0 Post – 164 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sorry but who the fuck attends the "Bored Ape Conference"?

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I'm proud to say I am 3 months smoke free, after 15 years smoking without a break!

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The article is 2 months old..

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There is no such concept as "groceries getting bagged for you" in Germany. I have a backpack with me where I put my groceries.

Regarding your question, yes have a strategy.

The basic order on the belt is heavy to light items, so that the heavy things such cans or glas bottles go to the bottom, light stuff like yoghurt and eggs at the end of the belt so they come on top of the other groceries.

Of course this is not fixed, as light but bulky items may get a prioritized place on the belt. The worst thing that can happen is that you have to repack your backback.

However this is not all. As our cashiers are usually professionals, you will need to stategically slow them down, you want to avoid the shameful and pressuring looks of your successors. I do that by putting items inbetween the other stuff on the belt that have to be counted or weighed, such as pastry and vegetables. This gives you time to pack your stuff or rearrange in case you made mistake a step earlier.

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Bruh what's wrong with this comment section

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My impression is that at least in Germany it's very rare to get a straw in a restaurant at all. It's usually fast food places, bars and clubs where straws seem to be a thing, and these places usually don't offer metal cutlery.

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Who the fuck downplays a death with other deaths? Hamas fucking invaded that festival and killed people like barbars. They are terrorists, islamic extremists on top. Why can't people just condemn this act? Who the fuck thinks this kind of attack is a legit reaction on the situation in Gaza?

At least put some actual numbers and post some facts. By your calculation all people in Gaza would be dead within less than 2 years, assumed everybody who lives there is a kid.

Lemmy and especially the world news community is crazy these days.

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That community is wild, but the discussion over Gaza over there is fucking crazy. Al Jazeera is one of their more credible sources, you can find articles from websites nobody every heard of, small blogs that state IDF soldiers are eating babies. And that is no exaggeration, that was the last thing I read before I left that community...

3,50€ for Döner in 2022 might be a Berlin thing, in other cities this price was more like 2012. A "major döner producer" is not a credible source for economical forecasting, hell it is probably one of the shittiest places to have Döner in general

Döner prices have gone up, as has everything else. Also there is no such thing as a right on having cheap meat.

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The few dots you refer to sound like the "speculation part" which I am very thankful is not included in the article. The news itself is disturbing, but your theory sounds very much like conspiracy theory. However I am open to be proved wrong, as I am not that much into israeli politics.

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It's a great thing, and I hope the industry (with motivation by EU) will follow a trend towards repairability and sustainability. However I think the most sustainable way is buying used devices.

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A CEO earns 354x the income of a normal worker in the US. It's really insane what happens over there. I'm really glad a CEO in Germany only earns 154x the income of a normal worker, much more fair over here!

I'm kidding, we are all fucked. US citizen say a ratio 6.7 would be justified, Germans say 6.3.

cross section of "IfR" users and people willing to subscribe monthly is rather small

Absolutely. I used Infinity for years now because it's open source and on F-Droid. I used it to get away from Google and the Reddit App. Donating for Infinity's developer? Sure thing. Paying money only to finance reddits API policy? For sure not.

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Michael Dow, a linguist at the Université de Montréal, wrote an article analyzing different uses of the suffix, such as the merging of "Margaret Thatcher" with "-ussy" to create the portmanteau Thatchussy.

Ok Michael

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What you say is true and I can understand it is frustrating. But I really don't know how to convince people. Convenience is king and you need to have strong political opinions to abstain. I am a nerd, but still I often need double the time to find the "alternative" way of owning things.

I recently wanted to get the Harry Potter audio books for listening on my phone. I basically had two "official" options:

  1. Buying all E-books as mp3 download for 235€
  2. Amazon Audible for 10€ per Month

You can clearly see that in reality, the industry gives you only one option - audible. For 235€ you can have 2 years of e-book subscriptions.

Maybe you would say "hey, 235€ may seem expensive but in exchange you will get to own the stuff you pay for!". The thing is: you can get the whole audiobook collection on mp3-CD for just 70€ on Amazon?

In the end I bough an external CD-ROM drive and bought the mp3-CD box used for 40€.

It's not about that stupid Audiobook or whether the price is justified. The point I want to make is that the industry makes is so hard for individuals to own things, that I almost see this as a lost battle. The way I chose, took almost 2 weeks, days of research, a frustrated lemmy post, two online orders and 2 hours time to copy the mp3s.

And the thing is, it's the same for everything else - you want to buy a vacuum cleaner? Oh better look if it comes with special cleaner bags for 30€ per bag. Let's not talk about printers.

Every little item needs so much research, only for the aspects of planned obsolescence and true ownership. We do not even talk about social or environmental aspects...

How the fuck should I expect others to spend so much time on energy on consumption things? Honestly, sometimes I am a bit envious of the people that just do not care. But only sometimes.

Sorry, that somehow developed into a rant

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I'm just speculating, but I could imagine they personfied objects and maybe transfered gender to objects that way?

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We'll find a way around it, if not go to hell YT. Apart from posters in the real world, I am living a 100% ad-free life and I'm super happy about it.

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I have to send this to the family chat, my 65 year old dad will laugh so much about this funny joke 🤣🤣🤣😂

I'm not sure if that is a sustainable model for the whole society. Pirating as a solution for everything feels like giving up to me. Also I can't pirate my vacuum cleaner.

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As an European - what in hell is an ultra-moderate?

That's true. I use LineageOS to get at least OS updates, but firmware is definitely problematic. I just wished mobile hardware would be more generic like in Desktop PCs, that would solve a lot of problems.

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Ackchually, cucumbers are berries. Cucumber and melons belong to the same family, they are kind of siblings.

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Even as a non native speaker "should of" feels really weird to me, it just doesn't make sense. Is this a mistake English speakers do as well?

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This might be a regional thing. At least in Germany, where the reformation took place, the term Christian include all groups, protestans, catholics, orthodox etc.

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Edge does a lot of things to annoy me on Windows, but this is not one. I do not think I had to change the default browser for every file type. Also the normal user would never notice this problem, as they rarely open HTML files directly.

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I want to remind you of this flow chart visualizing how the Germans worked on place 2022 (sorry for potato quality). Does that answer your question?

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I will fucking riot (that is, rant on the internet)

Spoke like a true German

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The industry:


My whole neighborhood looks like this and I fucking hate it. Sometimes I fantasize about having a giant Flex and cut every car where the sidewalk begins


When I go to the pharmacy I always ask for the cheapest generic drug product of Ibuprofen or whatever I need, it's a couple of euroes cheaper.

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At least in Germany that step is not necessary as far as I know.

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I was wondering too, it's the same guy.

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It is not unexpected, but may be a risky move as Zaluzhnyi is pretty popular among the Ukrainian society...

That's the point. This liberal vs conservative isn't even working for the US. In an international community like Lemmy it's even worse, as what people from the US define as left and right does not work for western Europe for example. In Germany liberal in a modern sense is seen equal to neoliberal, what is democrats for US is right conservative for us, what is left in Europe is communism for the US and so on, you get it.

It may work for parties on a regional level, but for individuals, forget it.


You need to add the instance too

As a non-native speaker, I assume POS != Peace of shit?

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Scalp psoriasis and "bad skin" are two very different conditions that require different therapy. For psoriasis, Betamethasone helped me the most in 20 years, and finally biologicals. However I can't get absolutely rid of it. I can recommend light clothes, so if possible no black shirts etc.

For anyone interested, I created ! a while ago, feel free to make the first post!
