Yellow Peril is back in StyRule to – 1234 points –

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I mean, I'm sure China's government isn't completely innocent in this scheme either. I'm guessing that both countries play into it, on account of both countries profiting from it.

Came to comment this. Who says it's mutually exclusive?? It's both.

Like seriously, one of the most totalitarian states in the world can't stop foreign corpos from doing so much worker exploitation?

The CCP is an active participant in trying to maintain the low working condition costs that draw in manufacturing jobs, and all but openly exploit it where that offshoring leads to Chinese made products being system critical parts of modern infrastructure.

I've got to change the long term maintenance plan for a shitton of solar sites because of how they tried using Huawei infrastructure to gather adversarial data.

Literally every person I've ever heard speak about the China manufacturing status quo knows that it exists because corporations can get their work done cheaper by outsourcing to China. The entire meme is a fraud.

The entire meme is a fraud.

Which way to the meme courts?

No it's only America cease your investigations