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Joined 1 years ago

Hi there!

That's very illegal in the UK and EU, oh my.

Why would anyone pay for viewing a website?

Or to put it another way,

Why would anyone pay for using a service that costs money to provide?

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Why not just open the door with the key like every car ever

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We've all agreed that when he dies it would be disrespectful to keep using Linux so we'll pack it up and switch to Windows from them on.

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But wait, wouldn't a 5 second pause on loading still be way better than sitting through minutes of adverts? :-D

Punishment my arse

"Do you still need to be allowed to decorate and modify your own home?"


What idiot pays for upgrades to a house they're just renting, Jesus wept.

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Steal. Might steal. If you're going to write an article as a journalist, have some guts and write the truth.

Tipping culture is tipping culture out of control.

You should see the insane way it's worshipped in the USA, all as an obviously thin front to avoid paying wages and giving workers rights. It's wild.

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I just want to tell you both good luck.

We're all counting on you.

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The device only gives easy access to already extremely weak/non existent security systems. That's literally it.

It's just something that's existed forever, but put into a convenient package and marketed well enough that suddenly normal people are realising how insecure their electronic systems actually are.

Kinda like how they used to make pacemakers hackable because they never thought to add any security at all. I bet many of them still don't.

Anyway, the issue lies not with this device, which can't "hack" anything with any actual security, the issue is with manufacturers making devices that literally leave the door wide open to anybody with an extremely basic electronic sniffer/cloner device. the USA. Doesn't affect us over the pond, but very important for USA users to take note.

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T his is a good reminder that if you work in ANY industry, no amount of good work, overtime, creativity, awards, or anything of the sort, can save you from the chopping block. Capitalism will ruin everything you love.


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Damn, he's admitting his company is so close to collapse that everyone will have to literally sleep on the floor there just to try to save the business?

Bold move.

Treating people as sub-human - no longer with the same basic human rights, like the right to vote, as others - just for committing a crime, is an extremely dangerous fascist road to go down.

Criminals exist, they are people, and they have as much right to take part in the democratic process as anybody else. Equality is the cornerstone of democracy.

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Reddit's search engine is notoriously awful, if I wanted to find something on Reddit I would Google it with in the query, that gets great results.

As for Tik Tok, isn't that a short video site? Its very popular and clearly good at what it does, but how can I search it for a Wikipedia article, or a rotten tomatoes review of a film I'm interested in, or bus timetables, or opening times for a local store, or helpful coding solutions, or wiring diagrams for circuits, or converting values or translating text, or any of the many, many more things I use Google for every day.

On a personal note, while I've sold my soul to one or two major western corporations, I'm never going to willingly provide the Chinese government with any more information about me than it may already have. Certainly not about to start directly informing them of my searching or video watching habits.

Nor will I ever support their genocides and many other human rights violations and evil cruelties if I can avoid it. Tik Tok isn't just some hip new app that's cool to use, it's an evil fascist government's tool for surveillance and control.

Crazy thing is, I'm not even a conspiracy nut, I'm just citing a well known fact, and yet people keep using it anyway because they just don't care :-(

Or, and hear me out here, just don't use Facebook, especially if it doesn't have the features you say you need?

The internet is gigantic, there's so, so, so so many other ways to get and share information.

Let us know what country you're in, so the next time you're invaded and genocided we'll remember it's barely as important as the weather forecast.

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Okay but think of all those millions we were sending to the EU that can now be spent on the NHS!

Just like the bus said! Right guys?


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Well, they banned all the porn and destroyed their platform.

It was an intentional sabotage intended to destroy the company, yes? Nobody's stupid enough to not realise what would happen.

How does this answer the question?

I'm a little tired of this platform constantly shouting 24/7 about how we should all use Linux all the time, everything else is terrible, etc. Yes Linux is great, I use it a lot, I love it.

I don't need it constantly shoved down my throat this way though. I especially don't need it's users to act all high and mighty and shame me for daring to still use Windows.

I know the pros and cons of using both and I use both for various different tasks. When somebody asks a question about Windows, just telling them to switch their entire operating system to Linux without knowing anything about their situation or why they use the OS they use isn't answering the question, it's not even trying to answer the question.

It's just saying "you're stupid for using Windows at all for any reason, and I refuse to engage with your actual question or try to help you at all, I'm just here to tell you you're wrong, your personal life choices are bad and you should do what I do instead".

I appreciate how great Linux is, but let's not try to convert everybody to your way of life at every opportunity. Let people live their own lives and make their own choices, whether you agree with them or not, and if they ask a question, seek to answer it without shoehorning your own agenda in. That's all I ask <3

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Not knowing what a particular dish that you've never seen before doesn't make you dumb.

