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Joined 1 years ago

Maybe, my blood was already red though

Start a project doing something that allows you to enter a flow state. Could be programming, woodworking, knitting, anything you can reasonably do with your interests and budget. If you can find something that holds your attention it will delete time.

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Yeah motivation can be tricky and I actually missed the bit where you're specifically looking for something to do at night before getting to sleep instead of pacing around.

Uhh... Rubix cube? Puzzle? If you don't want to walk around something where you use your hands and that takes some mental focus might help. Hopefully you find something!

While the Bible contains each of these concepts in both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, it does not seem that Christian and Jewish texts were the intended target of the ban, but rather books written by queer or Black authors.

So what, if those are the absurd rules that have passed they should be applied. If your special book meets the criteria sounds like a good reason not to have such a law in the first place.

Such a tough and heartbreaking situation. Of course I'm pretty sure most of us would like to think we'd step up if our country was brutally attacked but I honestly have no idea what I'd do. Facing seemingly endless meat waves would be hell by itself let alone thermobaric bombs and drones.

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pees blood

Oh shit that looks expensive

As long as you keep at least one foot supporting you on the bed it still counts as not leaving the bed.

Aren't they only like 3 years apart or something?

Same here, friend. Still hits me every now and then when I see a Steam game with a recommendation from his curator page. Doesn't happen too often these days, but still the occasional older game I haven't picked up yet goes on sale.


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Picked up Shadow of War. Only ever played Shadow of Mordor so interested to check it out especially given the 90%+ discount.

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Have a nice cold pint and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

People would just point out that the whole thing is Al generated though.

If you shut down game servers in a way that renders the game unplayable you should be legally compelled to release the server source code.

Oh dear, well at least I picked it up for cheap I guess. Maybe I should just replay Shadow of Mordor

Appear unsure where you are committed, and committed where you are unsure.

If you know your date, and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred arguments.

The greatest date is that which requires no activity.

Victorious partners make love first, then go on a date, whilst defeated partners go on a date first, then seek to make love.

This looks pretty interesting! I haven't used fedora before either so could be good to give it a go. I've had some issues with my Pop OS install so could be a good excuse to try something new.

Hmm, mine specifically excludes acts of Astraios

Do I really need to explain how state laws vs federal laws work to you? I refused to believe you're that stupid. Taiwan makes it's own laws and is not beholden to obey the laws of a parent state. You're simply lying again.

The Taiwanese passport is fine for international travel, ranking 35 vs China's 68 so by this logic I guess China is also not a country. Again you're simply lying. Maybe you're used to people just accepting things but unfortunately that doesn't hold up to even the slightest scrutiny as with your other 'facts'.

What does trade and embargos have to do with anything unless you're also asserting that the vast majority of countries in the west are also not countries. This is just embarrassing. Again, I suggest sticking to CCP talking points because you don't seem able to defend your position on your own.

Yeah but think of the impact on society, any of us could be those top 8 if we just worked hard enough!


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I'm not too sure honestly. I actually think the debate can only hurt Biden because the people voting for him are the only ones who might actually care about the substance of a debate. If you're voting for Trump at this point, what can he really say to move people away? I really hope I'm just being too cynical though.

Taiwan is already independent. Now come try and kill me

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That's pretty cool, I didn't realise there were so many folks using controllers on Steam. I also absolutely love Steam Input.

I just want a steam controller 2 that's basically exactly the same as the steam deck input scheme!

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You know I was genuinely interested to see if someone could come up with a meaningful definition of a country that would exclude Taiwan, but include all other countries. It seems like the solution is to simply make shit up, points for trolling though I guess.

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Ah yes, the comparable states of Hawaii, Quebec and Crimea which famously issue their own passports, have their own heads of state, pass their own laws and are not subject to the laws of parent states. At least Palestine is a closer example but Palestinian statehood is in the best case for your argument debatable and that's being very generous.

It seems like you're either trolling as I suspected from your first comment or you've wandered much to far from your safe space where people might actually believe that nonsense. If you want to cast doubt on Taiwan's sovereignty I suggest you stick to the classic talking points from the CCP which are also wrong but at least there's actually something to get into there rather than just clumsy analogies that don't hold up until the faintest scrutiny.

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If they do kill me I'll be sure to come let you know

I was curious about what the other recall was since they say again, looks like it's to do with the truck bed:

The company also issued another Cybertruck recall, this one for a trim piece along the truck bed which can come loose and fall off.

At least it's fairly mundane. I've never owned a first run of a new model but still had to take my Subaru in for a recall one time because the airbag would sometimes shoot shrapnel in your face. That was a pretty big one though with quite a few models impacted.

Hopefully they get these issues ironed out soon so folks can get on with enjoying the vehicle they bought.

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Yeah hopefully we get a steam controller 2 that's basically the same as the steam deck but I'm not holding my breath. It's the perfect control scheme for PC in my view at least.

Oh boy, if they've been there since 2022 I've got some bad news...

Carbon taxes simply make sense. The more this kind of thing happens the more interest and investment there will be in better alternatives like precision fermentation.

Brb buying stocks in sunscreen companies.

Ended, the info wars have

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Haha whaaattt... Nobody actually does that...haha, that would be like, just kinda silly right...

glances nervously at Steam library

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I simply don't understand how you can shut down a studio right after they make an amazing game like this. I hope whatever number it changed in whatever spreadsheet was worth it.

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Better to live in space than die in upper atmo

Ronald McDonald: smile for me now, brother.

Ross 'o the river to ya

Yeah huge mistake, just look at what's happened to all the other countries that did!


Wow, it's really hard to imagine the deep societal harm done by these five people. And you do have to imagine it because it doesn't exist.

This is something an LLM is actually very useful for. It can make it sound both legitimate, be verbose and generate many submissions with little human effort.

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