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Actual answer: back in the day the sealant that farmers coated barns with often had iron oxide in it because it helps prevent rot and mold, and the iron oxide would turn the sealant mixture red. Now people just do it because it's a tradition.

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"it makes no sense" literally every social media site in existence has the block feature, and the reason is to help people prevent harassment. Elon is like a fucking toddler, it's obvious he just wants to get rid of blocking because he's pissy about being blocked by other people.


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Remember kids, keep your cats indoors. Unless you live on a farm, outdoor cats are either dead cats, or pests.

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I mean when I read "monitoring each other's porn intake" I assumed it meant "monitoring how much porn each other watches". And considering who it was, I assumed that was for the sake of making sure that they didn't watch any porn. I did not at any point think that they were sharing porn links with each other, because that's generally not what monitoring someone's intake means.

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Wtf is even their argument for this?!

Edit: I obviously know their motivation, what I wanna know is their excuse for why this is supposedly justified.

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Wanting to test if your new boyfriend is a misogynist is hardly a red flag. The article doesn't say anything about testing dudes constantly. It doesn't even say he has to like the movie, just understand some of its themes.

I absolutely find it annoying when romance is prioritized over friendship but this isn't quite what queerbaiting is. At least, not on its own. Two same sex/gender people being very close and sharing a strong connection or even having some romantic undertones that never become "official" isn't automatically queerbaiting. Those things can happen in real life without those relationships being or becoming romantic. Queerbaiting is when the writers/showrunners purposefully insert romantic subtext into the story and advertise it as if it will become canonically romantic with the primary intention of gaining more lgbt viewership, while never actually following through on those implied (or even occasionally explicitly stated) promises. The way it is presented and marketed is an important part of what makes it a problem, hence the "baiting" part. There's nothing wrong with keeping a relationship ambiguous, or portraying a platonic relationship as being as deep, important, and emotionally intimate as romantic ones are typically portrayed without making them romantic, but if you try to manipulate or outright lie to viewers to make them think a relationship is going to be something it isn't in order to gain their viewership and support, only to pull the rug out from under them, then that's when it becomes sleazy, especially if you're taking advantage of the fact that they're a marginalized and under-represented group desperate to see more people like them in media.

I know this is just a joke comic so "it's not that deep" but I see a lot of people online who misunderstand what queerbaiting is and accuse shows/series of queerbaiting unfairly so I thought I'd bring it up.

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"against all odds" lmao what. Anyone who's been paying attention since the dawn of the internet would know that youtube isn't winning this one. The odds were 100% in the favour of the hackers.

Yes because this community definitely doesn't have a huge bias towards US culture.

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I knew a girl with thin eyelashes in junior high/high school. She got made fun of for it a lot, by both girls and boys. So, I'm guessing some girls want thick lashes because they learned the hard way that guys do indeed care, and unfortunately society cares in general.

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To be fair it doesn't say the boyfriend has the like the movie, just understand it and not bash it mindlessly.

I mean, I'm sure China's government isn't completely innocent in this scheme either. I'm guessing that both countries play into it, on account of both countries profiting from it.

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Processed leather generally isn't biodegradable.

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The existence of trans and nonbinary people is not an injection of identity politics into video games. The fact that they exist and a video game is acknowledging their existence is not political.

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The fact that there wasn't already bothers me. Octopodes are extremely intelligent creatures and we've known this for a while. Not that I think intelligence should be how we base our treatment of animals, but it is one of the bigger factors when laws about this sort of thing get made, so I would have expected it to be taken into account before now.

Windows defender is fine if you use a good adblocker and learn what is or isn't a safe download.

I feel like this kinda tech should be more widely available if it's for health reasons, to avoid a monopoly on something vital.

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I mean, they look like they're having fun. Idk what about this image reads as them being social outcasts, or autistic, or having BO. Is it because a bunch of them are heavy set? Is that the only reason?

This would probably actually help the ai to learn the subtle differences between the dogs and the chicken.

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To be fair, the main appeal of isekai is a person from our world having to adjust to suddenly living in a fantasy world, and applying their knowledge from our world to the fantasy world in some way, which is completely lost if you just make it a straight fantasy. I do agree that there are way too many isekais, most of them copy/pastes of each other, and there are other ways of setting up a similar scenario that don't just use the default isekai setting. Kekkai Sensen for example is a good example of the 2 worlds merging trope which often allows for a lot of the same sort of story beats as isekai but going both ways and with a lot more flexibility.

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You get used to seeing something your whole life and it becomes background noise, but it wouldn't have been like that for the mom's whole life, she'd be more likely to notice that she can see him that way.

