
2 Post – 244 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't understand the controversy really. A graphic designer at Disney used stock photography in their design of the poster, that's pretty normal and extremely common. It turns out that whoever uploaded that stock image to the service used AI to create it, but how is that Disney's fault? I don't get it.

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Turns out people don't want their personal freedoms infringed. Who knew?

If this tape got leaked, it would literally help his candidacy. The hatred, cruelty, misogyny - it's a feature, not a bug. There was already a tape of this guy bragging about sexually assaulting women, and it didn't make a lick of difference. I can see his rabid followers salivating at the idea of hearing him say the N word on tape.

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I prefer Join Lemmy.

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South African Magician Makes $40B Disappear!

100% this. It's not that costs rose as much as it's that salaries didn't increase.

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I'm warning you! I'm serious, this is your 16th-to-last warning! Don't make me turn this car around mister!

The fact that I don't know if this is real or a joke tells you how ridiculous Musk has become.

This is a good time to remind people one of his kids is trans. What utter garbage he's turned out to be.

Hi I live in this district and was part of the recall effort. Those board members didn't have kids in OUSD schools. They send their kids to private school. I don't know where they live, but they are politically active in other nearby communities outside the district and would encourage extreme political activists that don't live in our district to come make a circus out of board meetings. Their focus was not on kids or schools. Their interest was only in chaos.

Over the last 15 years these tech leaders have led the charge to offshoring. Now they're telling us we have to work with people on the other side of the world - unless we're in the same timezone. Then we have to be "together" but separated into cubicles. Their logic makes no sense.

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Fuck all the way off back to Moscow, Mitch.

Zero shot. But it's a nice thought.

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They want to give their rebelling and unhappy user base a giant digital dry erase board to graffiti and express themselves? That will go great!

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Personally, I don't mind when ads are reasonable for a website or service I'm getting for free. I think people should get paid for the service they are providing. The problem is it always eventually gets out of control and at that point, yeah I'm going to block your ads.

I was on a website earlier today and 80% of the screen was ads. Sorry, you're getting added to my block list.

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The 14th amendment prohibits her from serving in congress. Period. Unequivocally. Are we going to start enforcing laws or not?

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I fucking dare him to follow through. Please do it. Don't wuss out Elon!

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Of all the Republican insanity, climate denial is the biggest head scratcher for me. It's denying cause and effect. And they need a planet to live on too.

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You couldn't pay me to live in Idaho. Or Florida.

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Aww geez, Rick.

What a fragile snowflake.

So the state of Texas gets to decide who is and is not an American citizen?

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I love this for him.

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Or Mastodon?

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I live in this school district and was part of the group of parents that got these board members recalled. The issue is forcing educators to report it instead of trusting them to do the right thing. If they have a good relationship with the parents and know it's for the best to tell them what is happening with their student, or if they suspect there's something going on in the home where it's better for the student to keep their confidence, the decision should be up to the teacher to do what is right. These are not black and white situations. Also, regardless of anyone's opinion on the issue, the state had already made a policy, so these board members knowingly made a political decision that cost the district millions of dollars to defend in court, knowing they would lose. They didn't care, because they have no kids in the schools here. They were political activists using our kids as pawns. To the curb with that trash.

This guy's comic book super villain levels of corrupt. Bond villains have nothing on this guy. How is he not impeached?

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Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.

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You could boil down conservatism to an "astounding sense of entitlement."

What gave it away? Was it that he lost the popular vote twice?

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Mr. "Free speech absolutist" over here. LMFAO

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Miss holier-than-thou was sexually groping, and being groped in a public theater, and really enjoying herself. So yeah, that's going to stick with you when you're a public figure. LOL

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The irony of this guy wanting to disqualify someone from running for president based on the constitution.

At the recent national debate, the question was asked of the Republican candidates if they would support a convicted felon for president and almost every single one of them raised their hand. This lady's clown make up is applied a little too subtle.

Your weekly reminder that there is a minimum age requirement to serve in the senate, but bo maximum, and that needs to change.

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Not in my book.

The sad thing is this guy will light $44B on fire, probably lose 99% of it, and not even feel it.

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So he took a magic mouse amd turned it into a regular mouse?

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U/spez is copying off of Elon's homework at this point.

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What they all believe is so inconsistent across the spectrum of conservatives anyway - it was Antifa! It was the deep state! It was mostly peaceful tourists!


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