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Joined 12 months ago

"Most people" probably can't name the browser they use. They just open "the internet" on whatever device they're on.

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I really love when people use the phrase "bad apple" to refer to bad cops. As in "oh that's just a bad apple, we're not all like that"

Except the full phrase is "a few bad apples spoils the bunch"

Guys, the bunch is spoiled. Throw it away. Get a new bunch

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The term comes from car modifications, when people would modify Japanese cars. Folks called them "rice burners" and it evolves from there.

I have never heard this in the Linux community, though, so it might just be a you thing

I hope he shit his pants in that moment.

I hope they rename Tweets to Xcretes

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Piracy is responsible for anime taking off worldwide

I think the point is that you can't get more views by being genuine and honest, as the algorithm awards griftiness

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Guillotine time

Who needs clarification that !firefox@lemmy.ml is about firefox?

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The "childish game" is your post

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Yes, but that's pretty much the early adopter demographic across all tech. I would love for people to realize this and start talking about their other hobbies, not just how they run Lemmy on a toaster and are so radical.

That is short enough to make a great xcretion

196 communities?

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Are farts still funny? Then you're good

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For real though, you might be depressed. Talking to a therapist could help suss that out.

Ya know, the first time I read that I thought an aide must have swapped his N and R keys. But I was just making a little joke about it.

No, but it's a silly demand to say that you can't point out something wrong without having a solution.

In my opinion, we need to start over and rethink the whole thing. We can have people that do this job, but they don't need to be trained the way they're trained, or be allowed to get away with what they get away with. Other countries have much different police forces - we can start by looking there.

But we can't just shut this discussion down. It needs to be had.

I usually think of sealioning as also requiring some element of butting in with your pet issue when it's not apart of the discussion.


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Maybe your messages are unasked for? If no one is asking for volunteers for moderation and you're sending them messages, of course they're going to ignore it - it's spammy behavior

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Tell her to just start lying about horrible medical conditions. Lying isn't illegal.

"I need Thurs and Fri off to get a painful hemorrhoid lasered"

This type of behavior isn't a good look. Take it back to reddit

Now wait one second. Fahrenheit is a scale created so that 0-100 is human comfort level. No one ever talks about that. 70°F is comfortable, 90% is "ok this is getting a little bad", etc etc

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I believe YouTube is going to start detecting ad blockers, and there will be an arms race

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I was just lamenting with a friend about how the NEW internet doesn't feel like the OLD internet of the late 90s / early 2000s. See, in the early days your entire web presence was on 1-2 forums sites, or maybe some IRC chat room. You went there as a whole person. Yes, maybe it was a Sim City 2000 forum, but it had a number of Off Topic boards to discuss cycling or movies or recipes or whatever fit that community of people.

Nowadays we try to only interact with smaller and smaller slices of people in the interest of getting more people using a site. Reddit is the obvious example but it happens on Facebook and Twitter and everything else too. You want to post about your typewriter hobby? Ugh, get out of here, go post in /r/typewriters. Oh your post is actually about fixing a typewriter, my mistake, post in /r/typewriter_repair.... oh wait this typewriter was made after 2002? You want /r/neo_typewriter_repair, which has 6 members.


Ok let me say this as constructively as possible then: look at the downvotes. You're not behaving appropriately for this space. Change your behavior or go away.


Yeah, but ya know, people shouldn't be required to "apply critical thinking" to what is effectively a passthrough device for them. Do you consider the choice of lubricant used for the serpentine belt in your car? Car dudes would say "ugh people should apply more critical thinking to their car"

Technology should be reasonable and functional, even if you're not invested in the details

Yes, of course. But if you don't enjoy it, you don't have to do it, or don't have to do it at the level you're attempting. There are 1000 ways to be fit and healthy, you don't have to pick 2 and do them forever. Experiment.

Blood pressure

Don't forget that one dude who said 72 hours wasn't enough time to read a 99 page bill

Hmm the idea of following lemmy along side rss feeds is compelling. I'm gonna try this out


This is also why days feel faster as you age. More repetition and your brain doesn't need to form as much new memories.

Want to live longer? Experience more novelty!

This is it, right here.

I disagree that the toxic people need somewhere to go. They WANT somewhere to go, but if the internet is built as a place where toxicity is not tolerated, they will have nothing to do but to fume privately, and burn in their little oxygen-less chambers until that flame goes out

This was my first thought - like man, maybe this dude is horrible because he's looked like that his whole life