1 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The bird will live on in cities: skylines 2

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This looks like an AI generated image

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My god, I now realize that when I was on reddit it was just super depressing posts about horrible events, on lemmy its actually ppl having fun

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Imax film is some of the highest resolution formats we have it's like 16k resolution, and using that for a projector gets ya some really good quality.

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Man, it feels amazing that in going into urbanism, literally doing projects at school that has to do with redesigning a district to be more balanced, and less car centered.

My city recently rewrote literally the book on streets and its sooooo much more pedestrian friendly and it's awesome to think that I'll be working to fix my city up when I graduate

The rich demographic in artists is as much as any demographic of people, they are not the majority, ever heard of the "struggling artis" stereotype.

Art is a form of communication, and automating it so heavily takes the beauty out of it, it's as if you didn't have to text your friends and loved ones cause an AI knows exactly how you would reply, so you and your friends don't really interact through text. It takes away the fun of interacting with the other.

Also think of it without the emotional part, why aren't we automating all the hard labor and leaving humans to do the art? How things are going, the common person is gonna just be left to be able to earn a living by doing infinitely repetitive and emotionless tasks. Fundamentally, that sounds like a horrible way to live, and you should also be disgusted by the potential if AI is removing what fulfillment we are able to have as people.

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I'd love to be able to dance and do art for fun! Wow that'd be awesome, but in the real world people have to make money to pay for their living.

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I'm half human and half human

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Didn't know bout the desktop apps, awesome!

Mfw when I fell asleep during the 30 seconds of sight as a blind man.

The correct way to put the title is "HBO's Game of thrones was nearly destroyed by limiting access to it through high subscription costs for their platform."

Yeah, no one has a problem with small indie groups doing early access, aka terraria, rimworld, factorio, minecraft. It's about keeping expectations in check and having a good fun base game.

They'll X the proposals before they even see all of it, just like in the show lol

Couldn't a company be easily be hacked if someone put a monitoring program in a usb and just casually drops it near the entrance of an office?

Employees might be curious enough to try plugging it in.

Angle at 76.5 is to Heil Hitler 0.0 Careful when calling a taxi, cause Hitler might show up if you aren't!

Baldurs gate 3

What's so good a out outer wilds? What's so appealing?

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For me, I have to keep working otherwise if i take a break i know my shit will fall apart, but atleast i got my favorite games to come back to once i do have the moment of free time.

Vintage story <3

Great home

Frfr, hate on them high billys

Wtf, that sounds horrible, most of people want to be paid more for their work so they can live fulfilling lives, not have part of their paycheck taken away from them. Just pay your employees more, whether through capital or shares of the company. That's what motivates people.

Now burning the wood from the boat is really effective at keeping us warm but until an alternative is found we will keep using the boat that we are all in to get through this cold patch of ocean.

Actually fuck no, it'd be, "we gotta keep using the fire to keep us entertained since we are all bored here in the ocean"

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Send pic of ur world!

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There is a lot in the game gotta admit

They are just rlly hard to catch, they run rlly fast /s

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Plan was always 2 steps forwards 1 step back

Rule 7 of the pirate code. Hold your mateys hand, it'll keep them from falling off the ship.

When you get headaches is cuz the AI is flashing light into your brain to examine how your brain is doing in the simulation

Mexican approved, will bean

Architecture was moved to a STEM field in 2019. I haven't had trouble with math, but due to the lack of exposure to it in architecture, I didn't do good on the math exam needed for stem fields lmfao

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I don't get it x.x

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I wanna do this but for windows, and if its possible, how much would it impact my cpu usage? X.x

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Sheeple, how dare you regurgitate other people's opinions smhhh. /s No idea bout what she wrote about ngl, I'll check out a quick summary tho

Can confirm these are absolute bangers

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I like cnbc's obsession of trains and public transport tho

I'm gay

Looks like skyrim but in space and also its just a shittier space explorer than no man's sky

He got that lemmy gold

I wanna enjoy the things out there and maybe make more things that other people can also enjoy too.

Might as well have fun c: