
0 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's a shame she's not a male athlete with a promising swimming career. Might have gotten off with having to take a remedial driving course and paid a small fine.

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If you call for a dick measuring contest, you don't let it be in public if you know you're going to lose.

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So Trump sold his building to a shell corporation, owned by Don Jr., and the funding for this would be via an investment made by the hedge fund which is managed by Don Jr. And, of course, a primary ($2B+) investor in that hedge fund is the MBS of the Saud family. Seems on the up and up.

Wow - this quote is about as close to having no regrets as you can get and still saying you'd choose differently.

Do I regret it?’ Well, I would probably put it this way. If I knew what I know now, which included all of the opportunity, energy it would take away from the core business I would have not entered [the agreement]

She basically said the money she was paid didn't improve her bottom line enough for the work involved. That's pretty darned far from "regret".

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Republicans really hate democracy…

Even in States where they get ballot initiatives, the Republicans are always wanting to change the shit voters initiate and approve

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There is considerable overlap between the smartest AI and the dumbest humans. The concerns over bears and trash cans in US National Parks was ahead of its time.

First rule of finding yourself in a hole: Stop Digging.

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A substantial fraction of their base is his cult now, and the Republicans know that they cannot win without his support. Ultimately they will bow to his will because the parts of the party which have not been utterly brainwashed realize that it is currently their only path to victory, no matter how distasteful that is.

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Calling him evil is giving him too much credit. I think incompetence and gross negligence better cover it.

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This is logically efficient from a technical standpoint, but from a practical perspective is a terrible idea. You're only getting 2-2.5x th energy storage out of the process, but in return you're effectively requiring that the entire fluid system be isolated from the environment. Toxicity aside, you can't do anything with the fluid outside of the system. It's probably not something you want local fauna drinking, nor do you want even the slightest chance of this leaking into the local aquifers. I presume that, if it's not fully isolated, the fluid mix balance would have to be adjusted to offset evaporation of the water. And if the plant turns out not to be as great at you hoped hat do you do with the fluid?

Some numbers - a quick google says "According to Ofgem, the typical household in Britain uses approximately 2,900 kWh of electricity annually." I'm going to round that up to 8kWh/day. For a small village of, say, 1250 homes and a three day storage capacity, that's 30MWh. 1MJ (MWs) is 1000kg (one metric ton) stored at 100m - the upper end of this project. Since 3600 seconds per hour x 1MWs = 1 MWh, and we want 30, that's 1MT x 3600 x 30 = 108,000 Metric Tons of this high density liquid needed for a small project to put a 3 power day buffer in place for a town of 1250 houses. WTF are you going to do with 108,000 metric tons of high-density fluid if you decide is isn't working? Your reservoir would only need to be 25% bigger (wider, longer, and deeper/taller) to just do the whole thing with water and you wouldn't need to figure out how to get 3500 full size tanker trucks to transport it all away somewhere for a different project for for de-slurry processing.

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"imagine the shitshow if you had to pay extra every year if you owned a house outright but the property values kept going up"

Like property taxes, then. ;-)

Realistically, I understand the issue. If I had to pay taxes on the increase in price on my house (say from a $300k valuation three years ago to a $500k valuation after the market bubble), I'd be fucked to find 15% of that overnight. Of course, if they allowed that to be offset by the primary residence exemption, it would be a zero cost. Without that, it would still be a non-issue for 95% or more of US taxpayers because most people simply don't own an illiquid asset that increases in capital value (much less an international one), and if you exclude secondary real estate that non-issue number probably increases to more then 99.9%.

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  1. Get rid of old.reddit (im not count that - it’s low hanging fruit)

  2. Block web access on mobile.

  3. Require non-VoIP SMS for signup and login

  4. Lock all content behind a loginwall, Pinterest/(& Twitter?) style

  5. Lock replies and posts behind a paid tier

  6. Lock content more than x months old behind a paid tier

  7. Eliminate all NSFW content

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The article makes it sound like someone bought the place and jacked up the monthly maintenance fee by $5000 just because “fuck you.”

Well, given that they bought in under the lump-sum + maintenance model and have somehow been "upgraded" to the rental model, that's exactly what happened. It would be like buying a home and then the old owner coming back and saying, "you know what, I could get more money renting this place - you have to pay rent now." These people likely sold their house and used that money to buy into the community - essentially paying for the right to use the building until they die. It's common in CCRC facilities (continuing care retirement community). You essentially pay for the plant and then pay maintenance, and they guarantee that they will have a spot for you in their care facility as you need more assistance (Independent living -> Assisted Living -> Nursing and/or Memory Care - Hospice). It's much like a reverse mortgage in that you "buy" your "home" and get to live in it until you die, at which point the deed is turned over with your heirs getting nothing. Except that in this case you don't get a monthly payment; instead you pay a fee for the facility services which is free of a rent cost. As you move up in care, the fee gets larger to cover the additional services (additional meals, personal assistance, and ultimately nursing care), but it's just for utilities and services - your payment covers the physical buildings. As you move up, people behind you buy in and that money is used for (CEO bonuses) maintenance and updates to the buildings. Many of these are "non-profits" so the extra money technically isn't for profit, but there are lots of corporate mouths to feed in CCRCs and they find ways to distribute the money.

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Easily the most depressing statistic I've read this week.

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See Also: Apple Vision users after playing Fruit Ninja for the first time.

49.3% say it refers to meeting financial obligations and having some money left over each month. About 54.2% define it as living debt-free, and 46.2% believe it means never having to worry about money.

I'm going to ignore that pesky 100% thing for the moment. Apparently we can't even agree on what "Financial Freedom" means. Defining the metric you're polling seems pretty critical if you want a consistent or useful answer. "Over half" is still burying the lede, though - less than one in ten fall into their personal version of that 150% noted above. Aside from the "American families are financially fucked" though, I'm not sure there's any hard data to extract from this.


"Peter don't ya call me cause I just can't go; I owe my soul to the company store."

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The X, in this context, is pronounced like "sh" right?

If you're going to be homo- or transphobic (por qué no los dos?) I way you need to own that shit. This conservative whitewashing of their closely held beliefs when the light suddenly shines on them is doubly disgusting.

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You know, even if they were stolen I think my outrage meter would not have moved. Our representatives should be held to a higher standard than the average person when it comes to gifts/conflicts of interest, and any kind of (accepted) preferential treatment should be grounds for expulsion.

So I can shotgun two pints of beer after a donation (gotta rehydrate!) and still be a couple hundred calories ahead? Win-win!

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"the country’s flood zones — areas that are deliberately flooded to absorb excess water — were built. But such areas are no longer as sparsely populated as they once were. Local governments have allowed towns in designated flood zones to grow, despite regulations meant to control the number of residents living there."

"“Is it the government’s fault or is it the people’s fault for moving back to these places?” said Wang Weiluo, an engineer and expert on China’s water system who is based in Germany. “It’s the government’s. All those people were given approvals to build their homes there. They’re the government’s rules and they didn’t enforce them.”

Yeah, so, I happen to work in this field (or adjacent to it) in the US. At least here, everybody knows where the flood zones are - published maps, disclosures when you buy property, disclosures/regulations when you build. And you know what? The dumb motherfuckers I work for will do everything they can to skirt the regulations because they haven't seen in flood in a long time, and the government is just over-regulating. And in the rural counties where there is little to no regulation enforcement, they just build there without permits - or even with permits that have been issued without due diligence on the part of the building official.

I have no doubt that there are a bunch of stupid fucking hicks in China, and stupid fucking hick government officials, and greedy fucking land sellers and builders who have the same attitude. I feel bad for the people who got flooded out and lost everything, because that's a terrible fate - especially if you didn't realize what you bought. But this is the result of human stupidity.

Life is hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.

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"live paycheck to paycheck."

That may be generally true, but they likely have a bunch of equity in their homes, and I'll bet their retirement accounts are generous. Sure, there are some who just spend everything, but most people at that level are already "hiding" as much money as they can from taxes.

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Those are people who actually voted in the off-year election, not people whos view or registration. https://www.statista.com/statistics/319068/party-identification-in-the-united-states-by-generation/ shows that those in Gen x and above (43 year old an above) Republicans have a ~10% margin over Democrats. Even Pew agrees that Party or Leans-Party favors Republicans in the over 50 group by roughly the same margin https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/06/02/the-changing-composition-of-the-electorate-and-partisan-coalitions/

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Ministry of

I don't even know why we want them to move. If they want to be hateful and angry - let them squabble amongst themselves. And let Reddit hire paid moderators if they want to manage it. It's officially not our problem.

Put another way: Those who fall behind get left behind.

I think years instead of months, but the rest is spot on. 30M pics users and 50k voted on the Sexy John Oliver change. 0.16% engagement on one of the highest traffic subs. So much of the front page has become tiktok it just a matter of time before people get their content direct from the source. The rest are news stories with the same arguments over and over again (ChatGPT and comment repost bots are already driving those) and reposted videos and memes from the last decade.

I'm still convinced that Google is driving a great deal of traffic to the site due to the depth of problem solving in old posts. I got a comment or DM every week or two thanking me for a solution I'd posted 3, 5, even 7 years prior. Those are all deleted now, and I'm keeping my account to regularly purge any restored content. If the top 100k-200k posters deleted their content, many google searches would lead to a dead end. Eventually it will end up like pinterest - you'll put -site:reddit.* in your search (or add an extension to do so) just to avoid getting the useless results.

A site a large as reddit doesn't die overnight, any more than Digg, Twitter, Usenet, or any other platform that is past its prime. But it certainly doesn't bode well for the future value or IPO success.

