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Joined 12 months ago

I strongly believe that a friend of mine has undiagnosed ADHD. The degree to which everyone around him keeps saying, “he’s not atypical, he just to stop being a fuck up and commit to something” is frustrating. My man needs treatment, not tough love.

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The penetrating gays, admired one another with a deep penetrating gaze.

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genetically enhanced human species

Literal eugenics. Is there really no point at which guys like this look in mirror ad go “are we the baddies?”

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My grandmother used to say: if you expect your good deed to be reciprocated, you’re not actually doing a good deed.

She said it in dutch, so I hope it’s an decent translation.

Fading? Global support is about as visible as God during the holocaust.

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Why would we call bombings of a densely populated area with the express intent of killing and frightening residents into submission terrorism? /s

Oh my, that’s terrible. If anyone were to tell me however one could do something so dastardly, I would totally take active steps to avoid ever pirating the game.

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If there’s one thing I hate, it’s ppl sayin something should have been done yesterday.

Guess what, if should have been done yesterday, we’ve missed the deadline, we’ve already failed and might as wel write off the project.

Kim’s a good guy. I think he genuinely cares about you. Fuck him though, I’m going to drink myself into a stupor

Tbf, the guy he’s writing about is batshit.

The country is facing countless problems. Corruption, lack of infrastructure, deep poverty. And what do these fuckers focus on? Stopping buttsex. >.<

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I mean if one of these guys started talking to me about the good parts of Mussolini’s regime. I’d stop and “listen”

This is a pretty empty threat. Realistically speaking the US cannot escalate without facing huge domestic backlash. Public support for US involvement in a new war in a is nonexistent, given the abject an expensive failures of the recent afghan and iraqi wars.

Add the fact that any iranian involvement would go through hezbollah, gives both the us government and iran a way to plausibly deny iranian involvement. The US will do nothing. They might send some troop to “support” israel. They already have. Which is a token gesture at best.

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Why replace twitter though? Do you what facebook did with threads. Launch a new app and allow existing twitter users to automatically onboard.

People hate having major changes hoisted on them. See reddit.

Tbh, I thought they had already done that.

The dude is right though. The most important part of being a programmer is designing an elegant solution. That requires talking the problem through, solliciting feedback, getting ideas… you meeting with ppl and talking to them.

The second most important part of being a programmer is realizing that you’re not doing this alone. Once again, you talking to colleagues to discuss what they can expect and when, likewise what you need and when.

Meetings are super important. Unless your a code monkey or if it’s office gossip or me having to spend an hour explaining why a job estimated to take 4 weeks will not be done next Friday. And no, “trying a little harder” or “realizing how important this to the client” isn’t going to change that.

Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.

Newt, probably not.

Yeah… In practice, every time a company gets anything that even slightly resembles a captured market, they stop investing in quality and starting shafting consumers.

Make no mistake, that is Microsoft’s end game. And that’s why they’re buying Blizzard.

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Theoretically you can lose more than 100%. If you first win 2000% and then lose everything, you’ve technically lost 2100% of your starting capital.

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Wait. There are sword bras? Why has no one told me that there are sword bras? Guess who going bra shopping tomorrow!!!

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What can I say? Inflation is a removed.

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Does the underwear cover basic grooming and self care? I.e. do I still need to trim my fingernails, shave, apply sunscreen?

What about the health benefits of staying clean? I mean nice breath is fine, but if I stop brushing will I get cavities? If I get a cut, do I still need to clean the wound to avoid infection?

Wow. We can’t curse in a shitpost community. That’s… surprising.


This is why I never understand why people use corruption to get public positions. You are incompetent. You know you are incompetent. If you weren’t incompetent, you would need corruption to get the job. Why would you want a job were your incompetence is made blatantly obvious?

Become a socialite or some other stupid shit.

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Technically all humans are animals. Using a fork doesn’t make you better than us schlubs

Writing documentation

I use a plate. But just the one plate. I had friends over a while back and had to wash my other plates before serving. They were covered with dust.

Dude is worth like a billion dollars. Why would he want to be talk show host?

Besides that the fact that running for pres, can theoretically be used as a springboard into conservative media, what was their argument?

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Is this a hardcoded opt out or something? Couple of months ago I had to install windows for a friend. I tried to not make a windows account. All the exploits I found, were “patched”. I finally just gave up and made the account. My friend doesn’t care enough about privacy and I don’t care enough about windows for all that effort.

But, would be awesome.

Seriously, what is wrong with the picture?

I genuinely want to know what the expected answer is. Cause, I agree with OP. Not a damn thing is wrong here.

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Tbf, I don’t think he’s lying about his explicit desire to a dictator.

I think there’s a difference between not knowing the UI and not understanding the tech.

E.g. in windows, you might not know which button to press to connect to the wifi, but you sure as hell understand that without an internet connection you can browse the web.

The latter is way more frustrating to deal with. Especially if it’s an older person who straight-up doesn’t want to know how it works.

I can see myself becoming a member of the former. Hope I never join the latter.

Soapshover all the way. All the way.

Dude’s literally demented.

Fines as a percentage of revenue. A big percentage. That’ll stop this nonsense.

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Republican voters. The Republican party has degraded to a point where their biggest selling point is “pwning the libz”.

If McCarthy survived this with Democratic help, he’d be labeled a Democrat stooge (i.e. someone who believes in cooperating with the libz, instead of pwning them).

Every comprise position he proposes after that would face internal Republican voter critique along the lines of: “is this the best deal he could get, or is he doing this to help the democrats?”

For years now, republicans have been selling the idea that working with democrats is bad or at best a necessary evil. Publicly asking for democratic cooperation goes against years of propoganda.

That’s very pessimistic. It assumes that there is a corporate led reform. Which is unlikely. If it was a grass roots campaign, the call for change would include a weekend proposal from the start. By the time businesses come around to supporting it, the weekend will alredy be defined as 3-work-2-off, or 7-work-3-off.

I feel ya. I think that for mild mental health issues, simply giving people an acceptable excuse for “not having to fit in the box,” probably does more than the actual treatment.

Guess he’s the bottom.