything good.

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Exactly this thought made made me understand "god is irrelevant" a long time ago and I became an agnosticist.

I really can not understand people who are only "good" because they fear an ultimate judgment, and not be good just because they want to out of their own volition.

In case there are gods, I'll be judged for who I am, anyways. It doesn't matter if I play "good child". If there are no gods, I'm still happier if I'm not an asshole.

Wtf is this the 2024 version of a lobotomy?

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When I was a teenager my dad got a beautiful marble chess board. It was leaning on a wall, and when I picked it up it broke into two halves.

My dad was really sad and angry at me, that board meant quite a deal to him. He always thought I mishandled it, regardless how I said I was careful.

He died last November.

I got sent a few boxes with his belongings, and when I opened one of them I found that chessboard. It is glued with epoxy.

It sits in my apartment now, and I still don't know if I want to keep it or get rid of it. One one hand it meant a lot to him, on the other hand it is one of the very rare things where I felt treated unfairly.

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Starting this comment a bit flamebatey: I think reddit will stay around and I'm very very grateful to u/spez for keeping his position in spite of all the opposition.

Because he single-handedly seeded lemmy and kbin with enough users to take these platforms out of a niche and make them viable.

Now in the future we wil still have reddit (with a lot worse moderation and a lot more annoying ads) but we suddenly also have an alternative.

Yes, the fediverse already was there before, but when I check out the old content I find it very hard to find something I'd have been interested in - which suddenly changed in the last few days.

It's like the musk twitter/mastodon. moment all over again. And with federation it at the same time more annoying and feels much more like the old world again, when individual people not huge companies would own the web.

(Btw this is my very first comment ever on lemmy, too - and it suddenly doesn't feel like it transfer ownership of my words to a corporate giant, anymore)

Was hat die Reinigungskraft im Kraftwerk gesagt?

"Schalt jetzt bloß nicht die Turbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."

My neighbor country, the Czech Republic also has very permissive gun control laws - it has a lot less shooting incidents per capita than the US.

So, while gun control is one thing that's really missing and should be done, there's more going on - sometimes you read the word "mental health crisis"

Tbh, I also know a lot of dumb motherfuckers, but in the US a larger amount of dumb motherfuckers seem to become homicidal twats.

Saying he's just a whack-job wanting to kill lotso-people is not enough, why the fuck does this happen so frequently?

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For me it was 52 years. Or 14 if you count the day my first child was born, which in turn put enough stressors on me to burn out and not to read or answer any mail (bills & taxes) and go bankrupt in 2018.

I am on the way out, defend free time like nothing else, but still can feel stress reactions in my body.

The footrest is still there in a manual car. The brake pedal is smaller, the clutch in between.

When you brake you hit the clutch with the left foot and brake with the right one on the brake pedal. Unintentionally smashing the wider brake pedal can happen if you switch from a smaller car to one with a very wide brake pedal. (Mercedes have quite wide brake pedals, for example)

It also happened a few times to me over my. life until I got used to put my left foot very close to the seat when driving automatic, so I don't subconsciously use it. (Just "away" from where I'd have it in a manual car)

It typically happens if you need to do emergency braking anyways and just all the reflexes kick in. In normal situations it never happened to me.

Oh my, that dad is young. The bwong bwong bwong came later with the faster transmission speeds.

I only drink carbonated water. Tbh when I'm home alone it is soooo satifying to burp after drinking it.

Regarding flat water - if I drink a lot of it quickly my stomach feels reaaaaly stange.

Oh and one more fun fact: The biggest water resources on the earth, the oceans, lakes, rivers, even the rain are not carbonated.

So technically the world is flat.

In the 80s there was a way to cheat phone booths in Germany: With a small tool that had an adjustment screw you could position the hook switch to an exact position where the phone booth had already connected the line but did not yet power up the rest of the machinery (including coin counters)

You could then call arbitrary nunbers by pulse dialing using the hook switch (the rotary dial was still powered down)

Basically a EU pulse dial version of phreaking.

My father, who died this year, used this a lot too make "free" calls in the 80s.

Come on, don't block the left lane you snail crawling on with 200.

As a guy one thing I notice - there's a difference in how good I dry my parts after showering. Things feel cleaner during the day if I manage to get all the moisture away but before hiding my best parts in underwear shortly after showering.

I have wondered many times (and here is the place people can answer) - am I the only one who uses the hairdryer on his balls after drying his hair? (When I do, I always have this "thank god nobody sees this" feeling)

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I know from own experience that a short tongue tie makes it harder to become a cunning linguist.

My tongue tie scrapes on the lower teeth when sticking my tongue out. (I think my situation is a lot better than yours) Still, it might be more comfortable to have a doctor make a small incision instead of scraping and tearing it when things get steamy.

Original Content

OP did take the photo themselves, it's not something they found on the web.

Did you bring the poop knife over to lemmy?

"Epic" I can do.

Mayonäs am Handtuch is fürd Preissn, a Gscheida zuzlt sei Handtüchl mit am siassm Sempf.

(Update: changed wording & inserted the missing "always", I just wanted to warn people of other situations, not rule out it can happen like this - there just might be no warning at all when falling asleep while driving )

Falling asleep while driving doesn't always work like that. Your brain can also just shut off.

Many years ago I was going the Autobahn from Munich to Nuremberg - going with 150 km/h, 95 mph or so.

I was driving in the middle lane of 3, it was Friday early evening (around 6) and still daylight.

As said I was on the middle lane, low traffic (fortunately!) and suddenly I was on the left lane.

I was just out for a few seconds, enough time for the car to wander over to the left lane.

That probably was my closest situation to dying in traffic.

(I switched my schedule to not drive 2 hours after work THAT DAY)

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I'm still not convinced we really are fundamentally different from such engines - still more complex maybe, so we're harboring consciousness or an illusion of it - but in the end not so much different.

Specifically the creativity discussion strikes me as mad, as I think also human creativity is just the reproduction of things our minds have taken in before, processed by the neuronal meat grinder.