2 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Press X (formerly Twitter) to Doubt

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It wasn’t until they ported about 70% of Skyrim Together’s revered code to the Starfield project, though, that they bumped into a problem: “This game is fucking trash.”

“I didn't realize this until after I actually started playing the damn game a week after launch,” they say. “The game is boring, bland, and the main draw of Bethesda games, exploration in a lively and handcrafted world, was completely gone.

The modder started working on it before playing the game. It's kind of funny in a way, but also cool that they wanted to give people multiplayer ASAP.

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A single row of ads would be ok, but having this many plus an ad showing up first, where the search results should be... Oof

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You can be against an immediate global threat without being against better conditions for your country. One does not exclude the other. Nuance and priority.

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Thanks for the screenshot

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Every time I see this sign I feel disgusted

Just because the dude wants to rule as God on earth doesn't mean you can't have a nuanced, neutral view on him! /s

Is this... Is this real?

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I heard about that too. The technology produced there is too valuable to be left to invaders.

Ah, nostalgic! I loved the Firefox OS! I even preached about it to family and friends. Good times.

Unfortunately it never felt like a finished product.

"I'm a free speech absolutist. I believe my words are absolute"

What, no love for the Ad Store?

I hadn't even heard of it!

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Damn. I don't even know what to say. That's so fucked up...

Ew Linus

You're a cool OP. Have an upwardpointingarrow, sir or madam

Get lost

A little from column A, a little from column B...

Just download a car

Pre-signed. Can't wait for the release!

The quick fix is much appreciated, thank you and everyone that helped for your hard work!

Be gay, do crime

The Last of Us.

It's very linear and short to the point most of that sense of wonder goes away immediately after you finish it once.

Also being a horror game, the more you play the less scary it is.

The big moments hit really hard the first time around, but then that's kinda it. Still love it though.

If big!

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I did a quick search and found this:

Not sure how helpful that can be. You should report it to the FBI just in case. They may be able to pass that information along to the Interpol or something.

Honestly I'd love the power of being able to see any point in space and time. To witness the birth and death of stars and look around alien shores. To peek at the absurdity of the diversity of life eons before human history.

I'd probably go mad pretty fast but hey, it'd be pretty neat.

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I'm a bit informed about the current situation actually. It's just that the reason behind this law in particular is just... Comical...

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Can't be promoted to player either

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Most people will never question Google or Meta's data harvesting while using their apps, but I'm sure you know this already.

The issue with offering me money directly for personal information is that I'd immediately nope away because that sounds like a scam or something malicious.

I think you could've worded that better, but even then, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since you don't exist before you're born, so "negative lifespan" is a weird thing to say.

But fun fact, genetically female babies develop all their egg cells while still inside the womb, so at some point the egg cell that became you was inside your grandma.

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Trump is openly talking about instating fascism in the US. If he's elected he'll be a puppet king under Putin's command.

I wish I didn't

Beware, I heard he's a bold one!

2118 is still in the future!

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I hope to see more and more people doing this

Hey, everyone else already told everything I thought about saying, but I wanted to comment just to wish you strength. Take one day at a time, ok? Been there, and I know how hard it can be, but it gets better. It takes time, but it gets better.

Ira vehementi. Estuans interius Ira vehementi...

I think Google underestimates how much I hate ads. I'll gladly take the black screen, thank you.