For Puma sightings you’ll have to go straight to their site now as Rooster Teeth moved Red vs Blue off YouTube citing decreasing ad revenue. to – 219 points –
Rooster Teeth pulls Red vs. Blue and other shows from YouTube

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The ancient halo comedy sketch thing? They weren't still making those, surely?

Could the advert revenue not be decreasing because fewer people are watching old niche Halo content these days?

Ah well either way, I wish them the best. Those videos certainly gave me a bit of a chuckle :-)

I believe I saw they were still making them recently.

Also they may be talking about ad revenue per view, which would take into account decreased viewership

I think the most recent season was supposed to be the last, though they're sunsetting a lot of things these days (RIP Achievement Hunter) so I could easily be confused.

The final season™ is in production now after a couple year hiatus.

Main storyline ended back in like 2014 iirc, then they had an anthology non-Canon season of a bunch of different animation styles which was really neat, and then like 3 seasons of weird virtual production unreal engine stuff that I don't think is Canon?

Either way it's still being made, but it's the end. Allegedly.