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Joined 11 months ago

Those PVC ball valves love to seize up, best practice is to exercise them every month or so so they can't bind.

Until you replace the valve just use some channel locks to actuate it.

Omg Biden is genociding those poor poor oil executive's profit margins!

From the river to the sea, oil exec profits will be drastically elevated!

Your mouth is agape, ready to receive your foot.

Seriously though, please seek help lmao

Is anyone on Lemmy worried about socialism?

Who is this for?

Real "please clap" energy

Inb4 hexbears memory hole their dearest despot acting like a cunt.

Idk, I didn't stand for the pledge and they didn't disappear me into a white van or exile me to Cuba 🤷

Maybe, and stop me if I'm going too far here, maybe you weren't aware it isn't forced. That's fine because now you've been handed a personal account of the opposite to be true, I'm sure you will reassess you stance 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Putin says unranians don't deserve the power to light up their homes, or the power to have anything more than rubble..

Are you calling his eminence, Putin, a psychopath?

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Yea, these are the real communists, not like all those other communists, with their fake communism.

I think the impact from illegal immigration is a fraction of a fraction of the impact from letting VC 'invest' in housing.


The term "forcing" implies punishment for not obeying.

Stay mad 🤷

Classic Chinese tech co, if you can't create something on your own just download the source files and say you made it. The money spends the same after the fact, anyhow.

Maybe you can't/won't read an entire prompt before ejaculating your emotional retort?


Selling $80k electric cars and making comments like this is sort of like saying 'let them eat cake' in 1780

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I mean if a person does anything directly affecting a war (for any side) I'd say that person is a wartime volunteer.

Wartime volunteers that have taken up arms are a absolutely viable target for military strikes.

Just saying 🤷‍♂️

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I swear to god if I have another BBQ where I invite everyone, hire caterers and get a custom cake and this fucking turd slips out of his jail cell again I'm gonna flip my shit.

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A kilocapybara

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Those 'record corporate profits' seen since 2020 didn't manifest in a vacuum.

The venn diagram between voter fraud accusators and voter fraud committers is just a fucking circle.

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I don't use these services, but after learning a bit about them I have to say I'd rather pay an honest thief than one who lies about ownership ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Yea gonna go ahead and say at least 6 of these scumbags are unlawful evils.

Why WHY would Joe Biden sign off on providing Nikki Haley with PERMANENT MARKERS!

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Jingle bells

trump smells like shit

That is all.

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dominates the federation

Say it again so the kids in back can hear ye

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Don't mess with Texas, also don't visit Texas or eat anything Texas produces.

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Does pence know what justice being "left to the people" looks like?

It's fuckin' guillotiney, mate.

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If the car I own tallies onto my carbon footprint, surely the corporations owned by the billionaires enjoy the same designation.

They're no different because of what they own.

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Yea but all the information humanity has collected at my fingertips and a more diverse diet than any king in history is pretty neato.

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Is that why every Republican has the same braindead take on Ukraine?

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Big 'Comcast 10g' vibes here.

Ubisoft is consistent with being on my blocked producers list on steam.

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Someone help me, my overpriced and non-unique status symbols are fighting!

If you read the reviews for it, you can 100% beat the game in about 25-35 minutes and return it for a full refund. I was tempted to do that but I didn't want to enticed anyone else to buy it who may not play such a game on the devs.

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Noooo, no climate catastrophe here nope not even a bit. Just a vegetable vacation mhmm.

A bit redundant to say "archaic" and "Tennessee" isn't it?

I will straight up double-dog-dare them. I bet they won't, they don't have the balls.

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Lol, imagine being an apologist for a puppy murderer

Can we hold hamas (and palestine for giving them a holdout) for their war crimes, or is your logic only one-way?

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It wasn't supposed to be a landing, that's just western liberal propaganda. It was a special operation and it worked flawlessly.