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When asked for comment a Senior Executive, who asked not to be named, responded, "At that price point we're rather have them pirate the shows than have to deal with the customer service and billing headaches."

And the penalty is what - a letter in your personal file? A fine (and to be paid by whom, if paid at all)? A physical removal from the space (and, again, by whom)? DJT and the modern GOP have shown that laws written concerning the presidency, congress, and the supreme court have no teeth whatsoever. Even congressional subpoenas and perjury no longer have any meaning as long as you're willing to ignore or flaunt them.

I actually agree with the desire for at least a minimum of decorum in the chambers, but the whole process is stupid to the extreme.

Itemized invoice:

Fan $ 7
Design & overhead to incorporate fan into design $ 13
Value of increased performance, as judged by the accounting department $480

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Yes, but the Democrats are not in control of the Senate. They hold the leadership role, but there are only 48 Democrats. There are three independents which caucus with them, and only two of those are liberal. The lynchpin is still Manchin who, while a Democrat by party affiliation, is a moderate Republican in nearly all facets of belief. That leaves just 49 votes likely to be counted on in a party-line vote, which is not enough to allow Harris to cast a 50-50 tie-breaker. Add in that California's Feinstein is so addled that she doesn't realize she is actively harming the party and her constituents by being an absentee lawmaker - mentally, even when (rarely) physically present - and the control available to advance rule changes are non-existent. If it weren't for Manchin and Sinema in 2021, they could have added both DC and PR as he 51st and 52nd states (both have formally requested admission by vote in the past, iirc), pushing the number of D senators into a solid majority. Those two would not allow that because it would have eliminated their power over the Senate leaders.

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Hey, hey oh, hey oh

can’t fuck off from our responsibilities when we can’t be arsed with minimal consequences

This might be the most (long term) depressing thing about adult life. Having a class for a semester or a year means that the mental overhead of a class builds up but, when you're done, that demand is gone and you start over without baggage next term. Jobs build up that overhead, but it just never lets off, ever, unless you quit to take a new job. Switching (professional) jobs is similar to a semester/year end and - esp if you can swing a couple weeks in between - gives you that re-zeroing and that little honeymoon period at the beginning like the start of a class when you don't have homework yet. The difference is that the switch often occurs on a scale of a decade, not a year.

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By "removing" I presume this means they changed the definition...just read; yes. The definition has been changed from being near streams, oceans, rivers and lakes to those with direct connects to the aforementioned. If we had a competent congress this could be fixed last April. But we don't. So clean water regs don't apply to anything that is near-but-not-touching those waterways.

protect the interests of American drug companies abroad

That's a nice sentiment, but the drug companies are voluntarily selling internationally at lower prices. There's no "protecting the interests" drone strike we can make when the big pharma is doing the rate setting itself (negotiating, true, but still a voluntary choice). The proper fix would be to mandate that any drug that had any Federal research may not be sold in the US for more than in any other part of the world and that fee may not exceed (make up a number) 10x the production cost, with distribution not allowed to exceed 50% of the cost of the retail price of the medication and delivery not to exceed 125% of commercial shipping rates.

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Clear containers for anything that isn't commercially labeled. My wife used to wrap leftovers (or anything, really) in aluminum foil. more than two thirds of the time I'd end up throwing it out after a couple of weeks because, since nobody knew what was in the mystery packages, nobody ate it. I bought some glass storage containers (the kind with the plastic, locking lids) so it's obvious what is contained within. A lot less waste.

Also, I've got pull-out bottom freezer with one basket and one deep "bin" and shit got lost so I 3D printed dividers and organized it.

I’ll say it every time: it’s their platform, their servers, their choice. However, we owe them nothing. If they want to go it alone, we need to let them. Let them hire paid moderators and we should delete our content so they have to create their own.

We built the communities there, we can do it again elsewhere. We have the expertise and the desire.

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Marketing: We need to defend this - what's something people are really excited about?

Engineer: Stainless steel; you can't make a good stainless without nickel

Salesman: Oooh - I know! How about nickels? Everybody loves nickels and their worth 5 cents each!



Intern: You know, they use nickel in battery packs for electric cars

Marketing: Oh, right - everybody likes electric cars. Green and vroom-vroom, I love it!

Engineer: You know that electric cars don't go vroom-vroom, right?

Marketing: I'm going with electric cars, it's a feel-good use people will get behind.

Is terror defined by the application or by the reaction? They could be called Terrorists, Militants, Freedom Fighters, Patriots, Defenders, Liberators, or a host of other things. I think one of the things that makes a news source reliable is - as written here - a telling of the facts. That lack of passion is a feature rather than a bug. It lets us hear the propagandists - all propagandists - for who they are by the inciteful rhetoric they use. A teller's level of vitriol is generally inversely proportional to how much you can trust their account of what is happening.

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Sounds pretty presidential to me.

Ivanka? Ok. She’s hot. I could deal with that.

So you're admitting you do have something in common with The Donald?