Room temperature IQ

pirate to Lemmy – 279 points –

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Now wait one second. Fahrenheit is a scale created so that 0-100 is human comfort level. No one ever talks about that. 70°F is comfortable, 90% is "ok this is getting a little bad", etc etc

What do you mean no one ever talks about that? People who like to use Fahrenheit can't shut up about it.

Personally it doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Tf is 70% hot supposed to be??

Funny, I've actually never heard of it that way but that makes even less sense now. What if I'm chilling in a 90°C Sauna and feel it's hot. But on the other hand a 70°C Sauna isn't bad. Now what's that on fahrenheit? 99? Or is that death?

Which is exactly why it's being criticized, it's subjective as fuck and it's only being used because of stubbornness

Good luck finding anyone from outside the polar circle who thinks 1f is comfortable or anyone living on the northern third of earth who thinks 100f isn't miserable 🙄

The solid, liquid and gaseous states of water are objective, though.