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Joined 1 years ago

AI, at it again.

I mean, why not both?

Don't see what the problem is, most of these big brands love to fuck people.

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"Corporate commitments to environmental problems turn out to just be fluff for positive PR"

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Biased input, biased output.

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Apparently wearing headphones means it's your fault? Sucks for the hard of hearing.

I believe a huge chunk of Tesla's valuation is based on their automation tech, despite having very little real success towards full automation. So they have to focus on that and try to prove they can deliver.

But I'm guessing they won't succeed, as there are fundamental flaws with the technology itself, that can't be solved by throwing more sensors at the problem.

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Some sports broadcasts literally tell you the betting odds during the broadcast now, it's kind of disgusting.

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We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!

Soon-to-be former doctor.

But I doubt that will make him regret what he did. He'll probably blame the "woke leftists" for "silencing him".

They only turned around because there weren't enough maggots to throw on all of the economy passengers.

This is the worst kind of discrimination; the kind against me!

This guy, probably

Gild all the 'fuck /u/spez' comments while you still can.

It doesn't actually need to make money at the moment, just drive value for shareholders.

I'd be pretty shocked if anyone is alive at this point. That sub was sketchy as hell.

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Personally, I'd rather pay for Nebula than YouTube premium. Most of the creators I actively follow are on there anyways, and the few that aren't (usually the ones with very long videos) I should probably just watch with ads anyways to support them.

Because they provide very few, if any, actual solutions to the problems created by car-oriented society.

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The majority of my time isn't spent writing code; it's reading code, reviewing changes, and thinking about code.

Bundle several crosses together with a flag and you've got a christo-nationalist fasces.

Currently just using Jellyfin, but have used both Plex and Emby in the past.

Main reason I switched from Plex was mobile support. I also prefer FinAmp, which I use to download music for access when I'm at work, and at home I can access my entire collection through the same app.

I recommend setting up everything through Docker. I have Portainer running, which helps manage the containers. It was pretty trivial to switch what I was using by just setting up a different container. You can also have both running at the same time off the same library, and see what you prefer.

Sometimes Silicon Valley feels like the monorail man

Just don't look up what they're planning to build for the airport connection in San Jose...

Lol last time I went to best buy for that they were out of stock despite their website saying otherwise.

I think the only thing I've bought from them in the last decade were some external hard drives, which I shucked and threw in my NAS

There's this white cheddar flavour mac and cheese and the store brand where I am is much better than the Kraft version.

There might be a bit of nostalgia though for me as it was one of the go-to "quick and easy" meals my mom would make for us as a kid.

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The affected hard drives were burned in a fire.

Gotta watch out for those cultural Marxists

Yeah, I switched to Jellyfin ages ago and never looked back. Haven't really run into anything I'd want to do that Jellyfin can't do but Plex can.

Radial graphs are a bit of a meme where I work as one of the C-suite managers despises them for precisely that reason.

Uh oh, you've awakened the crypto bros...

If you ask them to respond like a politician they answer all your questions with something completely different.

That way, in a few years, they can announce a bigger commitment for positive PR that they have no intention of keeping.

The final hilarity would be Elon forcing Twitter to re-enable SMS based tweets, then hackers using it to fake tweets from Elon himself.

Good thing they voted down that automated rapid transit plan in the 80s. Otherwise they'd be struck in the past.

No Name has some pretty solid stuff. Not necessarily always the top quality, but generally decent value.

Hate to praise them too much because Galen Weston can go f* himself, but you kind of have to pick one billionaire or another when talking about store brands up here.

Anyone else annoyed that they use kilos for coffee, but tons for concrete, and then give percentage by volume?

All about that Lebensraum

Switched to Fedora at the beginning of the year and couldn't be happier.

My dumb brain was too busy trying to make a joke about irrational numbers to not even notice one had been made for me.

Pretty sure the account is mostly automated. Might as well have it on multiple platforms

Companies have lied to the public, hidden facts, and spewed propaganda for decades.

I think the public has every right to seize the assets and wealth of these companies as compensation.

It's still nowhere near any standard we should expect to trust this technology, which is a flawed solution to a problem that doesn't really exist.