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I mean lots of kids wanna be streamers when they grow up so I imagine that'd impress the class.

Romanticizing might be a fitting term. As in you're romanticizing those times.

I would imagine that the James Webb was built at least in part utilizing the prior data and experience they had from making and using the Hubble... Aka the Hubble walked so the James Webb could run.

This just provides a small added challenge, I don't really see an issue . If you want an easier jigsaw they might sell them at a toy store.

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I would just suggest that while introducing yourself you mention that you're a nurse working at a trans healthcare clinic and part of your job involves helping people with transitioning, since bringing up your job when introducing yourself is pretty common, and that way they know the option is there and can bring it up themselves if they'd like without feeling put on the spot or called out or like they don't pass, and you give them the option of outing themselves by choice if they're comfortable doing so. Even if they suspect that you've clocked them it at least gives them some plausible deniability, and it is more direct and clear than using a coded message so you don't have to worry about them "getting" it. You can ask what they do for work first small-talk style if you want to have more of a lead up to offering that info yourself.

It's Prager U, it's absolutely anti-trans.

It doesn't say you have to like the movie, just understand its themes.

A lot of people do not understand how much work puppies take to own and raise. They think they're just smaller cuter versions of adult dogs.

It's really frustrating when you understand this but nobody else does and everyone in your life expects you to he normal without ever compromising on anything. Trying to explain that a disability is, y'know, disabling, just gets waved away as "making excuses" no matter what. Like believe it or not, I have considered just not forgetting things, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that.

Marvel is totally shounen, it has pretty much all the hallmarks of a shounen.

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Believe it or not, I don't in fact miss 2020.

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Ai isn't interpreting anything. This isn't the sci-fi style of ai that people think of, that's general ai. This is narrow AI, which is really just an advanced algorithm. It can't create new things with intent and design, it can only regurgitate a mix of pre-existing stuff based on narrow guidelines programmed into it to try and keep it coherent, with no actual thought or interpretation involved in the result. The issue isn't that it's derivative, the issue is that it can only ever be inherently derivative without any intentional interpretation or creativity, and nothing else.

Even collage art has to qualify as fair use to avoid copyright infringement if it's being done for profit, and fair use requires it to provide commentary, criticism, or parody of the original work used (which requires intent). Even if it's transformative enough to make the original unrecognizable, if the majority of the work is not your own art, then you need to get permission to use it otherwise you aren't automatically safe from getting in trouble over copyright. Even using images for photoshop involves creative commons and commercial use licenses. Fanart and fanfic is also considered a grey area and the only reason more of a stink isn't kicked up over it regarding copyright is because it's generally beneficial to the original creators, and credit is naturally provided by the nature of fan works so long as someone doesn't try to claim the characters or IP as their own. So most creators turn a blind eye to the copyright aspect of the genre, but if any ever did want to kick up a stink, they could, and have in the past like with Anne Rice. And as a result most fanfiction sites do not allow writers to profit off of fanfics, or advertise fanfic commissions. And those are cases with actual humans being the ones to produce the works based on something that inspired them or that they are interpreting. So even human made derivative works have rules and laws applied to them as well. Ai isn't a creative force with thoughts and ideas and intent, it's just a pattern recognition and replication tool, and it doesn't benefit creators when it's used to replace them entirely, like Hollywood is attempting to do (among other corporate entities). Viewing AI at least as critically as actual human beings is the very least we can do, as well as establishing protection for human creators so that they can't be taken advantage of because of AI.

I'm not inherently against AI as a concept and as a tool for creators to use, but I am against AI works with no human input being used to replace creators entirely, and I am against using works to train it without the permission of the original creators. Even in the artist/writer/etc communities it's considered to be a common courtesy to credit other people/works that you based a work on or took inspiration from, even if what you made would be safe under copyright law regardless. Sure, humans get some leeway in this because we are imperfect meat creatures with imperfect memories and may not be aware of all our influences, but a coded algorithm doesn't have that excuse. If the current AIs in circulation can't function without being fed stolen works without credit or permission, then they're simply not ready for commercial use yet as far as I'm concerned. If it's never going to be possible, which I just simply don't believe, then it should never be used commercially period. And it should be used by creators to assist in their work, not used to replace them entirely. If it takes longer to develop, fine. If it takes more effort and manpower, fine. That's the price I'm willing to pay for it to be ethical. If it can't be done ethically, then imo it shouldn't be done at all.

