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Joined 1 years ago

OK, the conspiracy theory that Musk is deliberately tanking the company is starting to become believable. Given his insistence on people working in the office, refusal to pay the rent seems to be a little contradictory. He may have to reconsider that policy

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Stealerships have been raping and pillaging for years. The sooner they go the way of buggy whip makers the better.

And before you ask: Direct purchase from manufacturers and licensed service centers is a much better model, if we can't have that then manufacturer direct service.

My dude I've been running Linux for literally 20+ years and I still don't feel like I know anything.

Carry on bumbling along doing your best, it's all everyone else is doing.

You've got this

Fairly standard central bank activity, nothing unusual in and of itself.

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Quite the opposite, after fiddling with it for six months I fully uninstalled flatpak and deleted the directory to get away from the fact it kept downloading copies of nvidia drivers when I had moved to an AMD a year ago, and the drivers were locked from being manually removed even after I uninstalled all flatpak packages.

I'm an Arch user, trust me when I say I read the documentation.

After wasting hours on it I nuked it.

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Putin has transparently murdered dozens of people far more important to the West without being toppled.

Russia's newly displayed military impotence shifts the calculus, but Prighozin isn't the guy to cause an international uproar.

That isn't however the argument the article is making (noting I'm rather dubious on it).

They're not arguing that NATO will suddenly invade because Pringles got SAM'd.

They're arguing that a) the Wagner lieutenants are competent and experienced which makes it likely that they are not only capable but likely to be effective at seeking vengeance; and b) that Putin has systematically culled all the competent generals and hence there's a reduced capability.

Now I'm dubious on the likelihood of the first, and while the second is true I'm not as convinced it will be a game changer.

Your odds of getting caught are extremely low, but if you are you will be deported and have your visa cancelled (as an Aussie our border guards really do suck I'm sorry). I genuinely wouldn't risk if it you're moving here. If it was just a holiday and you didn't care too much about getting banned then sure, but definitely not worth risking a work visa on.

The lowest risk way is to put it on a cloud drive and download it on arrival in Oz.

Yeah the conspiracy theory that he's out to destroy it seems to be real.

With any luck this was instead of diddling the choir boys, if so then have at it.

That was in 2018...


The AUR has the same risks as adding a ppa to a debian tree install, or downloading an rpm from a website.

If it's not in the official repository of your repo treat with caution

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The South African government is aligned to Russia and China despite the general population having strong ties with the West.It's all about the Chinese backhanders.

Corrupt leaders gunna do what corrupt leaders do.

Only the board members. Not Musk

Edit news article inaccurate: Musk is in a separate suit not this settlement. I'll dig another link out

I would like to point the RWNJs finally got voted out in Oz last year (federal and most states). Of course Murdoch and co. are working hard to reverse that, but semi sane leadership is in place for at least a year or two more.

Ubuntu is derived from Debian.

In linux there are 3 "popular" parent trees (plus a couple more obscure ones)

Debian tree, RedHat tree and Arch tree.

Debian is "parent" to Ubuntu is parent to Mint (standard versions)

LMDE applies Cinnamon and Mint tools to Debian.

Sure, it's been a while since China had to protect its currency from negative pressure, and it's in reuters because it's a clear market signal. However a softening economy isn't unusual generally, just a first in decades for China.

It's as much a sign that as a country they're maturing past the developing country growth wave they've been on, and hitting the cycles that developed nations need to manage. Couple that with a trade war with the US slowing down key parts of the economy and it's notable but not surprising.

Those predicting a wholesale economic collapse will however be just as disappointed as they were 12months ago when predicting a real estate lead crash.

It's the AMD GPUs that are much better performing on linux than NVidia. My primary reason for choosing an AMD CPU was bangs for bucks.

On Mint go with the apps in the store. This OS is often recommended to beginners for two reasons 1. The familiar interface and 2. Stability.

You'll have less grief with store apps, and they're usually foss anyway. Flatpak apps are fine but can collectively get a bit disk and ram hungry. Either version will work fine though

Because regurgitation without understanding leads to demonstrably untrue information being propagated as fact. There have been a number of instances also where AIs have straight up made stuff up as well.

It's a library file something to do with 32bit support iirc.

Can't recall anymore than that but either here or reddit had details

It forwarding opens a port direct to your system from the vpn ip.

