Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears to – 829 points –
Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears

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  1. Elon doesn't make money off a lemmy post making fun of him.

  2. People talk about it because it's interesting. Posting interesting things is pretty much the life blood of social media.

You are giving it publicity

Drawing attention to the dumb things they do, yes. It's called infamy.

Ah, yes, that works perfectly. Just look at the Kardashians. They are ruined!

They have plenty of actual fans too, just like Elon. Infamy doesn't mean you're ruined, not at all.

A person can be loved by some and hated by others. But if you try to silence the critics then you're only left with super fans who could care less what you think and put them on pedestals.

Just because you want to ignore someone and have them go away doesn't mean they will. Elon is relevant because he owns many companies and has lots of money, ignoring him doesn't make that any less true.

Ignoring him will not take away his fortune, that is true.

The point is that by talking about him you all are making him MORE rich and famous. "Uuuh look X!", "Uuuh look tesla", "uuuuh wonder what he is making next". Is this thing with twitter and x something that needs to be talked about for several days/weeks now? Just put it at rest already

How exactly is making fun of him and talking shit on his companies making him more rich?