Bilbo Baggins

4 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You're right, although if you ever get the chance to browse a real physical encyclopedia, it's a unique experience.

Not practical, but it's a bit like playing a record or playing a game on a real NES. It's a unique experience.

I have a full 2007 set of Encyclopedia Brittanica in the same room as my vintage computer collection. I browse it occasionally.

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The Matrix. Blew my fucking mind the first time I saw it. It's awesome on repeat viewings, but that first watch is magical.

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This is a concern, but luckily this isn't required. I set up to host my Tolkien related communities. It only costs $6 a month plus the $35/yr for the domain name to host a tiny instance like this. I don't need to depend on anyone but my hosting provider.

To be safe I should download backups once a month or so.

But the point is that for big communities that people put a lot of time into, there should be an instance for each one owned by one of the mods.

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We actually do own the airspace over our houses. Not as high as planes or space, but a drone probably would from my skimming of this article.

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Everything in this thread so far is normal stuff I could have guessed. Guns, metric, tipping, etc. Most of it has large groups of people in the country that agree, or at least know.

What are some non-obvious things? Culture shock isn't about major political issues. It's about universal things that turn out to not be universal.

For example, US people have a strong culture of how standing in line works. It's basically a moral sin to butt in line unless you have someone holding your place. This is universal in the country. My understanding is that other countries differ. Is that true?

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Projector beating is a bold claim! I doubt I'll ever get a big TV again. The idea of trying to move a 98" TV up the stairs seems crazy. I've got my 120" retractable projection screen and I'm happy.

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If it worked like torrenting where you have seeds, etc, it'd scale almost infinitely. I don't think we should change to fit the algorithm. We should change the algorithm to make it scale.

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In what way did he qualify as a Master Thief? He stole stuff from an assembly line then posted video about it under his own name. Sounds very non-masterly to me.

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I think that would fit the xkcd criteria for a positive unpopular opinion. I haven't checked rotten tomatoes though.

Personally, the only modern Star Wars movie that blew my socks off was Rogue One. All the rest were either ok, or, not that great. But RO was absolutely amazing.

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More hobbits are always welcome at: !

These are the philosophical questions that every traveler must answer for themselves. I am but a hobbit. I didn't even remember to bring a handkerchief!

Honestly, most dev effort at big companies goes into ensuring nothing breaks or slows performance. When news articles are written about your mistakes, most developers and managers try not to break things.

Making new stuff happens, but it just can't happen as fast as at small companies where 90% uptime is good enough.

That said, it doesn't excuse launching products half baked. No reason an unlaunched product can't be iterated on quickly during dev.

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Playing Switch games while walking on a treadmill. I always found exercise boring before, but the split controller of the Switch makes it easy to play while walking.

I have found I don't even notice I'm walking and look forward to it since I'm actually looking forward to gaming.

Dark Souls while walking is the best. I've walked about 140 miles in the last month.

Can you not just visit with him outside on some lawn chairs? Or does the outside smell as well?

Lord of the Rings. Not as much as the insanely awesome folks who memorized the Silmarillion, but I know a lot about The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

In summary, for our mental health, delete nextdoor and never look at national news. One is populated by busybodies and the other is just cancer.

It was well respected by me as the only social platform that wasn't a form of self torture that countless people inexplicably partake in daily.

Now I consider Lemmy to have that singular position.

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That's an excellent pun if that's what the writer intended, although it would work much better if he hadn't been so stupid about it.

I love commentary and streaming services almost never have it. That's the biggest loss.

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I understand the downvotes, but that law really needs reforming. The labels need to say in what way it can cause harm. I remember seeing a piece of wood (pressboard) labelled as carcinogenic at Home Depot. I couldn't figure out what that meant. Is it ok as long as I don't burn it? Is it bad to breath near it? Is it only dangerous if I eat it?

Labels need to be more specific about possible dangers.

The Google response seems to agree with you, but this Berkeley study says the opposite:

(Fixed link.)

Everyone here is negative, but I don't know why cable didn't die 25 years ago when Netflix showed up. I certainly have not had any interest in it since then. Then again, I play games far more than I watch movies, so I am not a typical consumer.

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That was the best Simpsons game ever made. It was wall to wall references with quality gameplay. I'd love a remake of it.

The trick is to just respond with "Hi" then look away. Conversation over.

To be clear, they are not intending on creating new games based on Olympic events. They are talking about incorporating esports into the Olympics somehow.

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Dark Souls II I am really enjoying it. I think this is my new 2nd favorite souls game after DS1.

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For painters, sells Liquitex and Golden paint cheaper than Amazon.

75% rye chips. The rest can be whatever

Could easily be a feedback loop. Everyone sees the same posts, so those posts keep getting new comments which keeps them active.

If userbase is increasing, new users will see these old posts under active for the first time and make them more active.

More hobbits are always welcome at: !

If I browse ! I don't see this post. Only see it via the website. I really hope they implement post linking soon.

Oh, maybe !

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Even after rereading the poem I had to read the Wikipedia analysis section to be convinced you are right. It's a very subtle poem, which, honestly, just makes it better.

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I personally prefer silence over radio.

The Connect client can hide posts based on keywords. I switched from Jerboa purely for that one feature.

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Just checked. I haven't played for a few months. Didn't even know about update 8. Love that parachutes aren't consumed on use now!

This is a concern, but luckily this isn't required. I set up to host my Tolkien related communities. It only costs $6 a month plus the $35/yr for the domain name to host a tiny instance like this. I don't need to depend on anyone but my hosting provider.

To be safe I should download backups once a month or so.

But the point is that for big communities that people put a lot of time into, there should be an instance for each one owned by one of the mods.

Edit: Meant to reply to the person concerned about the centralization of communities.

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I initially assumed "cozy" meant it would be a casual phone game which obviously would suck. But it's a Steam and console game, so I'm excited!

No, it's a lie. They wouldn't say yes, so saying that they would say yes is a lie.

I play Switch games while on my treadmill. The split controller works perfectly for that and makes it easy to forget I'm walking.