I have no idea what scalloped potatoes is, I've never had it. Maybe it means they bake scallops inside a potato? I have no idea. I've never had scallops either, I take it they're a type of sea food, but as I've never run into them I assume they're not for the working class.

Not everybody can live a fancy lifestyle, or live somewhere where scallops and other fancy foods are affordable for normal people.

So, when they hear of a dish with scallop in the name, it's not "dumb" to think that it may have scallops, a food they've never seen, in it.

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Normal sized cars* you mean.

Normal cars aren't small. They're just small if you compare them to the giant ridiculous trucks they have over that.

This must be nonsense. No huge company with competent legal experts are going to allow a policy of blatant personal property theft.

They're evil but they're not stupid.

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Hahahahaha no.

Besides, what makes them think I even have a government ID? I don't drive and I'd only need a passport if I had to leave the country.

Looooooooots of people don't have ID.

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But.... They're there just to free their neighbours from oppressive Nazi leadership and return them to the rule of the people, right? Wasn't that the whole reason they conducted their special three day military operation?

Right guys?

SMS are completely free? I mean yeah, they cost money back in 2009, but that was a loooooong time ago.

Wherever you are, you're being completely screwed, yeah.

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Capitalism and religion, easily the top two scams.

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Damn, reminds me of when they announced copy and paste was coming to their phones as if it was some incredible breakthrough, and yet everyone else had it on their phones for a long time already.

Now they're adding basic map features from a decade ago and have the gaul to suggest to their customers that it's new and innovative?

I wonder what other old, basic phone features Apple customers just don't have. I feel sorry for them, people playing that much for a premium device deserve better.

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The ancient halo comedy sketch thing? They weren't still making those, surely?

Could the advert revenue not be decreasing because fewer people are watching old niche Halo content these days?

Ah well either way, I wish them the best. Those videos certainly gave me a bit of a chuckle :-)

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Why 👏 is 👏 every 👏 word 👏 padded 👏 by 👏 emoticons 👏 ?

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Better not be advert breaks in the service I PAY FOR, or else I'm out.

I'm not paying anybody to serve me adverts. Ever.

Their application is already god awful, and their database is built incredibly poorly (what idiot decided that different seasons of one TV show should have entirely separate listings in the database, often making it hard to find?!).

AND, they're constantly trying to shove extra paid stuff down my throat, like something called Paramount+, in the thing I'm already bloody paying for.

I'm already at the edge of my tether with these people for their crappy service. If they introduce advertisment breaks into a service I'm paying for? That would be a direct insult, and I don't stand for that sort of thing.

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Hell yeah! My favourite space probes, those two.

I know Voy1 will lose power soon anyway, but until then keep fighting right to the end!

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Extremist fascists gonna fascist.

How exactly does Lemmy remain in compliance with laws regarding, for example, a user's right to have all data associated with their account deleted (right to erasure, etc), or ensure that it is only kept for a time period reasonable while the user is actively using your services (data protection retention periods, etc)?

It's not a big deal for me, just strange to think Lemmy of all places would be built to be so anti user's data rights. The user is ultimately the one that decides what is done with their information/property, after all.

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You gotta swap out your nostrils for yestrils

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Why would electrical cables be biologically designed? They don't evolve, they're man made.

What idiot out there thinks that iPhone is birthed from some sort of biological design womb?

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They will? Or they're considering it?

Two very very different things.

Not really putting them "into" their cheese, just the labels that bind with their outer casing of the cheese wheel. Still neat.

They are being placed on the casein label, a food-safe label commonly used in cheese production, which is placed on the cheese wheel.

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When I visited the USA, I was shocked at the number of clearly not sane people that were wandering the streets, shouting at things only they could see in their minds, etc.

Those are just the visibly mentally ill people, a vast number of others go under the radar.

In my country I've seen people like this maybe twice in my entire lifetime, in the USA I saw a dozen over a 6 month period. It was WILD. It's something you should expect to almost never see in your lifetime, if you're seeing it with any regularity? - There's something very wrong.

These people need to be in mental healthcare, be it a mental hospital for those in most serious condition, or varying levels of care and assistance further down.

But... They don't have a functioning healthcare system in the USA, let alone mental healthcare. All they have really are private companies acting like vultures picking at the dying masses pulling cash and misery out of them.

They're the richest failed state I've ever seen. The wide dissonance between their existence as a functioning first world nation and their existence as a state with a deeply crumbling failed interior that's only further falling apart year after year is kinda wild.

I really hope they can have a bit of cultural and societal revolution and right the ship, there are so many wonderful people there and so much to fight for.

But I think for all their supposed cultural love of fighting for their rights and freedoms, they're just too oppressed by the rich and the powerful to organise and fight for a better nation :-(

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