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I mean logically the kind of shit that grows on your dishes isn't much better for you than the literal shit that a toilet brush would scrub out of your toilet bowl. They both contain a lot of the same bacteria, you wouldn't be much better off licking an old used plate that has been sitting in a moist environment for a few days before you put the dishwasher on than you would be from licking a toilet brush. Well made dishwashers are designed to vigorously wash and, with the right settings and detergent, sanitize everything inside them so that they are safe to eat off of. Heck the machines they use to sanitize surgical equipment are essentially fancy dishwashers. But emotionally I couldn't do it. Even if I used the best dishwasher known to man and rewashed everything multiple times, I just wouldn't be able to get over that mental hurdle.

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I feel like the title implies that cats cause schizophrenia when what's more likely is that people who have schizophrenia are more likely to like and own cats, and schizophrenia tends to run in families.

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You would think that conservatives would realize that this is a boulder that they can't keep trying to roll uphill forever, but I suppose they're not exactly known for their forward thinking.

If I had been named Triniteigh I would have legally changed my name as soon as I was old enough. That's an atrocity of a name. Some are so funny they circle back around to something that would at least be interesting to have as a name (Raddix Zephyr is dumb but in more of a fun way, and I would genuinely not mind being named Leviathan), but Triniteigh is just so, so bad.

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Lord [name], my [name], my dear [name], the one they call [name], oh great and powerful [name].

Jokes aside, one I've heard of that I liked was "misc" like miscellaneous lol. That one works a bit better in writing that verbal though.

Some other popular ones include Mx, M, Ind/Div, N/A, Mt, Nb, and many others.

For my own personal suggestion, I kinda like the idea of using "The" as a gender neutral title. Like instead of Mr or Ms Smith, it's The Smith. Has a nice ring to it lol

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Like people complain about Mary Sues, but isnt Potter himself a perfect example of a Mary Sue who is just "naturally good" at magic?

I've become very disillusioned with HP, and haven't really been able to separate it from jkr personally, but this just isn't true.

Harry is only notably good at defense against the dark arts spells, and even then he only gets good at them because those are the spells he has to put a lot of time and effort into practicing, or is forced to use on a regular basis in order to protect himself. Outside of that he's actually just kind of average at magic at best. He only masters spells that he takes the time to practice. He's almost never good at a spell the first time he uses it, or even the first few times. A lot of time and effort is dedicated to him just learning something as simple as accio.

The character who was closest to being naturally good at magic was Hermione, but that was because she was studious and actually practiced spells and magic all the time, not because of a natural talent with magic and nothing else. I don't think there was any character who was just naturally good at magic without putting in the work, except maybe Voldemort himself.

There are lots of issues with the HP books don't get me wrong, but Harry being a "Mary Sue" type character honestly isn't one of them. Even the "chosen one" aspect of his character is deconstructed when it's revealed that Harry wasn't the only option for the role, he was just the one that Voldemort went after first by chance.

Edit: Also, while JKR definitely handled the house elf thing very distastefully, Harry was never a supporter of keeping house elves as slaves. He was more supportive of Hermione's attempts at getting awareness than Ron was, and he was also sympathetic to Dobby's attempts at convincing the other house elves to defect. JKRs problem wasn't that she depicted slavery as a good thing because she honestly did try to depict it as a bad thing, her issue was not actually following through with what she set up. There were slaves in real life who wanted to stay as slaves and didn't want to be freed, because trauma and mistreatment can warp how someone feels about their own captivity, so that can be an interesting and nuanced topic to depict and explore. But instead of seeing through that plot to the end or actually addressing that concept in detail, it was like she just dropped that plot thread almost entirely after that point, so the last major development regarding house elves was "well slavery IS bad of course, but they WANT to be slaves and would be unhappy if we freed them, so what can you do šŸ¤· Dobby is just the only one smart enough to Get It". She never addressed how it was the only life they knew so their fear of the unknown was clouding their judgement, or how abuse victims are conditioned to think that they deserve or even need or want to stay where they are even if they're not actually happy (and being patronizing about them "wanting" to be slaves isn't helping them in any way shape or form either. Even Dobby felt the same way other house elves like Winky felt when Harry first met him, but his sudden freedom allowed him to protect his friend, so he started off on good terms with freedom as a concept, as opposed to Winky, who gained freedom through traumatic means instead). She didn't even address how obviously there are house elves who aren't happy being slaves (Dobby being a prolific example), and they don't deserve to remain as slaves just because other house elves have been rejecting freedom because of their conditioning/fear/trauma/etc. Or how even IF there are house elves that genuinely want to be slaves, it should be something they get to choose on an individual basis, not something forced on them as a species, etc, etc. JKR basically just wanted slaves in her world for the aestheticā„¢, but didn't want to take the time to actually address the issue in depth or portray it respectfully.

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