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Joined 1 years ago

Funny, but also not. Just Googled because I couldn't remember:

"According to the Institute of Medicine, physician's illegible notes lead to approximately 7,000 deaths annually."

Seems unreal. Even if it was half that...that's a lot of people. If I was getting prescribed drugs, I want it LEGIBLE. Typed up would be great. I just don't trust that shit, and neither should any of you.

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I can't believe you've never heard of Zoogle, Bokia, Pamsung, ACKOOO, ACKOOO2², Votorola...

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...Oh, no! Anyway. Just giving people one more reason to finally make the switch to Firefox or something different.

Google Chrome warns about disabling uBlock Origin. I warn Google Chrome that they're being a little bitch & they're going to lose users.

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Goddamn weirdo cowards. There's no reason to remove cut & dry, factual information. It's not like they posted the letter & had annotations, "We love this guy!! Yay!! Hooray, 9/11!" They were like this is from Osama, to America, here it is. There's nothing for them to be ashamed of; it's stupid that they are.

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Lockout/tagout at home

...this is how people outside the industry learn what's going on, possible explanations for it. 🤨 Otherwise everybody's just perpetually in the dark.

Also, he didn't say anything bad about UPS, just a bad part of bad software.

It's the hottest Apple iPhone yet!!

Cool, so he's probably going to die soon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It is, indirectly, a cause of a common fetish: a nice, deep, bass-filled voice. Lots of women appreciate that.

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Imagine being so fucking stupid that you rape women, record the rape on a shitty smartphone, and you actually think that video works as blackmail...against the women. Alright, bet. Maybe it does, but the premise is just absurd.

"You stop talking about us being pieces of shit, or we'll widely share documented evidence of us being pieces of shit."

Take every man in the video, and the guy recording. Line them up. Shoot them in the head. Oh and be sure to record it on a shitty smartphone, or don't, nobody cries when an asshole dies.

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Maybe it was another dolphin. They don't report dolphin-on-dolphin violence.

Gets one thinking. A Pringles can or other similar cylinder of size would be fucking brilliant for a controlled sling, expelling its contents at a target. Centrifugal force & whatnot. Over the shoulder, snap the can forward & down.

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Also not sure about a name, but in Greek mythology, there's Daedalus. He built a massive maze, which was then used against him to imprison him & his son. Daedalus crafted wings out of feathers & beeswax to escape the island of Crete, but his son Icarus flew too close to the sun. Melting the wax, destroying the wings, and drowning in the sea.

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We believe there is a biological sex difference. I've been hearing this for about 8 years, Google it. They say the x chromosome is coded for more immune system boosters; women have 2 & men, obviously, have just the one. They also think testosterone, while excellent for daily tasks & power, might lend some immuno-suppressant qualities.

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PayPal has zero scruples...period. They've gone downhill, I don't trust them anymore & I deleted my account.

Reading the article, it actually does look pretty bad. Filter media containing asbestos, used to be make chlorine. Brake pads, that are made to wear away into dust, asbestos dust??

I agree with twinkle, technically it's all about the proper application, but my god. Probably shouldn't put it in brake pads, I know asbestos is a wonder material, but the whole issue is creating airborne dust.

Fossil fuels can't be banned overnight; I am pro-renewables, but we're just not there for freight/ag/rural/heavy industry. We can probably start getting enough city people on electric. The tech will continue to get better. Gotta walk before you can run.

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Patriot Power is real, and it really sucks. It's the solar power offerings through 4Patriots, weak-ass off-brand Chinese batteries & weak, overpriced solar panels. The only good things 4Patriots offers is survival food & sun kettles.

There are plenty of people on the right who would love energy independence, but problems include cost, infrastructure, and implementation. I'm team solar panel/nuclear power, but every few years...the solar panel tech gets way better than it EVER was. So when is the right time to plunk down tens of thousands of dollars?? It's just now starting to get really good.

Wind turbines are also getting much better. And it's about damn time.

The biggest financial problem is energy storage solutions, spend $5-10K per battery, and have it lose 40% of its effectiveness after 5 years?? Yeah, no thanks, I'm not an idiot.

But we're coming up with (ACTUAL, WORKING, COST-EFFECTIVE) solutions for that problem, too. Sand, gravity, and waterfall batteries.

All this to say, the technology is just now starting to get serious traction & legs under it. ¯\(°_o)/¯ It's not ready...until it's ready. The 'greenest' things we can do, right now, involve reducing our usage & upping our efficiencies (via new windows/doors, insulation). That's the smart money.

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Dancing in jeans & a baseball cap. Manahel's terrorism offence, uploading pictures of herself with her head uncovered.

Sounds like Saudi Arabia is a shithole country.

I have seen just lots of trash, but honestly I'm not one to talk.... I've seen house numbers hidden from view by decorations, often wreaths. Basically: Merry Christmas! Go fuck yourself.

There was one lady that had probably a hundred+ boxes on her front porch, stuff gets ordered & apparently never taken in. Old, molded boxes. You just add to the pile & walk away.

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I call bullshit on the claim it's "because of how bullying cases were handled". Looks pretty straightforward, racist AF to me.

And even if that were true, or more likely he was a racist dickhead, either way: if he had such a big problem, if he wanted to don't have to publicly cross the stage at graduation. Not that he's smart enough to reason this out. But crossing the stage is a privilege, it is public recognition, it is a community event. The graduate need not be compelled to participate; she could have received her diploma in the mail (like most do, anyway) & stayed home.

Although judging by the girl's reaction, her father was acting off-the-cuff, alone, and without her knowledge. I'm hoping that's the case. Racism is fucking stupid.

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Chinese Communist Party's....anti-corruption drive. Next up, we've got prostitutes fucking for virginity. 🤪

FTR, IIRC he did not try & he actively went around some (stupid) people that got in the way of the killdozer. He wanted to level buildings, property of all the people that he felt "wronged him". He was stopped only when the killdozer fell into a basement, foundation & he was embarrassingly stuck like a Roomba. He then took his own life, with the gun that had precisely 1 bullet in it.

Now I don't like this man being made out to be some kind of hero; this, too, is inaccurate. Truth is, he was a shitty businessman who was offered a lot of money to evacuate his property, make room for another development, which he accepted. And then changed his mind like a little bitch. Then he tried to get more money & was denied. Then he was railroaded via eminent domain because of course, he fucked himself & now had this property with much lower value & idk no good entryway or something (JFGI). Then he liquidated all his earthly possessions & built this killdozer...again, because he was a butthurt, greedy little bitch that went back on his word & rejected good destroy properties. But not kill people.

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Noooo I forgot about Mr. Hands 😂😭

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SyncJesus is back from the dead, yo

It spreads very slowly.

Hilarious, and this obviously needs to be in shirts that go hard.

That's terrible! Where?

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I also regret buying a suped-up laptop, big waste of money! But the latest regret is probably the Manscaped Lawn Mower 5.0 electric clippers. For your balls. Idk maybe I'll have to read/work with it more, but it doesn't seem to cut the hair so much as it tugs & pulls the hair. Which is every bit as delightful as it sounds.

Honorary mention, the Fugoo Tough XL Speaker....amazing, booming sound quality in a small package. Expensive. Then that battery life eventually drops like a stone & it's not good for much.

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Yeah, probably.


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It didn't have to be an evil fuck. Could have just been an ignorant fuck. "Do not attribute to malice what can easily be explained by ignorance".

Disregarding what we know now: it would be great to have an exfoliating bead that didn't break down or decay. I used it, sometimes, and it worked well for its intended purpose. We just didn't think anything about it, and they probably didn't, either.

I mean goddamn good on him. He better not drink any tea that he's offered. 😬 This will be interesting to watch.

I get the whole propaganda thing, but this is really, really bad. He & his family are entirely too close; they need to quickly be disappeared into a witness protection program before they just, you know, die.

Nobody cares about Biden. Especially now. It is, technically, a Republican advantage if Biden stays in the race as the official Democrat candidate.

OP sjmarf, I tried to feel you out a bit, hard to get a read on your age based on your comment history. But I gather you live in the UK. Idk if you've always lived there, or immigrated.

I was a younger American at the time of 2009 Inauguration, but I can tell you the general feeling in the air that day: fucking excitement. It was truly electric; whether you were for or against Obama, you're just kind of forced to take a few steps back & go... Wow. America has officially elected a black President. It was unprecedented, it was almost kind of strange because you've got people always screaming about how racist America can be. But there we were. Obama was handsome. Charismatic. Hell, if I were in town, I probably would have been there, too. Just for the sheer spectacle of it all & witnessing history unfold.

Going from that to another white (/orange) man taking the office, kinda old hat, kinda business as usual. I'm telling you, there's simply no honest way to compare the two events.

I also want to take a moment & say thank you for your content creation & possibly upkeep on the Lemmy platform. I had to filter out your posts, there's so much material you've contributed. Thanks. 👍🏻

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That's interesting. I avoid I'm not seeing what you're seeing. I think my balls get a bit of a smell after a day, but like a nice, mild balls smell. My pits, man, my fucking pits...they go rancid in about a day's time, definitely in 2-3. Simply stating as a matter of fact, gotta deal with my pits before my balls.

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The poll/voting process is flawed & I don't like that.

That said, idk, I'm a blue collar working adult & the aux/wired connection isn't a necessity in my daily life. I can often, if not always, blast my music on an Ion loudspeaker. Car has Bluetooth. Home, I've got Bluetooth.

But that's just not the point for me; my phone has an aux port & I rarely use it. Used it to connect headphones on a walk last week. It's nice & I like having the option. Getting rid of it was purely an anti-consumer move, so needless, and obviously they can build it into the phones without detracting from battery or taking away from water resistance. Everything I've heard justifying removing aux is either a lie or an excuse.

He's 21 years old & also he's gotten a lot of fame. We can't expect lots of great wisdom from him.

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There's the classic shower beer, and that's actually really fun. Like others said, be careful & if you want to be extra cautious, aluminum cans only or poured into a stainless steel vessel.

When I was a fat little teen, I somehow heard the idea of eating potato chips in the shower. I tried it & it was oddly satisfying. They were Ruffles. I only did it once or twice total, it would be kind of weird to do all the time.

Shower beers, however....always a good idea.

Your thoughts are interesting, but I always presumed it was just a simple tribute of sorts. Like you said, Land-O-Lakes, beautiful, natural scenery of America...accompanied by a beautiful Native American woman.

Now take the product itself, like you said, make it make sense. Ehh. Maybe you just can't. They wanted a mascot & instead of a smiling cow or potato, they chose a woman. Sex sells!

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