
2 Post – 286 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We live during a critical point in history, and I am determined to laugh at it

Google SEO has homogenized the internet with vapid marketing content. The internet is one big commercial. The reason Reddit got popular was because communities found and shared good content and created more by talking about it. Now ads are disguised as posts and memes.

The internet is getting as bad as radio.

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From the satanic temple FAQ

No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.

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Some think-tank told them to do it. I hope it backfires.

I've never had 38 vacations in my life and I'm 49yo

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I love how I started reading this comment in my mind's voice and it turned into the voice of some dude from my youth telling me how awesome Pearl Jam is.

Sounds like she has a case of Wandering Womb. The should probably “fumigate” the patient’s head with sulfur and pitch while simultaneously rubbing pleasant-smelling lotions between her thighs.

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Put it this way. My wife just got a something equivalent to a heart attack. Ambulance got here in 5 minutes. She spent 3 nights in the hospital, got all the tests, one of Canada's best docs in the field... it cost $135 for something to do with the ambulance.

They saved her life, she's seeing a specialist, figured out the meds and prepped if/when it happens again.

Everything was seamless. I don't know how it could have been better.

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Yeah, I really hope that shit gets nipped in the bud.

Reminder when he served McDonald's to football players?

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US politics are hyper polarized and she's a great face for the Dems and she's often in the spotlight becuase if it by both sides. I've brought this up in conversation with someone that "hated" her and I really felt like I got to him how skewed our views are by media bubbles.

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This game was designed to provide the minimum of fun at a maximum cost.

I just want to sleep and get it over with. Flying has become hellish for me . Everything sucks. The cost, the lineups, the hassle of security, the delays, the price of a bottle of water, the horrible service, the discomfort...

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Wow... fucking blatant corruption. Just gross.

"That's different"


"I don't have to explain myself to you!"

...it's that easy

As an almost 50yo dad in decent shape my options for casual wear are limited. If I start dressing more trendy I look like I'm trying to be young. If I dress too comfortable I look like I'm giving up. Pretty much the only thing we can get away with is jeans and a black or white t-shirt. Or some non descript shirt. Buying shorts is maddening because cargo shorts are "out" and everything else is too "cool". Everything ends up being boring.

I've resorted to buying better quality because it at least makes me feel I'm trying. But it's still just ... boring.

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I feel like this is a growing sentiment everywhere I look these days. We used to get shunned for saying it and here you are getting upvoted. I guess it becomes more obvious.

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“in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” - Karl Popper

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Huge wealth gap. Poor people are treated like shit. They're are hungry and angry. Historically, the French are quick to protest and the rich are doing what they can to stop it. I believe we're getting a glimpse of what is going to happen all over the world soon.

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Some of these people need an enemy so bad they can't see past their own clenched fist. I also believe they've put so much effort into clenching they think it would be a waste to unclench it before hitting something. You could offer then a lifetime of peace and prosperity and they'd turn it down. The worst part is that they're dragging good folk down with them.

Did he say Joe-bama?

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Good to hear. My 9yo just asked me about Tate the other day.

That's $260 million .There are 360 million paid seats of MS360. So they'd have to raise their prices $0.73 per year to cover the cost.

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Some of the people who didn't vote for Jordan yesterday voted for him today; some of the people who voted for Jordan yesterday didn't vote for him today.

That's amazing.

Don't forget "woke" said a million times with varied inflections of stank.

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Just because you're smart doesn't mean you're better. Humility isn't hard when you realize you can learn something from everyone. I've learned more from spending time with my 10yo than I have talking to my professors in uni.

Yeah, I'm wondering if I can pre-order

June 30th

I predict a huge drop once the aps stop working. Anyone using RiF and having to switch to the Reddit ap is going to have a hard time. It's really bad. I just opened it up because I haven't used it in a while... Boom. 2nd entry down. Big fat ad. Took up the whole page. Awful looking ad too.

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Yup. But you know who doesn't shoot kids? The people that don't have guns.

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There was a forest we use to play in behind my friends house . It had a few giant trees. They must have been hundreds of years old. One was 3-4 meters in diameter. We used to climb them using the coarse bark up to the branches and see how high we could go. You could see the whole neighborhood. Wonderful memories.

That whole area is filled with Mcmansions now.

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Cash in some of the fucking tanks you've got.

Star Trek

whiny loser

Describe country music in two words.

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Fucking guns kill a lot more kids than books .

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Dark times. Trans was barely a blip on the hate radar a decade ago. Obvious manipulation. When you start asking why the answers get scary.

Biden will win the 2nd term before it happens.

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Ruined? You can make it at home now.

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VR/AR is a solution without a problem. It's cool, games are great... but there's no real killer app.

Anyway, AI took the spotlight and the focus.

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So, you think this guy goes around fucking children with heart diseases? That's where your mind goes?

I'd rather find another solution. Imagine a fediverse search? Fuck google and their shitty SEO. It makes everything suck.

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Bernie. They would have made statues of him if he was president.