Reddit seems to be speedrunning 'self-destruct and devalue IPO'. What would be Reddit's next worst steps? to Reddit – 67 points –

Given how Reddit has responded to the whole API, community-mods, etc. fiasco, I felt like they're doing some of the more effective things in not only destroying their communities but also their IPO valuation.

Everytime I feel they can't make it worse, they just double down.

Out of pure curiosity, what do you think could be the next steps Reddit could take to make their future even more worse in the most effective ways possible? ๐Ÿ˜„


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  1. Get rid of old.reddit (im not count that - itโ€™s low hanging fruit)

  2. Block web access on mobile.

  3. Require non-VoIP SMS for signup and login

  4. Lock all content behind a loginwall, Pinterest/(& Twitter?) style

  5. Lock replies and posts behind a paid tier

  6. Lock content more than x months old behind a paid tier

  7. Eliminate all NSFW content

I can see 0,1 and 6 happening.

3 Wont happens since it would kill their google traffic, but considering how things have been going they might do it.

1 would also kill a ton of their google traffic

Getting rid of old reddit is a given at this point.

And since u/spez is following the Elon business model, I would imagine locking content behind a paywall is next.