So if your internet address at your router to your ISP is NATs it to your PC address on your lan) and the vpn exit address is say

Then when you port forward a port, say 443 (you wouldnt) then any request to 10.10.10:443 would then go to and then to your pc on your lan.

In short it allows a direct connection through the vpn


Technically that's slightly incorrect,

packet goes on but it goes to the PC directly through the vpn tunnel. The port it goes through the router to the PC on could be anything, it won't necessarily be 443. It will be whatever the vpn is set to use

Not had any run-ins with turnitin I see

Mint is an excellent starting point, and there's good reasons to use flatpaks. If it works for you use it until it doesn't.

Jerboa is on Fdroid, but it's not good I'm afraid. The keyboard bug is maddening.

Legally they have to "declare" a recall, even when they can fix it with a couple of lines of code and an OTA. Recall doesn't mean what you would expect it to me, it means "something the manufacturer needs to fix for safety reasons".

Hence why 98% of Tesla recalls are OTA (not actual stat, I'd have to look it up but it's definitely in the 90s)

we’re settling on the underlying CCS technology being the standard

Given how many manufacturers have declared they're moving to NACS it doesn't sound like CCS will be the standard I don't think ?

Ford, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Polestar, Rivian, and Volvo have signed up.


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Nope, nothing broke but

Aborting... error: failed to build 'tuba-0.4.0-0.1':

and I can't be arsed troubleshooting why for a package I have no intention of using. LOL

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Seconded. Jerboa is much better than lookout liftoff which I also tried, but the backspace bug is irritating

OP claims to have successfully installed arch to confirm it's not a hardware issue fwiw

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I'd be curious to see the thread in question if you can recall where it was.

Which, again, misses the point. Original OP said "install native" replying OP said "but what about (package)" (obviously intending that to be a gotcha) and I replied with "well it's in mine"

I have no idea what debs& rpms are available, nor do i care.

And what is this "possibly broken aur" rubbish ? It's a repository, and it most certainly isn't broken.

Individual packages may be broken but they can be broken in any repository. Are you saying there's never been a broken package in a debian repository ? Lol.

Edit to correct "you" to "OP" as you aren't the original person doing the "whataboutism"

You can install the 6.2 kernel on mint through the upgrade manager gui. It's just a couple of clicks.

On the other hand Mint has a reputation for "just works" because the defaults are indeed LTS

Insert surprised pickachu face here

Well that's out of character for Google

Tesla (and Rivian) don't

I have 70 and 80 year olds running Linux Mint without any problems or support hassles (because their old PCs run like dogs on windows and linux is much lighter on old hardware). It also reduces my (unpaid) support effort to nearly zero over constant windows issues.

There's a reason it's one of the most installed desktop linuxes

Install a copy on an old machine, or setup virtual box and try a virtual machine. It even comes with a "try before you buy" mode where if you boot the install USB (you need to create it) you'll boot into a working copy of Mint so you can just give it a try and make sure it works ok on your PC.

Seriously, it's very little different to windows - everything you're likely to want to do is available in a graphical window.


Ditto. I've literally never had an aur package break my system either, but like you if it doesnt want to play first go, I'll almost always find an alternative.

Did you check the wiki ? If you look that model up on

https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CUPS/Printer-specific_problems you check the wiki ?

And click on brlaser (the default driver) you'll find a comment pointing to a fork of the driver


Hope that helps. If you'd already gone through that then sorry to waste your time

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Mint defaults to LTS. You can install the latest kernel through the upgrade manager

Something is very wrong here, I've literally restored dozens of times with timeshift and never had it go wrong like this.

Restart the timeshift restore sequence checking very carefully the parameters (you dont have to complete, just go back into it). It should show you a list of what it wants to restore (on the second screen iirc) have a look at that for anything strange (like there not being any files listed to restore for example)

Ok but that reddit mod (it was /r/Linux right ? ) was eventually booted for being an utter arse and I'm 98% sure he didnt run Arch (he had a foss purism thing going and iirc was on debian)

I mean toxicity at reddit is why most of us are now on lemmy right ?

LMDE is the backup plan the guy you replied to was referencing.

It's rough around the edges compared to mint cinnamon but it works just fine, just needs a bit more customising attention after the install.